The line was silent for a second but then he said, “You’re not kidding with me, are you?”

I shook my head but then realized he couldn’t see me and said, “No Mr. Miller. I’m not.”

His tone then turned really serious and asked, “Why should I say yes to you Jason?”

I let out and breath and said, “In complete honesty Mr. Miller you shouldn’t. Ashlynn deserves everything and I can’t give her that, but I can tell you that you’ll never find anyone who loves your daughter as much as I do.”

He laughed and said, “Well, you’ve got balls kid. I’ll give you that at least.”

I cleared my throat and said, “Mr. Mill -,” but was cut off when Ashlynn’s dad said, “Call me Garrett, son.”

I smiled and said, “Thanks Garrett.”

He just chuckled and said, “You know what? My little girl is very particular with who she lets in and I knew the second you both looked at one another she was yours. But I also know that you’ve got some problems because I could tell from the look in your eye when you first saw my daughter you didn’t want to have these types of feelings for her. I give you my blessing but if you so much as cause my little girl any type of harm I will kill you. You understand me, son?”

I just chuckled and said, “I’m sorry for laughing Garrett but you can’t threaten me and then call me son. It kind of destroys the first thing you said.”

I was kind of afraid for my life but then I heard him laugh and say, “I guess so. But I am serious on that threat Jason.”

I looked over to the bathroom and let out a breath. “I know you are Garrett. I know you are.”

“Well great. I’ll let you get back to whatever you and Ashlynn were doing. Talk to you soon Jason.”

I smiled and said, “Yeah, see you soon.”

If he knew what I was getting into with Ashlynn, particularly inside of her, he would probably cut my balls off. Once I hung up the phone I went and buried myself deep inside of Ashlynn and had her moaning and screaming my name.

“Are you sure I look okay?”

Ashlynn was fussing over the violet dress she was wearing for Sarah and Gabe’s wedding reception. I unbuttoned the top three buttons of my long sleeve shirt and walked up behind Ashlynn wrapping my arms around her.

Just before I kissed her on the side of her neck I whispered, “You look beautiful.”

I looked at her in the mirror and could see a blush coming across her beautiful face and chuckled. Turning around in my arms Ash whispered against my lips, “Don’t laugh at me,” which only made me laugh more.

“Ashlynn, I’m not laughing at you. I just find it downright sexy that I can make a blush come across your beautiful face. Of course it makes me think of me getting you to orgasm.”

I didn’t know if Ashlynn would hate me talking to her like that because during sex I talked dirty in order to get off while picturing Ash but with Ashlynn I would fucking love it beyond belief. I looked down at her and saw her biting her lip and then she looked up at me and she had a look of sex.

Downright, bent-over, dirty, sweaty fucking.

She then smiled and leaned in and said, “Well, you can make me orgasm all night tonight if you want?”

She said it like a question which I was surprised about and I pulled her closer to my body so she could feel my hard cock up against her. I knew the second she felt my hard-on because she gasped and I said, “Ashlynn, I always want, with you.”

Before kissing me she wrapped her arms around my neck, twined her fingers within my hair and said, “Well, I guess we have that settled then.”

Leaning away I smiled down at her and said, “Yeah we fucking do.” 

Chapter 10


I couldn’t believe how quickly everything had changed for Jason and I, but a part of me deep down still wondered why he ignored me for a month and a half and I knew I would have to question him on it sooner rather than later. I also wanted to ask Jason what he talked to my dad about but I figured he would tell me when he was ready along with everything else going on in his life.

Waking up the next morning after Jason and I first made love was indescribable. At first I thought he left but then I smelled breakfast cooking and knew that it wasn’t just a onetime thing between us. Even though we both uttered the words, “I love you,” I still questioned it because it was happening extremely fast.

It was funny because after Jason left Jade couldn’t get enough of what happened between us and needed every single detail.

Of course I took her advice and substituted Jason’s name with the name Henry and Jade shrieked and clapped and yelled because as she said, “It was about damn time we got together.”

I think she was more excited than I was that Jason and I had gotten together because in her own words, “Finally you two sealed the fucking deal. Pun definitely intended.”

While I was happy to tell her about everything that happened between Jason and me I wanted to question her on what happened with the two of them and why they ignored everybody the last month or so of school. I also wanted to ask her why she never told me about what happened when she and Jason were children, but I wasn’t going to hold a grudge over it. I was just sad that she didn’t open up to me about it, but I knew down the line she would open up to somebody about it and I couldn’t wait for that moment to finally happen.

Jade deserved everything that Jason and I were starting to have and I just wanted to see her happy in the end. I knew that her finding a new guy to bring home every weekend was a way of rebelling and not getting hurt, but I often wondered who could tame Jade’s wild side and get her to settle down. When it came down to it I just wanted my friend to find happiness like I have found with her brother.

Tonight everyone was going to a local restaurant in downtown Baltimore to celebrate Sarah and Gabe getting married the next day. It was also the night that Jason and I were going to announce or show our friends that we had finally become a couple and I couldn’t wait. I also couldn’t wait to get back to our hotel room because Jason and I made plans to have wild, crazy sex all night long and I was already wet just thinking about it. I also had the vision of Jason looking down on me with a look of pure sex on his face while he said, “Yeah, we fucking do,” when I said, “Well, I guess we have that settled then.”

After pulling into the restaurant Jade, Jason, and I all walked in. At first I was kind of nervous with everybody’s reactions towards Jason and me dating now but Jason eased my mind when he gently took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers together.

The hostess escorted us to a private room in the back and Jade walked in yelling, “Party can start now, bitches!”

However Jason held me back and pushed me up against the wall and before I could think his mouth was on mine and his tongue was connecting with mine. I must have made a sound because Jason chuckled and pulled away from me quickly. I wanted to protest but he just smiled and said, “Ready?”

I took a deep breath and said, “Yeah, I am.” Not only was I answering Jason’s question about walking into the private dinner room but I was also answering him for the secrets he was going to tell me eventually. I knew that nothing could keep us apart when we had to work so hard to get together in the first place. They were just bumps along the long and winding road now.

Putting an arm over my shoulder we walked in and the room went from chatter and banter to complete silence in a matter of seconds. Everybody’s eyes were on both Jason and I and they all had the same look of confusion which quickly turned into excitement for the both of us.

Both Jason and I turned to look at one another at the same time and then I heard Sarah yell, “Well, kiss her

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