that it still hurt like a mother to move so quickly.
I knew, because I could feel his pain.
We were closer now, since the fight. I didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.
“We need to stop off at the store,” he said as he picked up his coat from the back of the chair and pulled into it very carefully. “I promised I’d bring flowers.”
It didn’t make much sense to me why we were going, nor why we’d need flowers. But then, a lot of things just seemed . . . beyond me this last week or so. I could not muster the energy to give a single damn about any of it.
He handed me his keys, so I guessed I was driving his car.
Did so, stopping at a florist that Terric insisted had the best bouquets this time of year. I walked with him, my pace shortened for his.
By the time we’d bought a bunch of flowers of which I only recognized two—lilies and the pink ones—and had made it back to the car, the sky was filled with black clouds and it was raining hard enough to back up the gutters.
Terric was breathing heavily from the hurried pace he’d managed on the way back to the car.
“I’m going to be so glad when I can move again,” he said. “Really move.”
I think he talked about flowers or maybe it was salsa dancing while I drove to Allie and Zay’s house. I listened, heard each word, but they all slipped away as quickly as they came, leaving no impression of their passage behind.
Then we were there. And we weren’t the only ones. Cars lined the alley behind their house.
“What is this?” I said right in the middle of his discussion on the nasturtium, which could have been a flower or a dance move for all I knew.
“What is what?” he asked.
“Why are we here? What are we doing here?”
He paused, watched me. I was staring at the cars, trying to remember what he’d said we were going to do.
“It’s just some of us getting together in honor of Victor,” he said calmly. “It’s not a meeting. It’s not business. Just a low-key gathering of friends.”
Frankly, I think it would have been easier if it were business.
“You don’t remember me telling you about it, do you?”
“Let’s go in.” He opened the door. I got out too, and we walked through the pouring rain to the kitchen-side door.
Terric didn’t knock, he just walked right into the house. “And here I thought we’d be early,” he said, holding out the flowers for Allie.
“You are just in time. Both of you,” she said, giving Terric a quick kiss on the cheek. “Shame, if you stand on my porch dripping any longer, I will pin you to my clothesline in the basement.”
I didn’t want to do this. Enter this houseful of caring faces, warmth, love. I wasn’t what they thought I was. Not anymore.
But they were waiting for me. Waiting for me to come home to the living.
I dug down deep, down beneath the darkness, looking for the shreds of me that were still Shame. Held that up like a familiar mask.
“You have a laundry line?” I asked. “How eighteen hundreds of you, Beckstrom. What’s next? Indoor plumbing?”
And for the first time, I realized the extent of my disconnect over the last week. Because everyone in the kitchen let out the breath they’d been holding, and chuckled.
It was not that funny of a joke.
But it was a start.
Chapter 32
The gathering was just what Terric said it would be. A bunch of us sitting around, talking, eating, drinking. Nola had outdone herself with the cooking and forbade us all to give her any more compliments about it since she was blushing so hard.
Detective Stotts was there too, being very nondetective. I appreciated that he didn’t ask a lot of questions when certain details came up about Victor’s death.
Like the fact that Terric and I had gone off looking for his killer on our own. Though from the look on his face, he’d have us down to the station soon to talk.
Allie and Zay sat in an oversized chair, curled up with each other, Stone sitting next to them like their own private guard gargoyle.
Allie had made sure there was a comfortable place on the couch for Terric. Dash sat at the other end, trying not to stare at Terric too much, which I thought was amusing.
The rest of the group included Clyde, a few of the Hounds, but not Sunny, who had been told the bad news of Davy being held captive. She was busy coordinating every Hound in a three-state area looking for him. The police were also looking for him and so were several members of the Authority.
As soon as I got my head clear, I’d be looking for him too.
Eventually Kevin Cooper, who was a longtime member of the Authority and a close friend of Victor’s, showed up along with his wife and Allie’s ex-stepmother, Violet Beckstrom-Cooper, who had been a more recent friend of Victor’s.
They’d also brought baby Daniel, who was a little over three now. He ran through the room, headed straight for Stone, who tipped his ears up and caught Daniel in his arms. Then that big pile of rock wrapped his wings gently around him and snuffled at his neck, making rumble-gurgle noises.
Daniel squealed in delight.
Cody Miller was there too. It wasn’t too long before he was standing in front of me. Looking down at me with ice blue eyes that looked too old and too mad.
“Cody,” I said, holding my Shame mask firmly in place and wishing he would go stare at someone else.
“This will be interesting, I think,” he said. “And I’m going to help you with it, Shame. When you’re ready.” He walked away.
I didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. And didn’t ask.
But it was my mum showing up that really made me want to crawl out of my skin.
Terric must have felt it, because he speared me with a look to keep me seated.
Mum looked great, really. Had pulled her red hair up in a loose knot that made her green eyes wider. She was fit, strong, wearing slacks and a sweater, and when she smiled, the lines around her eyes were more from happiness than pain.
She and Hayden had been staying at his place in Alaska for the last couple years, though they came down three or four times a year to check in on the inn, friends, and, I supposed, me.
“Maeve,” Allie said. “It’s so great you made it. When did you get in?”
“Last night,” she said. “Well, early this morning. We got a little sleep before we headed over. I brought a couple pies. They’re in the kitchen.”
Allie stood, gave her a hug. “Wonderful.”
Zay was standing too, shaking Hayden’s only hand. Zay was a big man. But Hayden was a damn giant. Dark hair, trimmed beard, he’d put on a few pounds living with my mum’s good cooking. He grinned at Zay, genuinely looking happy to be back.
“Shamus,” my mum said.
“Hello, Mum,” I said. “Have a seat?”
“Why don’t you help me with the pie?”
“I can—” Nola started.