Staravoitova, Galina, 513
State Earnings Related Pension Scheme (SERPS), 573
States of Emergency: (1970), 197–8; (1972), 217, 222; (1973), 230; possibility in 1979, 426
Steel, David, 150, 326, 408, 445
Steering Committee of Shadow Cabinet, 242, 264, 267, 427–9
Stephenson, Beatrice,
‘Stepping Stones’ initiative, 420–3
sterling: crisis (March 1976), 312, 315; crisis (September 1976), 315; ERM, 477, 485–7, 501, 570; withdrawal from ERM, 492–4
Stewart, James, 14
Stockton Lecture, 317–18
Stockton-on-Tees constituency, 118
Stormont, 328
Strachey, John, 28
Stradling Thomas, John, 433
Strategic Defence Initiative, 367
Strauss, Franz Josef, 347
Strauss, Norman, 420–1
strikes: miners (1972), 188, 201, 205, 213, 216–18; miners (1974), 192, 200, 201, 437; miners (1984–85), 216, 217, 575; dock (1972), 222; Ford workers (1978), 413, 415; (1978–79), 289, 394–5, 413–14, 419–20, 428
student unions, 185–7, 189
subsidiarity, 482
Suez crisis (1956), 87–91
Sumner, Donald, 85
Sunley, Jonathan, 526n
Supplementary Benefit, 120
supply side revolution, 575
‘Swinging Britain’, 153
Swinton, Lord, 291
Swinton College, 75
Switzerland, political structure, 523
Syria: Yom Kippur War (1973), 372–3; MT’s visit (1976), 373, 376–8
Taiwan: US defence, 521; economy, 584, 588
Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de, 10
Tanzania, economy, 589
taxation: postwar income tax, 70; Conservative policy (1960s), 115, 116; income tax increases, 115, 116; Selective Employment Tax, 138–9; debate (1966), 140; Labour policy, 160, 605; income tax reduction (1970), 203; corporation tax reduction (1971), 203; mortgage tax relief, 244, 245, 564; business tax cuts, 265; income tax increases (1975), 300; child allowances, 564; income tax cuts (1979, 1984, 1988), 571; corporation tax changes (1984), 571; increases, 573; EC comparison, 574
Taylor, Sir Teddy, 325–6, 460
Te Kanawa, Kiri, 144
teachers: training, 176–8, 190, 192, 245; pay, 227; transfer of salaries, 248
television: commercial, 86; general election (1959), 100; early closedown (1973), 231
Thatcher, Carol: birth, 80; childhood, 81–2, 99, 101, 102–6; education, 106, 138, 185, 280, 309; career, 280, 309, 388; MT’s leadership election, 280; Zurich (1977), 318; on kibbutz, 379–80; China (1977), 388; general election campaign (1979), 456
Thatcher, Denis: wedding, 11, 76; on 1945 election, 43; work, 65, 76, 96, 97, 103, 138, 271, 309; meets Margaret Roberts, 65–6; engagement, 66–7, 74; married life, 76–7, 78, 103–5; holidays, 78, 99, 105–6; fatherhood, 80, 103; MT’s career, 85, 94, 96, 97, 98, 101, 137, 182, 266; Suez crisis, 88–9; Rolls-Royce analysis, 206; EC entry celebrations, 211; winter (1973–74), 232–3; MT’s leadership campaign, 266, 277, 280; quoted, 361; impressed by Reagan, 372; daughter on kibbutz, 379–80; winter of discontent, 427; general election campaign (1979), 442, 450, 456, 460; MT’s departure from Downing St, 465; fortieth wedding anniversary, 480; baronetcy, 488
Thatcher, Margaret (
appearance: dress, 13, 71, 74, 94–5, 96, 97, 107, 118, 119, 295, 443; jewellery, 103–4; 37, 295; voice, 295–6, 457–8;
family: children, 80–2, 99, 101, 102–7; holidays, 15, 78, 99, 105–6, 248, 304; homes, 4, 62, 67, 74, 76, 102–3, 138, 309, 465; nannies, 81, 94, 103; wife and mother role, 80–2, 94
interests: antique furniture, 103–4; cinema, 14–15; interior decorating, 138; music, 9, 38–9, 66, 77; porcelain, 104, 156; reading, 7, 8, 28–30, 50–2, 56–9, 84–5, 113, 309–10; silver, 103
religion, 5–6, 8–11, 37, 39–40, 105, 554–6, 565, 603
woman in politics, 63, 64, 71, 72, 94, 117, 144, 157, 163, 261
Thatcher, Mark: birth, 80; childhood, 81–2, 99, 101, 102–7; education, 106, 138, 280, 309; election campaign (1974), 238; career, 280, 309; MT’s leadership election, 280; lost in desert, 384; MT’s departure from Downing Street, 465
Thatcher Foundation, 469, 602
Thatcherism, 115
Theosophy, 7
Thomas, Harvey, 441, 458
Thomas, Hugh, Lord, 347, 442
Thomas, J.P L., 65
Thomas, Peter, 144, 202, 285
Thorndike, Sybil, 76, 211
Thorneycroft, Peter: Oxford debate, 48; resignation (1958), 92; MT’s adoption, 98; Party Chairman, 290, 291–2; Heath’s role,
Thorpe, Jeremy, 239, 431
three-day working week, 231–2, 311, 414
Tibet: Chinese policies, 530; science and technology, 579