car industry, 300, 413, 415
Carlisle, Mark, 418
Carr, Robert:
Carrington, Peter, Lord: Defence Secretary, 200; Party Chairman, 202, 234; Energy Secretary, 233–4; Leader of Lords, 287; Rhodesian sanctions, 417–18; election campaign (1979), 447, 451
Carter, Jimmy: foreign policy, 342, 364–5, 373, 528; relations with MT, 367; neutron bomb, 371; Camp David Agreements, 380
Cartland, Barbara, 30, 144
Carvel, Robert, 249
Castrol, 138
Catholic Church, 591
Cazalet-Keir, Thelma, 309
Ceausescu, Elena, 355, 508
Ceausescu, Nicolae, 354–7, 508
Central Council, 326
Central Office: MT’s early career, 63–5, 79–80, 85, 100; Heath as candidate, 68; opinion of voters, 115; MT’s Finchley constituency, 131; election campaign (1970), 160; sherry, 249; leadership election (1975), 276, 280; Thorneycroft Chairmanship, 291–2, 440, 458; Reece’s role, 410; 1978 non-election, 412; election campaign (1979), 440, 442–6, 449–50. 455–6, 457, 458
Central Policy Review Staff(CPRS), 174, 195, 221
Centre for Policy Studies (CPS): origins, 250–2; Joseph’s involvement, 250–7, 286, 317, 420; MT’s involvement, 251–2, 254, 467; role, 252–3, 298; relationship with CRD, 292
CERN (European Centre for Nuclear Research), 175, 176
Chamberlain, Neville, 28, 42, 44
Chambers, Paul, 343–4
Channon, Paul, 154, 242
Charlton, Michael, 363
Charter 77, 364
Chechen Republic, 526–7
Chekhov, Anton, 38
Chelmer, Lord, 292
Chelmsford by-election (1945), 19
Chelsea Antiques Fair, 257
Chequers, 188–9, 466
Chesterton, G.K., 522
Child Benefit, 564, 573
Child Poverty Action Group, 262
Child Support Agency, 563
Childe, Rev. Henry, 11
Chile: Pinochet regime, 530, 581; economy, 581–2
China: US policy, 348; MT’s visit (1977), 388–91; nuclear power, 520; economy, 521, 584, 598; Tibet policy, 530; science and technology, 579
Chirac, Jacques, 337
Christian Democrat Union (CDU), 341–3, 346, 500
Christianity, 554–6, 580
Christ’s College School, 100, 172
Church of England, 105
Churchill, Winston: coalition government, 19, 44; Munich Agreement, 27; radio broadcasts 31; on Bomber Command, 32–3; 1945 election, 44–6; Potsdam Conference, 45, 54; on socialism 45, 50; writings, 53; relationship with Stalin, 54, 57; Fulton speech, 59; Party Conference (1948), 63; Cold War rhetoric, 71; MT comparison, 74, 343; Conservative Women’s rally (1950), 75; resignation, 87; referendum proposal, 332; Imperial War Cabinet, 387–8
civil servants: DES, 166; pay policy, 227–8
Clegg, Hugh, 439
closed shop controversy, 312, 368, 401, 429, 436–7
CNN conference (1992), 492
coal stocks, 216–17, 226
coalition proposals (1974), 238–9, 259–60, 327
Cohesion Fund, 502
Cohn-Bendit case (1978), 505n
Colchester, 62, 67
collectivism: Liberal policy, 21; wartime Britain, 46; postwar Conservative policy, 49;
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 208, 334, 483, 500, 502
Common Fisheries Policy, 209, 497
Commonwealth, 126–7, 208
Commonwealth Immigrants’ Act (1962), 145
Commonwealth Immigrants’ Bill (1968), 145
communism: MT’s view of, 14, 24, 29, 156, 341, 600, 603; Soviet Union, 155–6; in trade union movement, 205–6; Muggeridge on, 309–10; Euro-communism, 340–1; advance, 440; collapse, 476, 510; Poland, 602
Community Charge, 202, 571
comprehensive schools, 157–8, 168, 171, 173, 188
Concorde project, 203
Confederation of British Industry (CBI): Davies Director General, 200; incomes policy, 219, 311; TUC relationship, 219, 223–4, 234–5; winter of discontent, 426, 428
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 509, 526
Congdon, Tim, 574
Conquest, Robert, 90, 351, 361
consensus, 149–50, 254, 260
Conservative Associations, 276
Conservative Board of Finance, 267
Conservative Party: general election (1935), 25–6; general election (1945), 43–7; Conference (1946), 47–8, 68;