58 “They all had” and “These Germans”: Lilian Mowrer, 254.

58 “loose emotional fervor” and subsequent Lilian Mowrer quotes: Ibid., 255.

59 “If one wants”: Kurth, 93.

59 “like a death’s head” and “If only I could”: Lilian Mowrer, 225.

59 “Do you think”: Ibid., 224.

59 “The strange bit of history”: Hecht, 296–297.

60 “In him all morality”: Ibid., 298.

60 “I know who caused”: Max Wallace, The American Axis: Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and the Rise of the Third Reich, 20.

60 “I regard Henry Ford” and description of Annetta Antona interview with Hitler: Ibid., 1–2.

60 “Mr. Ford’s genius”: Prince Louis Ferdinand, The Rebel Prince: Memoirs of Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia, 241.

61 “a prosperous, energetic”: Wiegand Papers, box 8, Hoover.

61 “a high proportion of” and “One could sense”: Wilson, A Diplomat Between Wars, 115.

61 “Look out” and Bouton’s account of encounter with Sinclair Lewis: S. Miles Bouton Papers, box 4, Hoover.

62 In 1925, Jacob Gould Schurman and his building fund for Heidelberg University: Maynard Moser, Jacob Gould Schurman: Scholar, Political Activist, and Ambassador of Good Will, 1892–1942, 156–158.

62 “the will to war”: Ibid., 169.

62 “The Republic”: Ibid., 170.

63 “itch to pour”: Ibid., 191.

63 “You see we” and rest of Mowrer-Friday exchange: Lilian Mowrer, 236.

63 “an orgy of spending” and “the stunning new” and “the entire rolling stock”: Ibid., 239.

63 Schurman received a warning: Moser, 204.

63 “Hey, this thing’s a fake”: Robert C. Perez and Edward F. Willett, The Will to Win: A Biography of Ferdinand Eberstadt, 44.

64 $300 million in new American loans: Moser, 206.



65 “I’m going to have to start”: Bella Fromm, Blood and Banquets: A Berlin Social Diary, 18; Fromm biographical details, ibid., 3–6.

65 “Let’s have”: Ibid., 19.

66 diary entry of July 16 and all quotes: Ibid., 20.

66 “a gentle-looking man” and “an attractive woman”: Ibid., 24.

66 “Even the international” and “I like Berlin”: Ibid., 28.

67 “Fortunately for us” and other Knickerbocker quotes: “Covering Berlin,” Public Ledger, April 21, 1930, Knickerbocker Papers, Columbia.

67 the party boasted 108,000: Frederick L. Schuman, The Nazi Dictatorship: A Study in Social Pathology and the Politics of Fascism, 72.

68 “Now he is again” and all other quotes from Wiegand’s session with Hitler: Wiegand Papers, box 30, Hoover.

69 “The German people”: Mowrer, Germany Puts the Clock Back, 198.

70 “So had a majority” and “flocked to the Nazis”: Charles W. Thayer, The Unquiet Germans, 12–13.

70 “The most remarkable”: Mowrer, Germany Puts the Clock Back, 22.

70 “with the raucous voice” and rest of incident on train: Lilian Mowrer, 234.

71 “The seats swarmed” and rest of Enid Keyes’s account from her letter: American Girl, German Wife: The Letters of Enid Keyes Mehnert, 1931–1935, Enid Keyes Mehnert Papers, Vol. 1, Hoover.

72 “Dad, what do you think” and rest of exchange between Arthur and his father, along with “chariot bumping”: Mowrer, Germany Puts the Clock Back, 120–121.

73 “I never saw” and rest of quotes from December 27, 1931, letter: Knickerbocker Papers, Columbia.

73 “We are for” and rest of exchange with streetwalkers: Mowrer, Triumph and Turmoil, 210–211.

73 “too hot to publish”: Ibid., 211.

73 “I can’t ever walk” and other Mehnert quotes: Mehnert Papers, Hoover.

74 “You see defiance” and “This country has”: Morrison letter, Knickerbocker Papers, Columbia.

75 “Hitler is a homo-sexual” and rest of letter to Winner: Knickerbocker Papers, Columbia.

77 Abraham Plotkin was and other information about his background and trip: Plotkin, An American in Hitler’s Berlin: Abraham Plotkin’s Diary, 1932–33, Introduction, xii–xl.

77 “hide their poverty very well” and “from their appearances”: Ibid., 6.

77 “You Americans”: Ibid., 62.

78 one family’s diet: Ibid., 58.

78 The head of a district health department: Ibid., 75.

78 “fascinated by” and rest of exchange with streetwalkers: Ibid., 12–16.

78 “Do you have a fascist party” and rest of exchange with German Jews: Ibid., 38–39.

79 “Hitlerism is rapidly going”: Ibid., 29.

79 “One felt as if”: Ibid., 67.

79 “showmanship” and “So this was”: Ibid., 68, 70.

80 “like a faithful dog” and rest of Corwin’s visit to Heidelberg: R. LeRoy Bannerman, On a Note of Triumph: Norman Corwin and the Golden Years of Radio, 22.

80 “We are beyond”: Ibid., 22–23.

80 On Saturday, December 5, 1931, and quotes from Hitler and Sackett at and about their meeting: Bernard V. Burke, Ambassador Frederic Sackett and the Collapse of the Weimar Republic, 1930–1933, 8–9, 185–186.

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