you again?'

A look of relief passed over Harry's face, and Severus tried to interpret the reason, even as Harry said, 'No, Father.' Then the boy folded his hands in his lap and gazed down at them.

Severus pressed his lips together in a thin line. He would get to the bottom of this one way or another, but he did not wish to upset Harry any more than necessary. Instead he tapped his wand on the table so dinner would appear, and as the dishes popped into view, he said, 'What's this about catching a Snitch?'

As expected, Harry's face lit up and he looked at Severus for the first time that evening. 'We played tag wif 'em,' he said. 'I caught the most, even though I'm littlest.'

'Ginevra is younger than you,' Severus pointed out.

Harry scowled. 'But she's still bigger. Taller, I mean.'

Having hit a sore spot, apparently, Severus responded in a chiding manner. 'Best eat lots of dinner, then, so you catch up.' He reached toward the platter of baked filets of fish and served Harry a generous portion, then did the same with the bowl of asparagus spears and the potatoes, which had been broiled with rosemary and tarragon. 'A growing boy needs plenty of sustenance. Especially if he's to be,' he suppressed his own scowl, not wanting to discourage his son from something he found enjoyable, 'a world famous Seeker.'

Glancing at his plateful of food, Harry smiled shyly. 'Thank you, Father.'

'You're welcome,' Severus replied. 'Now, eat up.'

The rest of dinner passed amicably, with Harry describing in more detail the game he had played with the other children involving Snitches, but little else about the afternoon except that he had met with Hagrid and asked about food for Treacle Tart. Severus did not press for more, figuring Harry would tell him when he was ready, or he would get the story from Molly.

Not to mention, while he listened to Harry, he was also considering what to do about the Filch problem. Severus had finished the potion that would prevent the nasty Squib from harming Harry, and would in fact bind him to the boy for a period of no less than six months. He would have administered the damned thing today, except that Albus was balking. It was unfair, the Headmaster said, for Filch to be punished so severely – beyond the removal of his arms for a month, which Albus thought had been excessive and Severus, too light of a punishment – for what had essentially been a misunderstanding.

Severus had nearly turned in his resignation right then. He had warned Albus, after all, that he would not put up with the caretaker's continued presence in the castle without there being some kind of hold on his baser behaviors. Harry had been traumatized quite enough, thank you.

But Albus promised – promised! – that he would personally monitor Filch's whereabouts and would speak to the man, again, about the fact that Harry was to be considered off limits for any interactions.

'I don't want him even looking at my son!' Severus had told him. 'At all. If he is so much as in the same room as Harry, I want him removed!'

'You're over reacting, my—'

'We've been through this, Albus. You did not see that man at the Welcoming Feast. He's planning something, or if he isn't, he will take any opportunity to get back at Harry. And I. Won't. Stand. For it.'

Albus had stared at him for a long time, but Severus would not back down. 'I understand,' he said finally, and Severus hoped he truly did.

Thus, in addition to whatever monitoring spells Albus had on the Squib, after his classes were done for the day today, Severus had added his own. They would alert him in case Filch got within a hundred feet of Harry in any direction – allowing for walls and floors, of course.

He hoped it would be enough. If not, he still had the potion.

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