His eyes got wide and said, “You little sneak.”
As soon as those words left his mouth I leaned and whispered against his ear, “Let’s really give ‘em something to complain about Jason,” and lifting my hips I slammed right down onto him.
He made this groaning, guttural sound and yelled, “FUCK,” at the top of his lungs. Placing my hands on the headboard I moved up and down him quickly.
I never took my eyes off Jason the whole time I bounced up and down on him. I was moving up and down so fast that the bed began to creak and the headboard was slamming against the wall. Four strokes in and I could feel I was going to burst.
Gasping for air I wailed, “I’m coming Jason,” and he started moving his hips up and down and then came inside me and growled, “I love you Ashlynn!”
I fell onto his sweaty chest while Jason rubbed up and down my back soothing me. My eyes were beginning to close when the phone rang again and this time I picked it up.
“Um, yes, this is management aga-”
I just cut them off and said, “I know. I’m sorry about the noise complaints. We’re done now,” and hung up.
Jason’s chest was vibrating from laughing so hard and he said, “Really?” I couldn’t do anything but laugh at us receiving noise complaints because of our phenomenal sex.
After catching my breath I slid off him and laid down on my side looking at how beautiful he was. Jason sat up in bed and pulled the covers over us and laid down on his side staring at me. No words needed to be said in that moment because with just a look we could tell one another that we both loved each other.
I only closed my eyes for a minute but next thing I knew my alarm was going off the following morning.
Rolling over in bed I saw Jason staring back at me and I giggled. He nudged me onto my back and said, “How are you feeling today?” I started to move around and realized I was actually pretty sore from last night. He must have seen from the way I moved my body because he said, “I’m sorry; I just kind of lost control last night with you.”
I just laughed and said, “Jason, I’m not made of glass. You’re not going to break me. Yes, I’m sore but I enjoyed last night if you couldn’t tell. Plus every time I move my body today images of last night will be coming across in my mind and I’ll have a smile plastered to my face because of it.”
With that explanation Jason kissed me on the lips and then carried me into the bathroom where he washed me as I sat on the built in seat. I told him it wasn’t necessary but he just shook it off and said he wanted to take care of me.
Being a girl I couldn’t help but think because we were going to a wedding today and the way he looked at me and said, “I want to take care of you Ashlynn,” had me thinking that not only did he want to take care of me in the shower but maybe in life as well. But while I wanted to believe him I knew that he wasn’t telling me everything and I wanted to know why.
He must have sensed the hesitation on my face because he said, “I’ll tell you later Ashlynn but right now I want to enjoy our time together.”
His words scared me and I didn’t know what to think and I hated that this had to happen on a day where our friends were getting married.
While Sarah and Gabe were standing before God and their friends and family announcing their love for one another my heart was sinking because I was petrified at what Jason would have to tell me. I had a feeling it would be something to do with his dad or mom. Maybe even the both of them.
I just wasn’t sure and I was scared to death because I didn’t want what happened last time when we were in Florida to happen this time after everything that had happened between us. I didn’t want him to close off from me and ignore me because so much had changed between the two of us.
Everything was going exceptionally between Ashlynn and me. I felt like this could be the real deal which is why I asked her dad for his permission for me to marry her. I knew we wouldn’t get married anytime soon but I knew with all of my heart someday I was going to make her mine. While talking to my dad did some good I was nowhere near ready for thinking about having children and I wasn’t sure I ever would be. I just hoped that Ashlynn would be okay with that when we did get married someday, because I knew that when I looked into my future without a shadow of a doubt Ashlynn was in mine forever.
While I knew I made my own choices in life on what I wanted and who I wanted there was still a small part of me that questioned whether or not I would become just like my dad later in life. Like our time in Florida everything was perfect up until the day of Sarah and Gabe’s wedding. I could see it in Ashlynn’s eyes that she wanted to know just why exactly I had ignored her for a while after Spring Break ended but I didn’t want it to be the day of the wedding so I said, “I’ll tell you later Ashlynn but right now I want to enjoy our time together.”
I thought saying that would put her mind at ease but she flinched back from me and mentally guarded herself as well. I could see it in her eyes and in her demeanor the entire wedding. While she was showing emotion with laughing and crying I could tell that her mind was somewhere else and by somewhere else I mean thinking about what I was going to tell her. It wasn’t a huge secret it was just something I had to deal with before I started a relationship with Ashlynn. I didn’t want to bring in extra baggage to the relationship. That’s the important part and really what she needed to understand.
During the reception Jade walked up to me and asked, “Alright, spill Jason. What’s up with you and Ashlynn?”
I just shrugged my shoulders and said, “Not now Jade. I’m really not in the mood to talk at the moment.”
It really made her concerned and she pulled me into a corner and in a serious tone said, “Seriously, what’s going on Jason? You’re kind of scaring me.”
Taking a long gulp of my beer I said, “I still haven’t explained everything that happened with dad to Ashlynn yet. I mean I told her about our childhood and everything but not about the phone call and what happened when we met up with him at the end of the school year.”
Jade’s mouth dropped open at my confession and she was speechless; probably for the first time in her life. Tilting her head to the side in a low voice she said, “You told her about what happened to you?”
Shaking my head I said, “Correction Jade, I told her about what happened to the both of us.” She flinched back and I thought she was going to cry so I pulled her into my arms. She wrapped her arms around my middle and then I felt wetness on my shirt and knew my sister was crying.
I put her at arm’s length and asked, “Why are you crying Jade?”
My question just made her cry even more so I pulled her back to me and held onto her so she could calm down and explain to me what was going on. Getting herself under control she said, “I’m sorry Jason.” I didn’t understand where her apology was coming from so I questioned her on it.
Shrugging her shoulders she said, “I’m crying for what happened to you. I’m crying because I didn’t a damn thing to help you when we were little. I’m crying because Ashlynn is my best friend and I never told her. I was just so ashamed of what went on in our household. I was also ashamed that I never did anything to help you and sometimes I feel like our mom. She knew what was going on and she never did anything. Our father beat you and I just stood there and watched, just like her.”
Her lip started to quiver and before I knew it she was crying again.
I quickly pulled her against me and started murmuring reassurance into her ear. “Jade, you are nothing like mom, do you hear me? None of what happened to us is your fault. We were both kids and I don’t blame you for, in your own words, ‘not doing anything.’ I love you Jade and I would do anything for you, I hope you know that. I am positive with every bone in my body that Ashlynn doesn’t hate you. She might be hurt but I know she could never hate you for not telling her what happened to us. You hear me ‘lil sis?”
My question made her giggle and she nodded her head up and down against my chest. She then squeezed