rocks. The harshest treatment was meted out to prostitutes. Nails were driven through their hands and feet; they cried aloud for several days before expiring.
One form o f torture was to tie-up a woman so that her
legs dangled in midair and place bricks around each
toe, increasing the weight until the toes straightened
out and eventually dropped off. 11
One asks the same questions again and again, over
a period o f years, in the course of a lifetime. The questions have to do with people and what they do — the how and the why o f it. How could the Germans have murdered 6, 000, 000 Jews, used their skins for lampshades, taken the gold out of their teeth? How could white
people have bought and sold black people, hanged
them and castrated them? How could “Americans”
have slaughtered the Indian nations, stolen the land,
spread famine and disease? How can the Indochina
genocide continue, day after day, year after year?
How is it possible? Why does it happen?
As a woman, one is forced to ask another series of
hard questions: Why everywhere the oppression of
women throughout recorded history? How could the
Gynocide: Chinese Footbinding
Inquisitors torture and bum women as witches? How
could men idealize the bound feet o f crippled women?
How and why?
T h e bound foot existed for 1, 000 years. In what
terms, using what measure, could one calculate the
enormity o f the crime, the dimensions o f the transgression, the
vocabulary, could one penetrate to the meaning, to the
reality, o f that 1, 000-year herstory?
Here one race did not war with another to acquire
food, or land, or civil power; one nation did not fight
with another in the interest o f survival, real or imagined; one group o f people in a fever pitch o f hysteria did not destroy another. None o f the traditional explanations or justifications for brutality between or among peoples applies to this situation. On the contrary, here one sex mutilated (enslaved) the other in the interest o f the
Consider the magnitude o f the crime.
Millions o f women, over a period o f 1,000 years,
were brutally crippled, mutilated, in the name o f
Millions o f human beings, over a period o f 1, 000
years, were brutally crippled, mutilated, in the name
o f beauty.
Millions o f men, over a period o f 1, 000 years,
reveled in love-making devoted to the worship o f the
bound foot.
Millions o f men, over a period o f 1, 000 years, worshiped and adored the bound foot.