Literacy, 46-49
force in, as containable, 103
Lot, 131-32, 134
forced sex in, 85
sex; Intercourse)
in male-dominant model, 210-12
M. Morgan, 25-26
M. Morgan’s definition of, 25
and mothers of girls of the sixand Right’s promise, 22-23
ties, 100-2
Lovelace, Linda, 63
rape in, 57-60, 77-78, 79»,
Lubitsch, Ernst, 188
85-86, 231-32
Lynching, 124
right-wing women view of, 68,
69, 105
McGovern, George, 99
Stapleton, 23-25
Machiavelli, Nicolo, 29
and women on welfare, 167
MacKinnon, Catharine A., 30», 39
as women’s work, 63-65, 67-69
Mailer, Norman, 18, 37, 41-43,
Marx, Karl, 111, 136, 141, 142,
88, 189
Maimonides, 109, 130
Masturbation, 41
Male dominance
Medicaid, 88, 99
“biological origins” of, 46
among Hebrews, 128-31,
Millett, Kate, 63, 65, 183»
intercourse to maintain, 83-85
(Bryant), 26, 27
Jews, Christian Right and, 139,
sex and, 176
as leading to death, 144
producing lust for forced sex,