'The Three Broomsticks?'

'Merlin, Albus, no. From far away. England . . . London, perhaps . . .'

'London, you say?'

'It could be. I don't know.' Daddy! Come help me, Daddy. 'It just seems far away, and Harry isn't saying anything specific, just that he needs me, needs my help . . .'

'Come, Severus.' Albus latched onto his arm. 'I believe I know where they are.' The Headmaster lit his wand with a Lumos that burned into Severus retinas it was so bright, and he almost considered batting the wand away, but then he felt the old man turn, and turned with him, so they could Apparate together.

The next moment, they were landing in a large, dark room, with Albus' wand lighting everything around them. From all around the room came the howl from a dog, the screeching hiss of a kneazle and then the cry of a young boy, yelling, 'Daddy!'

Severus dashed toward his son, heedless of everything else. The boy was in the process of hiding under a chair. The foul odor of urine clung to him -- he must have been petrified, was Severus' only thought -- and he scooped his son into his arms. 'Harry! Oh, thank Merlin, are you alright?'

''M'okay, Daddy, where did the Black man go?'

Clutching the boy tight to his chest, and covering Harry's small body with his own arms and robes, so he could not be hurt again, even by friendly wand fire, Severus spun in place quickly, seeing only a great black dog locked in combat with Treacle Tart, Harry's little kneazle, while Dumbledore looked on, seemingly confused. The kneazle spat and clawed and hissed and yowled and the dog could not get close enough to her to do anything but yelp as she swiped claws across his nose.

A sudden thought occurred to Severus. The dog -- who looked a bit too like a grim -- was Black. 'He's an Animagus, Albus! Stun him!'

Albus did.

Treacle Tart gave the large dog one last swat with her exposed claws, hissed a final time in the beast's direction, and stalked over to Harry and Severus, tail held high. Once again, she had saved his son.

Severus sat heavily on the chair, hugging Harry close and not paying any mind to the smell. 'Gods, are you alright? Are you hurt? Did he hurt you, son?' he asked the boy, seeing both tears and snot running over his lips and chin.

Harry was breathing hard, but said, 'No, no, I'm okay, sir.'

Severus' eyes narrowed in confusion. 'Sir? You know better than that.'

'But, sir?' Harry said, and new tears tumbled from his bright green eyes. 'I'm not . . . he said I'm not your son no more. He said 'cause he din't give pre'mission for you to 'dopt me.'

'Oh, Harry . . .' Severus hugged his son all the tighter, and smoothed a hand over the back of the poor boy's head, murmuring soft, soothing things, even as he glared at the pile of black fur on the floor. How could that man have said such a thing to his Harry, his sweet, loving son? But then, this was what came of not telling the boy the truth right away. Softly, he continued, 'Black didn't have to give permission. He couldn't. James was never your father. You were always mine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you when I found out a few weeks ago, but I thought you had quite enough to be going on with already.'

The tears faltered and died, and Harry gave him a quizzical look. 'I'm not 'dopted? Not even Blood 'dopted?'

'No, no, son, you are, always will be, and always have been mine. I didn't know, myself, before we did the ceremony, because your Mum set a charm on you that changed the way you looked, though only a tiny bit, and she never told me the truth, nor James, who she married after she was pregnant.' He stopped, knowing this was too much detail for this time, and for this child at his age. Although, one thing was explained, apparently. 'Because we did the blood ceremony, though, we have an even closer bond than most fathers and sons. The bond helped me find you today, because I could hear you calling for me, as your father. You are my son, Harry. Always. Never let anyone tell you differently.'

Harry nodded and clutched him in a hug with his skinny little arms, just as tightly as Severus was, as if neither of them could let the other go. 'Love you, Daddy,' the boy whispered into his chest.

'Love you, too, Harry,' Severus whispered back.

On the floor in front of them, the great black dog transformed back into a man with black hair and pure blue, haunted eyes. He was still stunned, but fat tears rolled down his cheeks as he watched Harry and his father.

To Be Continued . . .

Author's Note: For all who read and review, a heartfelt thanks and super snuggly hugs from Li'l Harry for you! This story is nearly done. I will begin Part Three soon after.

Other stuff: Whelp II has also been nominated for several awards on The Quibbler site, which makes me very happy, and I've been nominated for Best Author, too. Voting has started there, and you can check The Quibbler out via my profile.

If you want to hear more timely updates on my health, what story I'm working on, or other things HP fandom related, please consider joining my Yahoo group by copying and pasting the following address. Be sure to remove the spaces after the periods, and add two underscores: one each between the Better and Be and between Be and Slytherin.

Groups. Yahoo. com/group/BetterBeSlytherin/

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*Chapter 23*: Chapter 23

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