Conference (1976), 316, 407; European referendum, 330–6, 338–9; Grunwick dispute, 397; Conference (1977), 403–4; Conference (1978), 414–18; trade union policy, 423–5, 454; manifesto (1979), 435–9, 447; general election (1979), 439–61; Europe policy, 473, 487
Conservative Political Centre (CPC), 75, 148, 255
Conservative Research Department, 161, 248, 252, 292–3, 306, 410
Conservative Trade Unionists’ rally (1979), 457, 458
Cook, Beryl, 65, 67, 79
Cooke, Robin, 276
Cope, John, 268
Corfield, Fred, 206
corporal punishment, 116–17, 151
Corrie, John, 325
Council of Europe, 525
Council of Legal Education, 79
Coward, Noel, 14
Crafts, N.F.R., 576n
Crankshaw, Edward, 309
credit controls, 115, 213
crime: rate, 540–2, 550; juvenile, 551; causes, 551–3; cutting, 557–9
Criminal Justice Bill (1961), 116–17
Cripps, Sir Stafford, 52, 55
Croatia: recognition of, 490, 495; independence, 512; war, 514; Serbian attack, 534
Crosland, Anthony: at Oxford, 49; comprehensive education, 168; rates, 247–8; on MT’s manifesto proposals, 250, 258; death, 396
Crossman, Richard, 124
Cullen, Muriel (
currency: convertibility, 86; sterling crises, 312, 315; single European, 333; EMS, 338, 339–40,
Czech Republic: national identity, 525; economy, 591, 592–3
Czechoslovakia: German occupation, 27; Havel Presidency, 508; national identity, 524; privatization, 590
D-Day landings (1944), 41
Darbishire, Helen, 40
Dartford, 63–8, 71–5
Davidson, Lady (Mimi), 48
Davies, John: Technology, 200; Heath’s reforms, 203; UCS, 214–15; miners’ strike (1972), 217; Industry White Paper 220; Industry Act, 220–1; successor at DTI, 224–5; general election (February 1974), 233; dropped from Shadow Cabinet, 242; MT appoints as Foreign Affairs spokesman, 320; illness, 320, 418; death, 418; Stepping Stones discussions, 421
Day, Robin, 42–3, 236, 300, 424, 449
de Gaulle, Charles, 126–7, 207
de la Mare, Walter, 8
De L’lsle and Dudley, Lord, 57, 398
Deakins, Eric Petro, 100
death penalty, 151–2
Deech, Ruth, 563n
Deedes, William, Lord, 293
defence spending, 531–6
Dej, Gheorghe, 354
Delors, Jacques, 487, 509
democracy, 524
Deng Xiao Ping, 389
Denmark, Maastricht referendum, 492, 494
Denning, Lord, 504
Depression, 23–4, 566
deregulation, 568, 578
devaluation, 50, 70, 160
development planning, 586–7
devolution, 285, 321–7, 328, 430–2
Diamond, Jack, 139
Dicey, A.V., 84–5, 332
Dickens, Charles, 19
direct grant schools, 159, 167, 173
Disraeli, Benjamin, 118, 259
divorce: law reform, 151, 152, 548, 563; rate, 548
Djilas, Milovan, 370–1
Dobbs, Michael, 441
dock strike (1972), 222
Docker, Lady, 78
Dodd, Ken, 459
Dodds, Norman, 71–2, 75
Donat, Robert, 15
Donnelly, Desmond, 153
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 310
Douglas, Roger, 586
Douglas-Home, Sir Alec (Lord Dunglass, Lord Home): OUCA, 48; Yalta Agreement vote, 57; widows’ earnings rule, 123, 130; becomes PM, 128–30, 280; Foreign Secretary, 130, 199, 282, 375; MT’s high opinion of, 130, 144; general election (1964), 131, 133; stands down, 133; Middle East policy, 230; leadership election review, 266; devolution proposals, 321
Drinkwater, John, 8
drugs, 153
du Cann, Edward: 1922 Committee, 225, 264, 285, 289, 335; refuses to join Heath’s Shadow Cabinet, 264; leadership election (1975), 269–72; MT’s leadership, 285, 289; EC referendum, 335
Dunglass, Lord,
Eccles, David, Lord, 165
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), 483, 485–6
Economic Club of New York, 478
Economic Dining Group, 265
Economic Policy Committee of the Cabinet (EPC), 195
Economic Reconstruction Group, 298, 300, 403
ECU, 485
Eden, Anthony (Lord Avon), 48, 75, 86, 89, 91, 130