“Good job, Cass.” Chris placed his hand on my shoulder as he walked by. I beamed. Maybe I really had found my calling.
THE CONCERT WAS in full effect, and the air was buzzing with excitement backstage. The show would be twice the size of last night’s. Filth was just finishing up their set.
“Break a leg out there.” I gave Tucker a kiss on the cheek as Eric made gagging sounds from behind us. I rolled my eyes and shot him the finger behind Tucker’s back.
“I’ll see you soon.” We could hear the crowd roar from backstage. “That’s our cue.”
Sarah approached me with a wicked grin.
“What are you up to?” Tucker gave me a look of concern. I shook my head, no clue what she was planning.
“Girl time.” Sarah looped her arm in mine and pulled me from Tucker’s side. I shot him an apologetic look as she dragged me off to the hallway.
“Love you,” I mouthed, and Tucker winked at me as they disappeared in the opposite direction.
I focused my attention on the sweaty and overly excited rock star who was dragging me off into the unknown.
“Where are we going?” I asked as she shot me a smile.
“I figured after the drama, you could use a little pampering.”
I pulled back from her, but she kept a firm grip on my arm.
“Every girl needs to be pampered, and I don’t ever get to do this stuff.” She gave me her best puppy-dog eyes.
We slipped inside a closed door marked PRIVATE.
“What is this place?”
“Hair and makeup.” She was beaming with excitement. “Sit.”
“This is going to be a disaster.” I sat down in a chair in front of a large oval mirror.
“That’s the spirit!” Sarah stood behind me, sinking down so her face was next to mine as she inspected my reflection. “I can work with this.”
I giggled as I rolled my eyes, propping my feet up on the bar below the mirrored stand.
“So how is the writing going?” she asked as she grabbed a brush and began running it over my hair.
“Hello? Earth to Cass!”
“Sorry. I wrote a song . . . I think. The guys really liked it. They want to play it.”
Sarah made a face letting me know she was impressed.
“Well aren’t you big-time now?” She gathered my hair and pulled it back with a hair tie. “How do you feel about makeup?”
“Good enough. I am going to paint you up like a movie star.” Sarah spun my chair around to face her. “No peeking until I’m done.”
“You’re wasting your time. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig.” I laughed and actually snorted.
“You don’t have many female friends, do you?” She raised an eyebrow as she grabbed some sort of base coat to slather on my face.
“Do you?”
“None,” she said as she began to rub the creamy concoction over my cheeks. “It’s nice to have you here.”
I smiled, feeling exactly the same way.
“Now stop grinning or you’re gonna look like the Joker.”
I let her paint my face as we talked about love and relationships. I told her the story of how Tucker and I met, leaving out the most gruesome details of our relationship. She told me about her relationship with Derek and how it took them months to be able to be around each other after it ended. In the end, she felt the breakup was the best thing for them and the band.
“What do you think of Eric?” I asked as she pulled my hair down and ran her fingers through it, deciding which style she wanted to try.
“He’s . . . cute.” Her cheeks blushed.
“I think he likes you. When he looks at you, it is the only time he doesn’t look like he is plotting out someone’s murder.” I closed my eyes as her fingers rubbed over my scalp, separating my hair into sections.
“Too bad our band has a policy not to get involved with other bands.” She shrugged like it was no big deal, but I could tell it upset her.
“Who better than someone who has a passion for the same things you do?” I asked.
“The guys would kill me. How do you feel about curls?”
“They’re okay, I guess. You’re changing the subject.”
“How would you feel if you broke up with Tucker and still had to work with him? Would you be able to see him with someone else?”
“I think it would break my heart all over again.”
“Exactly. I keep my mouth shut about Derek and his groupies, but it still hurts. I understand why he doesn’t want to see me with one of these other guys. I get it.” Sarah began to curl small sections of my hair as we chatted. I could completely understand her situation, but I couldn’t imagine how lonely it must be for her.
“Can I look in the mirror?” I asked, craning my neck as it began to stiffen.
“No! It would spoil all the fun! I want it to be a surprise!”
“I hate surprises.”
“Not all surprises are bad.” She laughed as she pulled another section free to curl.
“Fine, I’ll wait,” I smirked. “But I am not happy about it.”
“Duly noted.” Sarah continued to work her fingers through my hair, bringing my thoughts back to my mother. It was one of the few fond memories I had of her. It was also one of the worst when I looked back at the way my father had put her down and prevented her from following her dreams.
“I think we are just about done.” Sarah squealed and clasped her hands together.
“Can I see?”
She made a face as she thought it over before shaking her head no.
“I think you need a new outfit.”
“I don’t really have anything . . .” I let my voice trail off as Sarah’s eyes began to sparkle.
“You can borrow something of mine. I have the perfect outfit.”