wanting a repeat of Harry's upset at lunch when he couldn't find his father. As at lunch, however, Harry flung himself at Severus and hugged his legs tightly. Severus patted his son's soft, dark hair then gently cupped the back of his head. He was glad to see the boy, too, and anxious to hear how his day had gone. Not that he would say that in front of Molly Weasley or her brood, of course.

Speaking of which . . . 'This is not a playground!' he barked at the Weasley children, who were climbing on his furniture and caterwauling like monkeys.

Still clutching his legs, Harry shivered at his raised voice, and he winced inwardly. He should never forget the abuse his son had suffered through and the effect shouting could have on him. And yet, he did, constantly, much to his regret. Lowering his voice considerably, he soothed, 'It's all right, Harry. I'm not angry with you.'

The little boy's head nodded, but he shifted slightly, so that his head was now burrowed within Severus' robes, as if he were hiding. Severus was instantly concerned. Even as Molly was organizing her brood and getting them ready to Floo back home, he caught her eye.

'What happened?' he mouthed, not wanting Harry to be further upset by thinking he had done something wrong.

'Later,' she mouthed back. Her face looked pinched with worry, and when she glanced at Harry, still hiding, she shook her head slightly. Aloud, she said, 'After I've fed this lot, and gotten them settled, I'll Floocall you, all right? We can discuss plans for tomorrow.' Back to mouthing, she continued, 'Among other things.'

Severus nodded, hugging his son against him, not sure why exactly he felt the need to reassure the boy, but he was acting so oddly. Still, the boy needed to use his manners, too, so he patted Harry's head once more and murmured, 'Harry, the Weasleys are leaving. What do you say?'

With minimal movement, his son peeked at the matronly woman and his voice was soft as he said, 'Thank you for coming, Mrs. Weasley.'

She smiled cheerfully. 'You're welcome, dear heart. Perhaps we will see you tomorrow.'

Harry bit his lip, and Severus ached to pull it out from his teeth, but resisted. Then the boy's gaze flicked to the children, who had calmed down, mostly, and were milling about near the fireplace. 'Bye, Ron'n Ginny. And Fred and George.'

'See ya, Harry,' Ron said, even as Ginny turned bright red and ducked her head.

'You're good at—'

'Snitch catching, Harry,' the twins said in that odd way they had of finishing each other's sentences.

'Could be a—'

'Seeker someday!'

'All right,' Molly said. 'Go on with you. Fred and George first.'

With a bit more encouragement, Molly got her boys through the Floo, and followed them with Ginny beside her, after wishing both Severus and Harry a good evening.

Once they were gone, Severus helped Harry disentangle himself from Severus' robes and legs, and they made their way to the bathroom to wash up. Harry's hands and face were a bit grubby with dirt and . . . dog fur? Severus had thought they were going to work indoors this afternoon, on reading and writing lessons. Perhaps something had changed. Harry was very quiet while they washed up, and when they went to their dining table, shrunk now from the expanded version they had used at lunchtime to accommodate all the extra people, the boy clung to his hand, seemingly reluctant to be parted even for that short a time.

Trying to get a handle on what had happened, before talking to Molly, Severus said, 'Did you play outside this afternoon?'

'Yes, Father,' Harry said as he scooted up onto his seat, only then releasing Severus' hand. But he looked away while answering, and Severus didn't know why.

Rather than fret about why, he asked, 'Did something happen while you were playing?' Grasping at possibilities, he ventured, 'Did George try and grab

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