Fit, foot.
Flisk-ma-hoy, new-fangled.
Forby, besides.
Frae, from.
Fule, a fool.
“Fusionless skink,” tasteless stuff.
Gae, go; gaen, gone.
Gait, gate, way, direction.
Galopin, a scullion or errand-boy.
Ganging, going.
Gar, to force, to make. “Gars me grue,” gives me the creeps.
Gard, made.
Gay, very.
Geeing, giving.
“Gentlemen of the fancy,” prize-fighters.
Gin, if.
Girn, to grin.
Girning, whining.
Glenlivat, a celebrated whisky distillery.
Gowk, a fool.
Grue, to shiver. The flesh is said to
Gude, good. Gudewife, a landlady.
Gusing-iron, a smoothing iron.
Hae, have.
Hail, haill, whole.
“Hale and feir,” right and proper.
Hap, hop.
Heritors, the landowners and proprietors of the parish.
Hinny, a term of endearment = honey.
Hirple, hobble.
Hoose, a house.
Hough, the thigh.
Imaum, a Mohammedan ecclesiastic of high rank.
I'se, I shall.
Jaud, a jade.
Joseph, a riding-coat with buttons down the skirts.
Ken, to know.
“Lang syne,” long ago.
Limmer, a worthless creature.
Maravedi, an old Spanish coin of small value.
Maundered, mumble.
Mickle, muckle, much.
Mundungus, vile, ill-smelling tobacco.
Nae, no, not
Neevie-neevie-nick-nack, a game with marbles, similar to “odd or even.”
“On the pad,” on the tramp.
Ony, any.
Or, before.
Ower, over.
Pabouches, slippers.
Pickle, a little, a small quantity.
Pliskie, a trick.
Plottie, mulled wine.
Pococurante, one who affects indifference.
Pomander-boxes, perfume-boxes.
Poortith, poverty.
Pownie, a pony.
Puir, poor.
Raff, a worthless fellow, a nobody.
Remora, an obstacle, hindrance.
Rin, run.
Roof-tree, the beam that supports the roof.
Sae, so.
Sall, shall.
Scaurs, jibs.
Scrog, a stunted bush or scrub.
“Sgherro insigne,” notorious cut-throat.
Shieling, a hut.
Shouther, the shoulder.
Shroff, a Parsee or Indian merchant.
Sic, such.
Skeely, skilful.
Slaister, a mess.
Snooded, bound up with a snood or fillet for the hair.
Soop, to sweep.
Sorting, a correction with the hand or the tongue.
“Sossings and soopings,” made-up soups and messes.
Souvenir, a lady's reticule or hand-bag.
Speer, to inquire.
Sponsible, respectable.
Swarf, to swoon.
Syllabub, a curd made of wine or cider with milk or cream.
Taupie, tawpie, an awkward girl, a tomboy.
Tinkler, a tinker.
Titupping, lively, full of spirit.
Tozie, a shawl of goat's wool.
Troke, to traffic, do business with in a small way.
Turbinacious, peaty, turfy.
“Ullah kerim!” God is merciful.
Ultroneous, uncalled for, unusual.
Umquhile, the late.
Unco, very, particular, uncommon.
Usquebaugh, whisky.
Wad, would.
Wae, woful, sad.
Waur, worse.
Wee, small, little.