and its not so symbolic substitute, animal sacrifice, was

a vital part of the ritual of all early religions, including the Jewish one. The witches participated in this tradition rather modestly: they generally sacrificed a

goat or a hen. It was the Christians who developed and

extended the Old World system of sacrifice and cannibalism to almost surreal ends: Christ, the sacrificial lamb, who died an agonizing death on the cross to

ensure forgiveness of men’s sins and whose followers

symbolically, even today, eat of his flesh and drink of

his blood — what is the Eucharist if not fossilized cannibalism?

The final activity of the sabbat was a phallic orgy —

heathen, drug-abetted, communal sex. The sex of the

sabbat is distinguished by descriptions of pain. It was

said that intercourse was painful, that the phallus of the

Gynocide: The Witches


masked coven leader was cold and oversized, that no

woman ever conceived. It would seem that the horned

figure used an artificial phallus and could service all

the celebrants. T h e Old Religion, as opposed to the

Christian religion, celebrated sexuality, fertility, nature

and woman's place in it, and communal sex was a logical

and most sacral rite.

T h e worship o f animals is also indigenous to nature-

based religious systems. Early people existed among

animals, scarcely distinct from them. Through religious

ritual, people differentiated themselves from animals

and gave honor to them —they were food, sustenance.

There was a respect for the natural world — people were

hunter and hunted simultaneously. T heir perspective

was acute. T hey worshiped the spirit and power they

saw manifest in the carnivore world o f which they were

an integral part. When man began to be “civilized, ” to

separate himself out o f nature, to place himself over

and above woman (he became Mind, she became Carnality) and other animals, he began to seek power over nature, magical control. The witch cults still had a

strong sense o f people as part o f nature, and animals

maintained a prime place in both ritual and consciousness for the witches. The Christians, who had a profound and compulsive hatred for the natural world, thought

that the witches, through malice and a lust for power

(pure projection, no doubt), had mobilized nature/animals into a robotlike anti-Christian army. T h e witch hunters were convinced that toads, rats, dogs, cats,

mice, etc., took orders from witches, carried curses from

one farm to another, caused death, hysteria, and disease. They thought that nature was one massive, crawl­


Woman Hating

ing conspiracy against them, and that the conspiracy

was organized and controlled by the wicked women.

They can in fact be credited with pioneering the politics

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