Whelp II -- The Wrath of Snape

Chapter Twenty-three

By jharad17

Warnings for: Language

Previously on 'Whelp II -- the Wrath of Snape':

'Love you, too, Harry,' Severus whispered back.

On the floor in front of them, the great black dog transformed back into a man with black hair and pure blue, haunted eyes. He was still stunned, but fat tears rolled down his cheeks as he watched Harry and his father.


Sudden screaming erupted from the hallway, and Albus charged out through the kitchen doorway, wand raised. Drawing his own wand whilst still clutching Harry, Severus caught several words: 'Mudblood . . . blood traitors! . . . You think . . . defiling the Noble--' before it cut off sharply.

As the old wizard returned, Severus stood, Harry tight in his arms. The boy had fallen into an exhausted sleep. Never again. He would never let Harry out of his sight again. Severus cupped the back of his son's head, which was resting on his shoulder, and raised an eyebrow to ask what the commotion had been about.

'Portrait,' Dumbledore explained.

Figures, even the portraits were ornery in Grimmauld Place. With a nod, Severus moved closer to Dumbledore and spoke softly enough that their prisoner could not hear. 'You should take him to Azkaban right away, Albus! You can add kidnapping to the list of charges against him. Maybe this time the Ministry will do what it should have in the first place and give him the Kiss!'

The Headmaster frowned. 'I would like to find out how he escaped first. Wouldn't you?'

'No!' Severus fired back, but then considered further. If Black had escaped once, he could do it again, unless they knew how to thwart him. 'Very well,' he said after a moment. 'I happen to have several doses of Veritaserum with me.'

The Headmaster's eyes widened behind his spectacles. 'Whatever for?'

'I believe in always being prepared.'

'I daresay.'

Harry stirred in Severus' arms. His forehead was etched with worry lines. A stab of remorse went through Severus. His son was too young for worry to be so pervasive in his life.

Albus went on quietly, 'I will administer the potion, if you want to take Harry home.'

He should do so; he knew Harry needed to be back in familiar surroundings as soon as possible. But he also needed to know that Black was not going to be able to hurt him again. Severus wanted to be sure that Black would be put away for good, that he could not escape to threaten them again. To do so, he needed to see it with his own eyes. He could not rely on Albus' assertions alone, not this time.

'I will remain for the questioning,' he murmured. After hitching Harry onto his hip with one arm, he removed a small vial from the inner pocket of the robe he had hastily thrown over his shoulders when they left his home a couple of hours ago. He handed the vial over to Albus and retreated to stand in the room's shadows, behind Black. Once there, he cast a flash of green light into the fireplace -- also out of Black's line of sight -- as if he and Harry had gone through the Floo. This way, Black could not unleash any of his vitriol on Harry. Or Severus.

Dumbledore cast ropes around Black's body before releasing him from the stunning spell which had knocked him over earlier. The older wizard's expression was hard, and his lack of geniality was notable. 'Open your mouth, Mr. Black.'

'Headmaster,' the convict said in a scratchy voice, addressing Albus as if he were in the man's employ, or worse, still a student! 'Please. I didn't kill them. I wasn't the Secret Keeper!'

Albus halted, the dropper of Veritaserum in one hand. He did not look at Severus, but he must have known was he was thinking. Even so, Severus pushed out his thoughts to the powerful Legilimens: Black will say anything to get away, to make you favor him again. Albus nodded slightly, and coldly said, 'That is not at issue now. Although, if you will agree to questioning under Veritaserum, you might answer to those charges, as well.'

'Yes! Of course. Anything, please.' Black's voice was clogged with tears. 'I'm so sorry. I am. Didn't know what I was doing; I'd never hurt Harry. Didn't mean to. I didn't, not ever, but he's all I have left of James,' the man blubbered, his shoulders shaking. He sniffled over and over, as if trying not to break down sobbing.

Severus was unmoved.

Apparently, so was Albus. 'Open your mouth,' he said again. This time, Black complied. The Headmaster dripped three drops of the potion on Black's tongue, then recapped the bottle. It would take about 30 seconds for the effects to take hold.

'First,' Albus said when the requisite time had passed, 'I will ask you several questions to ascertain whether the potion is working. What is your name?'

'Sirius Orion Black,' Black answered in the odd monotone people under the effects of Veritaserum used. But Black was wily; he could fake being caught under the potion's power, if he had will enough to do it and yet maintain his own ego.

'What is your mother's name?'

'Walburga Black-Black.' Though he spoke with the same monotone, Black's words were followed by a high pitched giggle. 'Daughter of Black and married a Black, black as her little black heart.'

Albus looked a little worried. Severus could understand. If Black was too crazed to answer under the serum, this would do no good at all.

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