make another mistake so soon. When we caught your scent some weeks back near the high school, we put a tight watch on the school. It was easy enough with just the one werewolf watching over the school. I do believe Levi is getting sloppy. I was curious as to what would make you take such a chance knowing we were looking for you. I have to say I am disappointed to find that answer.

              Suddenly Raven’s mind cleared long enough for him to remember. “Sophia!”

              Griffin laughed. “Is this what you are looking for?” A vampire, he instantly recognized as Randolph, stepped into view. He was a giant vampire and hard to miss with his white skin, white hair, and even whiter eyes. And, lying limply in the albino’s arms, was his Sophia Rose. Raven tried to get up, but two others grabbed him and pinned him down.

              “Don’t even think about trying anything foolish. Let me introduce you to our newest family member. She will make you regret it.” Stepping out from the others came a beautiful, statuesque woman. She was bald with some sort of tattoos trailing up her neck and around her ears. Raven couldn’t make out what they were, black hearts perhaps, but he did notice the two whips coiled up against both her hips. Her hands rested upon them and seemed to itch with anticipation. Her eyes were golden, almost like the werewolves. In another time he could have admired her beauty and fierceness, but that was the old Raven.

              “This is Maurie, and to stare her down is to cause your own death. If you say her name is a boy’s name, or make any reference to the talk show host, she will split you in half with her whips. It is best not to talk to her at all. You have been warned.”

              Raven did his best to ignore those statements. “Griffin, let Sophia go! You have me, now let her go!”

              “You know, I do not think I will.” His voice instantly turned from taunting to fierce. “I think she is coming with us.”

             Chapter Fifteen

“There it is!” Hector yelled, spotting Raven’s car mangled against the tree.

              “Well, this is his car all right,” Levi said, inspecting it further. The others came around him with worried looks on their faces. At once, they all caught the familiar scent of their enemy. “Search the area now!”

              Shifting into their werewolf forms, they all broke off in search of their friends. Before long, they came to the spot where Raven’s blood lie pooled on the ground. Some shifted back into their human forms. Josh was the first to speak. “It looks like this is where Raven and Rose’s scent ends, but the vampire scents continue north. Shall we pursue them?”

              “Yes,” Levi answered. “But first we need to regroup. We’ll need to make some calls and get all members active. This means war, and we need to be prepared. Let’s get back to the facility. We don’t have much time. We will make them regret the day they took our friends,” he growled.

* * *

Back at the Drake House, Levi made the calls and all active werewolves rendezvoused in the Meeting Room, worked up and ready for a fight. He knew all of them had come to respect Raven and were happy he had found love with Rose. As he watched his pack gather and talk strategy, their anger grew and he was glad for it. Their anger would give them the ammunition they needed to win this battle once and for all.

              Charity was huddled around Rose’s parents, comforting them, and Levi was about to make his way over to see how they were coping, when Eli burst onto the scene. “I’m in too! You can’t leave without me!”

              “You need to stay here with your parents,” Levi said, coming up in front of him.

              “No way, Levi! That’s my sister out there with those monsters! And Raven is my friend! I’m coming!” Eli’s voice was a mix between a growl and a yell. His face was burning red with anger and determination. The look he shot Levi made it clear this wasn’t up for discussion.

              Levi lowered his head and sighed. “Well, let’s go then.”

              Eli rested his hand on Levi’s shoulder. “Thanks, Brother.”

              This warmed Levi instantly.  He did truly love his brother. “We’ll find them. I promise you that.” He turned to the others. “There’s just one more thing we’re waiting for,” he said, glancing at the door, “and here they are.”

              Everyone mumbled their disapproval as Wesley and some of his pack came into view.

              “Levi, what are they doing here?” Eli growled.

              Levi knew Eli was most likely remembering the day in the clearing when Wesley defeated him in battle. Eli wasn’t ready then, but thanks to Levi’s training, he was sure that his brother was ready now. “I invited them here. We need their help if we’re gonna win this. We have no idea what we’re walking into, and we need to be prepared. Last time they had more vampires than we’ve ever seen together. Now, I know they haven’t had much time to regroup, but we can’t take any chances. These are our friends, and we want to bring them back alive.” Levi scanned his group with a challenging look. “Any comments?” he asked, hoping they would just accept the situation. They really didn’t have time to debate the issue.

              “More importantly, we need to wipe this vampire scum from the earth,” Wesley said, smirking.

              Charity added, “Gee, Wesley, remind me why I haven’t missed you a bit.”

              He started to approach her but stopped himself when Levi growled a warning. “Oh, Charity, you know you missed my unique charm.”

              Levi watched as Charity seemed to stop and study him then. His black hair was a sloppy spike and his arrogance was the same as usual, Levi noted with annoyance.

“Hmm, well unique is right,” she said, her face turning sincere. “Just go and save my family, okay?”

              Wesley also turned serious. “Of course,” was all he said as he nodded and turned to join the others who were already running from the room.

              “Levi!” she called.

              He did a sharp turn and was in front of her in a flash. “What is it, baby?”

              “Please let me come?”

              His heart jumped in his chest. He loved this woman more than anything. He knew it was hard for her to stay behind, but she and the babies’ safety needed to come first. “Oh, kitten,” he sighed, taking her face gently in his hands. “You need to stay here and keep everyone calm. The Jameson’s need you too. And you’re supposed to be on bed-rest for the babies. You’ve saved us lots of times, now let the werewolves do the saving. We need to earn back our pride, ya know.”

              She smiled at that. “Okay, but Levi?”

              “Yes,” he whispered, touching his lips softly to hers.

              “Promise me you’ll be careful. And please come back. We need you,” she said, rubbing her hands across her belly.

              He peered down into her tearful blue eyes. “I will always come back to you, kitten—always. I promise.” He kissed her one last time and disappeared from sight.

                   Chapter Sixteen

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