Private Members’ Bills, 109

privatization, 574, 605

productivity, 576–8

Profumo, John, 126

Programme Analysis and Review (PAR), 190, 195

property-owning democracy, 75, 243

proportional representation (PR), 322–3, 327, 328

protectionism, 476, 502, 595, 596, 597, 599

proton accelerator, 175

Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act (1960), 109–13

public expenditure: Conservative policy (1950s), 86, 92, 115; Treasury resignations (1958), 92; Conservative policy (1960s), 115, 140; cuts (1973), 191–2, 203, 229; cuts (1970), 203; BL rescue, 300; Joseph’s speeches, 317–18; Healey cuts (1976), 320, 568–9; Shadow Cabinet views, 397; (1980s), 571–3

Public Expenditure Survey Committee (PESC), 183

public opinion polls, see opinion polls

Pym, Francis: Macleod’s death, 198; Agriculture, 289, 311; illness, 289, 311; devolution issue, 326; Foreign Affairs spokesman, 418; Stepping Stones discussions, 421; fall of Labour government, 433

Qaddafi, Muammar, 536

Quayle, Dan, 539

Question Time, 125

Rabin, Yitzhak, 379

race prejudice, 30

Race Relations Act (1968), 145

racism, 540

Radcliffe, Lord, 112

Raico, Ralph, 580n

Raison, Timothy, 264, 289

Rantzen, Esther, 144

Rao, Narasimha, 585

rates, 136, 244–5, 247–50, 258

rationing, 70, 77, 86

Rawlinson, Peter, 212

Reagan, Ronald: Republican nomination campaign, 360; Strategic Defence Initiative, 367; MT’s first meeting, 372; Presidential contender, 372; foreign policy, 509, 527–8, 531, 605; doctrine, 527–8; Republican Party attitude, 578–9

Redmayne, Martin, Lord, 268

Reece, Gordon: MT’s first contact with, 254–5; MT’s leadership campaign, 267, 273; joins MT’s staff, 294; advice on appearance and voice, 295–6, 343; advice on speeches, 306–7; MT’s US visit, 358–9; ‘Iron Lady’ image, 362; MT’s Syria visit, 376; MT’s Pakistan visit, 383; Central Office Director of Publicity, 410–11, 443; 1978 non- election, 412; winter of discontent, 424; general election (1979), 443, 444, 445, 458

Reed, Douglas, 29

Rees, Merlyn, 408

Rees-Mogg, William, 42

referendum: on Europe, 330–9; Churchill’s proposal, 332; on trade unions, 402–3; single currency, 480; Maastricht, 494

Referendum White Paper, 331

Regional Development Fund, 208

rent decontrol, 91–2, 95, 102

repatriation, 145–6, 147, 212

research councils, 174

Restart programme, 545, 560

Retail Price Maintenance, 131

Reynolds, Quentin, 22

Rhodesia, 368, 417–18

Richardson, Ruth, 586

Richmond Council, 172

Ridley, Adam, 252, 292, 306, 358, 443

Ridley, Nicholas, 221, 225, 265

Rifkind, Malcolm, 322, 323, 325–6

Right Approach, The, 316–17, 404

Right Approach to the Economy, The, 404–5, 419

Rimington, Stella, 144

Ripon by-election (1973), 226

Rippon, Geoffrey, 201, 208, 285, 290

road haulage, 86

Robbins Report, 193

Roberts, Alfred (MT’s father): family background, 3, 16; first job, 3; grocery trade, 3–4; health, 4, 16, 163; marriage, 4; Grantham shop, 4–5; religion and morality, 5–7, 14, 15, 163–4; music, 9; Rotary Club, 16, 26, 27; interest in education, 17, 19, 36; reading, 19, 28; politics, 21–2, 65, 78–9; MT’s career, 24, 65; ARP, 25; wartime, 34; daughters’ car, 74; wife’s death, 106–7; remarriage, 163; death, 163–4

Roberts, Beatrice (nee Stephenson, MT’s mother): dressmaker, 4, 13, 17; marriage, 4; Grantham shop, 4–5; religion and morality, 5–6, 15; music, 9; household management, 12–13, 25, 103; furniture, 12, 103; cooking, 12, 37; mother, 15–16; interest in education, 17, 19, 36; reading, 28; death, 106–7

Roberts, Cissy (MT’s stepmother), 163

Roberts, Edward (MT’s uncle), 4

Roberts, John (MT’s great uncle), 9

Roberts, Margaret, see Thatcher

Roberts, Muriel (MT’s sister), see Cullen

Roberts family, 3, 16, 36, 565

Rogers, Ginger, 14

Rolls-Royce, 206–7, 574

Romania: MT’s visit (1975), 353–7; MT’s visit (1971), 354; overthrow of Ceausescus, 508

Romberg, Sigmund, 10

Rome, Treaty of, 210, 333, 481, 482, 484, 496–7

Rookes v. Barnard, 110

Rossi, Hugh, 242

Rotary Club, 13, 16, 26, 27, 565

Rothschild, Victor, 195

Royle, Sir Anthony, 338

Russia: coup (1991), 512–14, 605; Serbia-Bosnia conflict, 516; nuclear power, 520, 521; economy, 521, 589–91; national identity, 526; Chechen Republic, 526–7; democracy, 530, 531; military power, 531–2; relationship with NATO, 533

Ruston and Hornsby, 20, 23

Rwanda, intervention, 535

Ryder, Caroline (nee Stephens), 294, 441

Ryder, Richard, 293–4, 306, 356, 363

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