affecting you.”

              He grinned. “It is not the sun that is affecting me, my love. It is you.” But he knew she wasn’t buying it at all.

              They were halfway home, taking curve after curve on the winding mountain road, when suddenly a dark Humvee with darker windows came flying up fast behind them. Raven didn’t want to alarm Sophia, but he instantly had a bad feeling about this vehicle.

              “Hold on,” Raven told Sophia as he rolled down his window and tried waving them past, but they wouldn’t have it. They sped up, tapping Raven’s back bumper.

              “What do they want?” Sophia yelled, clearly shaken.

              “Here, call Levi immediately!” Raven said, pressing his phone into her hand. He then took the wheel firmly with both hands. “Hold on!” He sped up, taking the curves way too fast.

              Sophia pushed the buttons with urgency before glancing back at the big vehicle. “Raven! Look out!” she screamed as the Humvee slammed into the rear of their car, pushing them over the edge of the road and flying into the air.

              Raven blurred as he unbuckled his seatbelt and dove in front of Sophia, shielding her body from the impact.

              The car slammed into a tree, catapulting Raven’s body through the windshield, over the hood of the car, and into the forest.

          Chapter Thirteen

The meeting was finally over and Levi felt it went pretty good, despite two of his key players being absent. Then he remembered Rose and started to retrieve his cell phone when Charity entered the room.

              “Hey, puppy. How did the meeting go?” she said playfully, wrapping her arms around his neck as she leaned in for a quick, but sweet, kiss.

              He pulled her into his arms as close as he could possibly get considering the huge protruding belly between them. “It went well. Raven had to leave, and Eli was another no show though.”

              She pulled away in a huff. “That stinking Eli! What’s his problem anyway?”

              He let out a deep sigh. “Who knows.”

              “You know, maybe we should have him neutered. That will keep him at home.”

              “Hmm,” Levi said, rubbing his chin, seriously considering it.

She laughed, taking his hand in hers. “You know this rubbing-the-chin thing is becoming a familiar trait of yours, but it’s cute.” She winked at him. “Did, you say Raven had to leave?”

              Levi nodded, rubbing his chin again, still pretending to think.

              She pushed him playfully. “Stop that. Why did Raven leave?”

              Levi pulled her into his arms and proceeded in telling her what happened.

              “Well, did he call you to say he found her?”

He released her and pulled out his phone. “I was about to check when you came in.” He pulled up his messages. “Here’s one from him.”

“Well, aren’t you gonna listen to it?”

“Yes ma’am,” he responded in mock irritation. As he pressed the button and began to listen to it, all he heard was Rose scream the words, “Raven! Look out!”

“Raven and Rose are in trouble!” he shouted, dialing his phone again.

Charity was quick. She grabbed his phone but instead, inserted her fingers into her mouth and created the most ear piercing whistle heard to date.

Within seconds most of the pack were rushing inside the Meeting Room.

“Okay,” Levi started, “Raven and Rose are in trouble. It sounded like a car wreck. Let’s split up and search. Be on your guard. Raven had to have had a reason to wreck. Maybe it’s the sun, or he may have had outside help.”

Charity started to follow when Levi grabbed her arm. “Oh no you don’t. You stay here and take care of yourself.”

“I don’t think so. Those are my friends out there.”

“And I—will—find—them. Please stay here and keep you and our babies safe.” He smiled a gentle smile and ran his hand down her cheek. “Please, kitten. For me?”

She sighed. “Fine. But please call me as soon as you know something.”

That was easier than he thought it would be. He was sure she’d give him a hard time about going, but he couldn’t bear the thought of her and the babies in danger. No one knew yet what they were facing. “I promise. Thank you, baby.”

He was rushing out the door. “Levi!”

He spun to face his wife—her beauty so overwhelming it struck him almost speechless. “Yes?”

“Please be careful.”

He smiled. “Always.”

        Chapter Fourteen

Rose slowly opened her eyes. She ran her hands up and down her body. She seemed to be okay. But how was that possible? Raven had thrown himself in front of her. That’s why she wasn’t injured.


              She unbuckled her seatbelt and pushed on the door. It wouldn’t open. It was crushed in, and no matter how hard she pushed, she couldn’t get it to budge. “Raven!” She had to get to him. She knew he was injured. He’d flown through the windshield.

The windshield.

She climbed over the glass, careful not to cut herself. She felt sore, but she continued to climb out and over the hood. She stumbled as she landed on her feet. “Raven!” she called as she moved through the forest searching for any movement, or any noise alerting her to his whereabouts. “Raven!” She suddenly thought she spotted movement ahead. There was a figure lying on the ground. Was it Raven? The forest was sheltered from the sun, and it was hard for her to see, but there appeared to be dark figures standing around him. Had she hit her head? She reached up to touch it when a hand came around her neck, and before she could scream, she slipped into darkness.

* * *

Raven moaned as he slowly pulled himself to a sitting position. He ran his hand across his face and felt blood. He had a gash in his head, and it was bleeding badly. His thoughts were confusing, but he thought there was someone important he should remember, maybe someone he should be looking for.

              He tried to get up but fell again, too weak to move. Suddenly, he registered a presence. He glanced up and recognized the familiar villain. His stomach knotted.

              “Well, hello Brother. It seems we have finally found you.”

              “Griffin,” Raven spat, watching his brother, along with the rest of the coven, taking a stance, surrounding him.

              “It is nice to see you too. I have to admit, I didn’t think we would get lucky enough for you to

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