point. My own experience is that night and day are

more alike than different —in which case they couldn't

possibly be opposite. Man, in conceptualizing, has

reduced phenomena to two, when phenomena are

more complex and subtle than intellect can imagine.


Woman Hating

Still, how is it that it is the feminine, the sexually

female, that is embodied in yin? Even patriarchy and

misogyny began somewhere. Here I can only guess. We

know that at one time men were hunters and women

were planters. Both forms o f work were essential and

arduous. Both demanded incredible physical strength

and considerable knowledge and skill. Why did men

hunt and women plant? Clearly women planted because they were often pregnant, and though pregnancy did not make them weak and passive, it did mean that

they could not run, go without food for long periods of

time, survive on the terms that hunting demanded. It

is probable that very early in human history women

also were hunters, and that it was crucial to the survival

of the species that they develop into planters — first to

supplement the food supply, second to reduce infant

and woman mortality. We see that the first division of

labor based on biological sex originated in a fundamental survival imperative. In the earliest of times, with no contraception and no notion of the place of the

man in the process of impregnation, women were invested with a supreme magical power, one which engendered awe and fear in men. As they developed skill in planting, they embodied even more explicitly fertility, generation, and of course death. The overwhelming mana of women, coupled with the high mortality which went along with childbirth, could well have led

to practices of protection, segregation, and slowly

increasing social restriction. With pregnancy as the

one inevitable in a woman’s life, men began to organize

social life in a way which excluded woman, which limited her to the living out of her reproductive function.

Androgyny: The Mythological Model


As men began to know power, that power directly related to the exclusion o f women from community life, the myth o f feminine evil developed and provided justification for laws, rites, and other practices which relegated women to pieces o f property. As a corollary, men developed the taste for subjugating others and

hoarding power and wealth which characterizes them

to this very day.

Returning to yin and yang, what is crucial is the

realization that these concepts did not originally attach

to sex. In more concrete terms, the Great Original (first

being) o f the Chinese chronicles is the holy woman T ’ai

Yuan, who was an androgyne, a combined manifestation o f yin and yang. Primacy is given to the feminine principle here (the gender o f the noun is feminine) because o f woman’s generative function.

Am ong the Tibetan Buddhists, the so-called male-

female polarities are called yabyum; among the Indian

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