lost her soul as part o f the bargain. And, needless to

say, it was the Church, not the Devil, which took her life.

Once the neophyte made the decision for the

horned god, she went through a formal initiation, often

conducted at the sabbat. The ceremony was simple.

The initiate declared that she was joining the coven

of her own free will and swore devotion to the master

Gynocide: The Witches


o f the coven who represented the horned god. She was

then marked with some kind o f tattoo which was called

the witches’ mark. T h e inflicting o f the tattoo was painful, and the healing process was long. When healed, the scar was red or blue and indelible. One method particularly favored by the witch hunters when hunting was to take a suspected woman, shave her pubic and other

bodily hair (including head hair, eyebrows, etc. ) and,

upon finding any scar, find her guilty o f witchcraft.

Also, the existence o f any supernumerary nipple, common in all mammals, was proof o f guilt.

T he initiate was often given a new name, especially

if she had a Christian name like Mary or Faith. Children, when they reached puberty, were initiated into the coven — parents naturally wanted their children to

share the family religion. T he Inquisition was as ruthless with children as it was with adults. T here are stories o f children being whipped as their mothers

were being burned —prevention, it was called.

T he religious ceremony, which was the main content o f the sabbat, included dancing, eating, and fucking. T he worshipers paid homage to the horned

god by kissing his representative, the master o f the

coven, anywhere he indicated. T he kiss was generally

on the master’s ass —designed, some say, to provoke the

antisodomy Christians. That ritual kiss was possibly

placed on a mask which the costumed figure —masked,

horned, wearing animal skins, and probably an artificial

phallus —wore under his tail. T h e disguise conjures up

the ancient, two-faced Janus.

T he witches danced ring dances in a direction opposite to the path o f the sun, an ancient, symbolic


Woman Hating

rite. The Lutherans and Puritans forbade dancing because it evoked for them the spectacle of pagan worship.

After the dancing, the witches ate. Often they

brought their own food, rather in the tradition of picnic lunches, and sometimes the coven leader provided a real feast. The Christians alleged that the witches were

cannibals and that their dinner was an orgy of human

flesh, cooked and garnished as only the Devil knew how.

Actually, the supper common to all sabbats was a simple

meal of pedestrian food.

The whole notion of cannibalism and sacrifice has

been stubbornly, persistently, and purposely misunderstood. There is no evidence that any living child was killed to be eaten, or that any living child was sacrificed. There is evidence that sometimes dead infants were ritually eaten, or used in ritual. Cannibalism,

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