of total paranoia —they developed the classic model for

that particular pathology which has, as its logical consequence, genocide. Their methods of dealing with the witch menace were developed empirically— they had a

great respect for what worked. For instance, when they

suspected a woman of witchcraft, they would lock her

in an empty room for several days or weeks and if any

living creature, any insect or spider, entered that room,

that creature was identified as the woman's familiar,

and she was proved guilty of witchcraft. Naturally,

given the fact that bugs are everywhere, particularly

in the woodwork, this test of guilt always worked.

Cats were particularly associated with witches. That

association is based on the ancient totemic significance

of the cat:

It is well known that to the Egyptians cats were

sacred. They were regarded as incarnations of Isis

and there was also a cat deity.. . . Through Osiris

(Ra) they were associated with the sun; the rays of the

“solar cat, ” who was portrayed as killing the “serpent

of darkness” at each dawn, were believed to produce

fecundity in Nature, and thus cats were figures of

fertility.. . . Cats were also associated with Hathor,

a cow-headed goddess, and hence with crops and

rain.. . .

Still stronger, however, was the association of the

cat with the moon, and thus she was a virgin goddess —

a virgin-mother incarnation. In her character as moon-

goddess she was inviolate and self-renewing. . . the

circle she forms in a curled-up position [is seen as] the

symbol for eternity, an unending re-creation. 29

Gynocide: The Witches


T h e Christians not only converted the horned god into

Satan, but also the sacred cat into a demonic incarnation. T h e witches, in accepting familiars and particularly in their special feeling for cats, only participated in an

ancient tradition which had as its substance love and

respect for the natural world.

It was also believed that the witch could transform

herself into a cat or other animal. This notion, called

lycanthropy, is twofold:

. . . either the belief that a witch or devil-ridden person

temporarily assumes an animal form, to ravage or

destroy; or, that they create an animal “double” in

which, leaving the lifeless human body at home, he or

she can wander, terrorize, or batten on mankind. 30

T h e origins o f the belief in lycanthropy can be traced

to group rituals in which celebrants, costumed as animals, recreated animal movements, sounds, even hunting patterns. As group ritual, those celebrations would be prehistorical. The witches themselves, through the

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