Options for Change, 531

Orlov, Yuri, 371

Orpington: constituency, 85, 94, 99; by-election (1962), 115, 131

Orwell, George, 471–2

Osborne, Cyril, 154

Osborne, John, 77

O’Sullivan, John, 273, 351

Oxford Union, 42–3, 49

Oxford, University of, 35–60

Oxford University Appointments Committee, 61

Oxford University Conservative Association (OUCA), 42–60, 201

Oxford University Graduate Conservative Association (OUGCA), 62

Pacific Rim, 498, 598

pacifists, 28, 31, 33

Paderewski, Ignace Jan, 602

Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza, Shah of Iran, 365, 380–3, 393

pairing arrangements, 313–14

Pakistan, MT’s visit (1976), 383–4

Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), 373, 376, 378–9

Pandolfi, Filippo, 345

Pannell, Charles, 107–8

Panorama, 279, 363

Pardoe, John, 131–2

Paris, liberation (1945), 38

Parris, Matthew, 294

Parsons, Anthony, 381

Partnership for Peace, 532–3

Pascal, Blaise, 365

Pasqua, Charles, 494

Paterson, Tessa Jardine, 441, 455

patrials, 212

Patten, Chris: CRD, 292, 410; speech writing, 306, 427; The Right Approach, 316; Stepping Stones discussions, 422; manifesto (1978–79), 435, 447; general election (1979), 443, 444, 450

Paul VI, Pope, 345

Pay Board, 225, 227, 234, 235, 236

pay policy, see incomes policies

Peace Ballot (1935), 10–11, 26

Pearl Harbor (1941), 33

pensioners, 115, 121, 440, 450, 548

pensions: Beveridge Report, 120–1; earnings rule, 121, 123–4; public expenditure, 543; age of retirement, 548–9; scaling back SERPS, 573

Pensions and National Insurance, Ministry of, 119–25

Pepper, Gordon, 303

Percival, Ian, 426

Peres, Shimon, 379

Perth Declaration (1968), 321

Peru, economy, 581, 583

petrol coupons, 230

Peyton, John, 278, 28on, 284, 421

Philby, Kim, 126

Philippines, US involvement, 521, 528

Phillips Curve, 567

picketing, 216–18, 437–8, see also Grunwick dispute

Pike, Mervyn, 112

Pile, Sir William (Bill), 165, 168, 176, 182

Pinochet Ugarte, Augusto, 530, 581

Pitt, Edith, 112

Pitt, William (the Younger), 15, 506

Plaza Agreement (1985), 478

Plowden Report, 184

Pohl, Karl-Otto, 479

Poland: elections (1989), 508; NATO membership, 532–3; economy, 591–2, 593; MT’s visit (1993), 602– 4

police: miners’ picketing (1972), 217–18; confidence in, 541

Policy Search group (‘Stepping Stones’), 421, 422

political correctness, 540

Pompidou, Georges, 207

Poos, Jacques, 495

Popper, Karl, 58–9

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 198

Portillo, Michael, 443

Portugal, party politics, 340–1

Post Office unions, 399, 400

Potsdam Conference (1945), 45, 54

Poulson, John, 199n, 286

Powell, Anthony, 42

Powell, Enoch: One Nation, 86; Change is our Ally, 86; resignation (1958), 92; dining club speeches, 114; hospital building programme, 115; MT’s opinion of, 129, 162; refuses to join Home Government, 129; rejection of incomes policy, 141–2; immigration issue, 144–7, 212, 405; general election (1970), 162; opinion of U- turns, 196, 206, 221; on MT’s leadership, 196; opposition to EC entry, 207, 210; general election (February 1974), 237; member for South Down, 328

Pre-Retirement Choice, 258, 268

Pre-school Playgroups Association, 547

Prentice, Reg, 449

Presley, Elvis, 77

pressure groups, 111–12

price restraint, 223–4

prices and incomes policy, see incomes policies

Prices Commission, 225

Priestley, J.B., 22, 44

primary schools, 158–9, 167, 182–5, 192

Prior, James: memoirs, 137; relationship with Heath, 201–2; Agriculture Minister, 201–2; Leader of House, 225; manifesto (October 1974), 249; leadership election (1975), 278, 28on, 284; Shadow Employment Secretary, 288–9; trade union policy, 288–9, 301, 311–12, 368, 401–3,404–5, 422–3, 424–5, 428, 436–7; disagreements with Joseph, 301, 303, 368, 402, 416, 423, 430; incomes policy, 303, 311, 415, 416; Heseltine Mace incident, 314; The Right Approach, 316; Grunwick dispute, 368, 399, 401–2; The Right Approach to the Economy, 404; Stepping Stones discussions, 421–3; manifesto (1978–79), 436–7, 447

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