Contraception, 41, 93, 149-50,
Brothel model
of social control and sexual use,
Corea, Gena, 181#, 187#
Counterculture, 9 1 - 9 7
Crawford, Alan, 142#
Bryant, Anita, 23, 2 6 -2 9 , 40 -4 3
Creationism, 142#
Butler, Josephine, 182—83
Creative intelligence, 50-52
as o ff limits, 4 8 - 4 9
and poverty, 170
(Russell and Van de Ven),
and right-wing Jew s, 140
contraception “killing, ” 233»
Zawadski), 72
effects o f bringing each to term,
1 7 1 -7 2
legal rights of, 151
Darwin, Charles, 142»
male and fertilized, 7 4 -7 5
David (Hebrew king), 134, 137
and Right to Life groups, 193
Death, 1 8 - 1 9
in vitro fertilization of, 192
abortion and, 104, 105
Elderly, the,
homosexuals as w orthy of, 111,
Eliot, George, 39
Employment, suitable, 167
o f minorities, 9 8 -9 9
Epithets used against women,
racism and, 155
199 -2 0 2
solution o f religion to not want