of sexual intelligence, 55
Pornography, 103, 197, 223
liberation movement and apologists for, 2 19 -2 0
National Commission on the Obin sex-class system, 226-27
servance o f International
of woman-superior model o f anti
Women’s Year, 113
feminism, 20 8 -12
National Organization for Women,
(Dworkin), 122#—23#
Pound, Ezra, 136
National Women’s Conference
Poverty, 163-73
(1977), 31, 1 1 2 -1 9
Nationalist hatreds, 121
differential in, as kind of force,
Native Americans, 155
Nazism, 114#, 122, 142#, 148-49,
intercourse to maintain male,
Nellis, Muriel, 156, 157
Male dominance)
New Testament,
(Schlafly), 33
29#, 154, 155
as cause o f battery, 143
as consequence o f submission, 79
in counterculture, 93-94
antifeminist view of, 217-18
drugs and, 157
as better than masturbation, 42
forced, 59, 87, 223
comfort in normalcy of hetero
Nietzsche on, 142
sexual, 32
as reason to refuse intercourse,