Woman as Victim:
sion to kill herself and receives it. Q . E. D., pornography
is never big on plot.
O f course, like most summaries, the above is somewhat sketchy. I have not mentioned the quantities o f cock that O sucks, or the anal assaults that she sustains,
or the various rapes and tortures perpetrated on her by
minor characters in the book, or the varieties o f whips
used, or described her clothing or the different kinds o f
nipple rouge, or the many ways in which she is chained,
or the shapes and colors o f the welts on her body.
From the course o f O ’s story emerges a clear mythological figure: she is woman, and to name her O, zero, emptiness, says it all. Her ideal state is one o f complete
passivity, nothingness, a submission so absolute that
she transcends human form (in becoming an owl). Only
the hole between her legs is left to define her, and the
symbol o f that hole must surely be O. Much, however,
even in the rarefied environs o f pornography, necessarily interferes with the attainment o f utter passivity.
Given a body which takes up space, has needs, makes
demands, is connected, even symbolically, to a personal
history which is a sequence o f likes, dislikes, skills,
opinions, one is formed, shaped—one exists at the very
least as positive space. And since in addition as a woman
one is born guilty and carnal, personifying the sins o f
Eve and Pandora, the wickedness o f Jezebel and Lucre-
tia Borgia, O ’s transcendence o f the species is truly
T h e thesis o f O is simple. Woman is cunt, lustful,
wanton. She must be punished, tamed, debased. She
gives the gift o f herself, her body, her well-being,
her life, to her lover. This is as it should be —natural
Woman Hating
and good. It ends necessarily in her annihilation, which
is also natural and good, as well as beautiful, because
she fulfills her destiny:
As long as I am beaten and ravished on your behalf, I
am naught but the thought of you, the desire of you,
the obsession of you. That, I believe, is what you
wanted. Well, I love you, and that is what I want too. 2
Then let him take her, if only to wound her! O hated
herself for her own desire, and loathed Sir Stephen
for the self-control he was displaying. She wanted him
to love her, there, the truth was out: she wanted him
to be chafing under the urge to touch her lips and
penetrate her body, to devastate her if need be. . . . 3
. . . Yet he was certain that she was guilty and, without
really wanting to, Rene was punishing her for a sin