Ryder plan, 300
Saatchi & Saatchi, 410–11, 458
Sachs, Jeffrey, 59m
Sadat, Anwar, 374–5, 380
safety net (Social Security benefits), 75, 86, 546
St John-Stevas, Norman, 289, 418
Sakharov, Andrei, 364–5
Salinas de Gortari, Carlos, 582
Salisbury, Lord, 130, 133
SALT II negotiations, 365–6
Saltley Coke Depot, 217–18
Sarajevo, siege, 514
Scargill, Arthur, 217
Scarman, Lord, 368, 402
Schengen Group, 490
Schlesinger, James, 360
Schmidt, Gerhard, 39
Schmidt, Helmut, 342, 343, 347
schools: private, 157, 159, 167; secondary modern, 157; comprehensive, 157–8, 168, 171, 173, 188; grammar, 157–9, 167, 170–3, 188–9; primary, 158–9, 167, 182–5; direct grant, 159, 167, 173; nursery, 159, 167, 188–9, 190–1, 192–3; leaving age, 159–60, 167, 192; catchment areas, 171; grant-maintained, 173; meals and milk, 179–82, 192; building programme, 183–5, 189, 190, 191–3; size, 190; special, 192; class size, 192; heating, 230–1
Schumpeter, J.A., 593
science: policy, 174–6; history of, 579–80
Science and Engineering Research Council, 175
Scotland, Church of, 555
Scotland, devolution issue, 321–6, 430–2
Scotland and Wales Bill (1976–77), 321, 324–6
Scott, Nicholas, 264, 290
Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP), 321, 323, 430–2
Scottish Conservative Party Conferences: (1975), 323; (1976), 324; (1977), 396
Seguin, Philippe, 494
Seldon, Arthur, 254
Selective Employment Tax (SET), 138, 139
Selsdon Man, 115, 160
Selsdon Park: discussions (1970), 159–60; manifesto, 160–1, 196, 219
Serbia: Yugoslav war, 495, 534; aggression against Bosnia, 514–17, 534
Shakespeare, William, 38
Sharansky, Anatol, 371
Shelepin, Alexander, 349
Shelton, Sir William: friendship with MT, 269, 280; MT’s leadership campaign, 271–2, 274, 276, 277, 280; Backbench Finance Committee, 303
Sherman, Sir Alfred: CPS, 251–2; speech writing for Joseph, 253, 318; MT’s leadership campaign, 273; speech writing for MT, 318; Stepping Stones, 420; winter of discontent, 424; general election campaign (1979), 442
shipbuilding industry, 313, 574
Shore, Peter, 207
Short, Edward (Ted), 169, 171
Silkin, Sam, 400
Silverman, Sydney, 151
Simon, Bill, 360
Singapore: MT’s visit (1976), 386; economy, 584
Singh, Manmohan, 585
Single European Act, 473, 477–8, 479, 484, 496
Skegness, 15, 105
Skinner, Rev. and Mrs, 9–10, 11, 76
SLADE, 437
Slovakia, economy, 592
Slovenia: recognition of, 490, 495; independence, 512; Serbian attack, 534
Smith, Adam, 524
Smith, Ian, 368, 417
Smith, Paddi Victor, 108
Smuts, Jan, 510
Social Democratic and Liberal Party (SDLP), 431
Social Security: ‘safety net’, 75, 86, 546; MT at Pensions, 124; dependency, 146, 440, 538, 544; strikers’ families, 424–5; one-parent families, 538, 545; budget increase, 538, 543–4, 547; MT’s programme, 558–60; reforms (1988), 575
socialism: Churchill’s election broadcast (1945), 45, 50; Hayek on, 50; Brogan on, 52; Labour’s postwar policies, 70; in education, 159, 174; Conservative position, 161; incomes policies, 224; Third World, 384; advance of, 440
Socialist International, 338
Socialist Workers Party, 398
SOGAT, 446
Solidarity, 508, 591
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 350, 363–4, 387
Somalia: crisis, 56; war with Ethiopia, 371; UN intervention, 534–5
Somerville College, Oxford, 33–4, 35–6
Soto, Hernando de, 581
South Africa: arms embargo, 199; sanctions, 368; postal boycott, 399, 400; reform, 509; MT’s visit (1991), 510; economy, 588
South Korea: US defence, 521; economy, 584, 588
sovereignty, parliamentary, 209–10, 237, 497, 504
Soviet Union: German pact, 29; German invasion, 33; postwar relations with Britain, 56–9; Hungary (1956), 90–1; MT’s visit (1969), 154–6; Helsinki, 349–53; ‘Iron Lady’, 362; SALT II, 365–6; invasion of Afghanistan, 367, 371, 383; dissidents, 371; disintegration, 509–10, 517, 531; support for Serbia, 515; national identity, 523; history, 605
Soward, Stanley, 65
Soward family, 65, 74
Spain: party politics, 341; fishermen, 497
Spearman, Diana, 262
Spence, Henry Ivan, 100
Spivey, Ronald, 76
Stalin, Joseph, 54, 56–7, 90, 175, 369, 523
Stalingrad (1942–3), 33
Stanley, Sir John, 242, 320, 388, 441
Stansgate, Lord, 43
Stanwyck, Barbara, 14