Monroe, Marilyn, 17-18
Moral intelligence, 52-55
and welfare system, 163-73
Moral sensibility, 206-8
Moralism, 52 -5 4
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 43, 142
Morgan, Marabel, 23, 25 -2 6 , 28,
Nightingale, Florence, 38, 45, 52
40, 43, 56, 233
Nixon, Richard M ., 99
Morgan, Robin, 60, 9 5 -9 6
Nursing homes, 153-56, 172
Moses, 137
O ’Brien, Tim, 174
Old, the, 172
employable, 163
in nursing homes, 153-56
in farming model, 174-75,
as primarily female, 15 1 -5 4
Old Testament,
life, motherhood and, 206
motherhood, respect and, 143
motherhood as new branch of
Ozick, Cynthia, 41
female prostitution, 18 1-8 8 ,
19 1-92
sexual liberation of, 100-2
Panama Canal Treaty, 2 9 -3 0
surrogate, 181
Paul, 110, 125-27, 135-38
value of women as, 143
Phallus, marriage and, 40
Piercy, Marge, 95
Piven, Frances Fox, 162, 167
Planned parenthood, 41 #-42#
abortion as, 99
Poe, Edgar Allan, 14
abortion and fear of, 74-75
Population control, 148-51