through this. Couldn’t she? “It’ll be okay. You’ll see. She’s on her third cup of coffee. She’ll be fine by the wedding.” Charity was saying the words but she wasn’t buying any of them—and it seemed neither was anyone else. She glanced around at the faces surrounding them; Eli, Hector, Josh, Ashley, Irena, Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. Jameson, and finally, Levi. He gave her a sympathetic smile which she returned. But she had worked too hard to get these two people together to let a stupid thing like the bride being hammered disrupt things. There would be a wedding even if she had to hold the bride in place herself. She glanced again at the usually strong Raven, still staring blankly while shoving more popcorn in his mouth, and was spurred into action.

“Okay, let’s get this show on the road.” She walked over to Rose and pulled her to her feet. “Let’s take you to get dressed. Ashley, Mrs. Jameson, can you two help me?” The two women joined Charity and together they ushered Rose away.

* * *

Rose’s vision was still slightly blurred as she watched the women dress her, careful not to jerk her too hard. She wasn’t able to be of much help yet. “What was in that drink that crazy old woman gave me?” she slurred, then giggled.

              “It’s not your fault, Rose,” Ashley began, “Grandmammy makes the strongest moonshine anywhere around, and she loves to share it with any willing body that she thinks might have an ailment.”

              Rose studied this Ashley girl. She was very cute, with short, blonde, cropped hair, and she was pregnant as well, although not as far along as Charity. She remembered hearing that Josh, Levi’s beta, and Ashley were having a little girl. They were naming her Glorianna. Glory was for what they felt God deserved for blessing them, and Anna, Charity’s middle name, was a way to honor her best friend, a name Ashley said she always loved. As Rose continued to study her, she decided that she definitely liked this girl. After all, she was helping her into her panties, all the while chatting animatedly about something completely irrelevant. This girl was perky beyond reason, but she still liked her.

              “So, do you guys know if vampires can have babies?”

              The question obviously caught them by surprise based on the way they were looking around at each other. Charity was the one to answer. “Well, you see, Rose. Umm, actually, no. I’m sorry, but they can’t have children.” She said frankly.

              Rose shrugged. “Thanks for being honest with me.”

              “Rose,” Charity began, “you and Raven have a special love and connection. You have been gifted with each other. Some people never have that. Try to focus on that. Okay?” She smiled and squeezed Rose’s hand.

              This touched Rose deeply. “Okay. Thanks, Charity. I appreciate that.” She started giggling again. “Did you know I used to be jealous of you? I thought Raven was in love with you. I still think he has strong feelings for you that even he doesn’t truly understand.”

              “Well, there is only one woman for Raven, and it’s you, Rose. He loves you very much. He would do anything to protect you. I hope you know that.”

              The mood had turned serious, but Rose did know that what Charity spoke was the truth. Raven would die to protect her. She knew that if she didn’t know anything else.

            Chapter Twelve

The music began, and by the time her father took her gently by the arm, and planted a sweet kiss on her cheek, Rose was finally sober enough to walk straight. She would have to remember to steer clear of that strange Grandmammy Goodfeeling. She peered over and spotted the woman seated by the back. She quickly smiled a strange, toothy grin. Was something wrong with her dentures? She thought they looked as if they didn’t fit quite right. Someone cleared their throat pulling Rose back into the moment.

              Raven was tucked deep into the gazebo, out of the reach of the sun’s rays, and Rose couldn’t enjoy the view until she was all the way inside. Once inside, she marveled at how handsome he was, with his dark tux, so striking against his pale skin and dark eyes. He smiled then, setting her nerve-endings on fire. She couldn’t believe it. Was this man really hers?

              He took her hand and gathered her to his side. She glanced up into his deep, passionate eyes, and she knew things would be forever different from that very moment on. And she was right.

* * *

“Okay, let’s get this meeting started,” Levi said, “Raven, you coming?”

              Raven barely looked up from his phone as he held up his finger to indicate he needed one more minute. He wanted to touch base with Sophia before the meeting began, but she wasn’t answering her phone. She knew how important it was to be accessible after the incident with Kyle. Her safety was more important to him than anything, and if he couldn’t reach her, he wouldn’t be able to function properly.

              Jordan rushed in, throwing his backpack on the table. He was always late to these things. As soon as Raven spotted him, he rushed over to inquire. “Jordan, did you see Sophia this afternoon?” He didn’t want to alarm anyone, but keeping the anxiousness from his voice wasn’t easy for him.

              Jordan shrugged. “Oh, yeah. I saw her after school. She seemed fine to me.”

              Raven suspected that Jordan might still be slightly sore over not winning Sophia for himself. “Oh. Well, thank you.”

Raven continued to pace even as Levi began the meeting.

              “Does anyone know where Eli is? He’s missed three of these meetings already,” Levi remarked. “Raven, do you know where he is?”

              Raven was pulled back into reality then. “No. I am sorry, but I do not know where Eli is today. He has been gone all day long. I am sorry, Levi, but I must go. I fear something has delayed Sophia, and I am concerned. I will try to hurry back.”

              Levi appeared worried as well. “Yes, of course. Please call me as soon as you find her. God’s speed.”

              “Thank you, Levi,” he said, exiting the room with velocity and grace. He entered the car garage seconds later, jumping into his car and accelerating up the ramp and into the forest.

              He reached the school in record time and ran from the car and into the building. The sun barely had time to touch him, but he was already beginning to feel the effects from it.

              After searching most of the building, he finally located her in the library. She was exiting the room with books in her arms. She jumped when she spotted him. “Oh, Raven! You scared me. What are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting.”

              “I was worried about you. I tried reaching you on your phone, but you did not answer. Is everything all right?”

              “I’m such an idiot. I’m so sorry, Raven. My cell battery died. I must’ve forgotten to charge it last night. I thought you’d be preoccupied in the meeting. I really wanted to get these books for a report due soon. Please forgive me.”

              He took all of her books into one hand and pulled her against him with the other. “I am just so relieved that you are fine.”

              He snuggled her neck, and she giggled. “Well, I don’t know about fine. If you keep doing that I’m going to be very worked up.”

              He pulled back and gave her a wicked grin. “Well then. Let us get you home as fast as possible.”

              Before she could respond he scooped her up into his one arm and carried her from the building. As he was placing her in the car, however, he stumbled. She stiffened, and he knew she had noticed.

              “Raven, maybe I should drive. We need to get you out of the sun right away. I can tell it’s

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