loon: a mentally disturbed person

loon herder: an orderly at an asylum

loonhouse: asylum for the mentally disturbed

Lost Timers: brigades of English and Italian soldiers who became lost in the Brecheliant forest and were there possessed by Aramanthan spirits

lungfever: slang for influenza

mage: magic practitioner

magis, magistrate: judge

maiden night: the first time a virginal woman has sex with her husband; term often used for betting purposes by men who want to break an engagement

mariners: sailors

matchit: a disposable, one-use lighter

mate: friend

mech: a mechanic; anything mechanical

mechworks: mechanical rooms

mercantile: a shop selling some variety of merchandise

Middleway: industrial Torian city located on the Great Lakes; also called Middy

mixpot: mixing bowl

mole: city underground worker

nappy: diaper, women’s panties

navyman: a current or former member of H.M.’s naval forces

necktwister: assassin

negli: negligee

netherside: the spirit world, invisible to ordinary mortals; the source of magic power

new industry: the beginning of the industrial age in Toriana

New Parliament: governing body of Torian officials who petition the Crown and enforce the Queen’s legislation; the Torian version of Congress

nightstone: a semiprecious mineral used to contain the spirits of long-dead mages and Aramanthan wizards

Nihon: Japan, Japanese

nits: head lice

nobber: private security guard hired by Hill residents to patrol their streets and keep out any undesirables

Norders: people from the North of England

nozzer: nose; a face mask used with a portable oxygen tank

nudie: a flesh-colored garment worn to give the illusion of nudity under a semitransparent gown or overgarment

Occupancy, the: a period of thirty years after the Rebellion failed during which Toriana was occupied by English troops and governed by martial law

on the stroll: working on the streets (said of prostitutes)

pain powder: a mild opiate or analgesic

partymage: a magic practitioner who uses his power to entertain

pasturelands: farm lands

penders: suspenders

physick: doctor

piesafe: kitchen cabinet where food is stored

piper: plumber

pong: stink

portents: predictions or signs of future events

portints: portraits made from ambrotype photographs that are hand-painted to colorize

posh, posher: wealthy aristocrat

poxbox: diseased prostitute

prayerhouses: the Fleers’ religious gathering places

privy: restroom

prodder: iron fireplace poker

prommy: the promenade in the city’s central park used by horseback riders and carris

pyre: crematorium

queensland, the: England

Queen’s Voice, The: the Crown’s official newspaper

questioning: police interrogation at New Scotland Yard

rasher: strip of bacon

red joy, ruddy joy: opium

redcoats: English militia

redstone: brick

reticule: purse

rondella: an automated carousel-type apparatus

rounder: a rubber carri tire

rub: massage

Rumsen: major city on the west coast of Toriana, roughly equivalent to San Francisco in the United States

satchel: tote bag carried by women

scrabbler: a person who makes a living by scavenging

scram: salvage

seeing: an act by a fortune-teller of predicting a client’s future

seeking: an act by a fortune-teller of finding someone or something

Settle: Seattle

shaman: a native Torian holy man

shopkeep: shop proprietor

short sheet: a hastily printed, illegal daily list of horse races and other events for the purpose of placing bets

silverblack: chemicals used to etch photographed images on ambrotype plates

skip: boat

Skirmish, the: a recent, brief naval conflict between England and Spain

slaterow: a row house with slate shingles

snuff: kill

snuffballs: hollow glass spheres filled with magically enhanced poisons like bloodbane that kill on contact, used like grenades

snuffmages: mage assassins who generally work in teams of two

Son, the: Jesus Christ

soother: chamomile herbal infusion, usually added to tea, to relax, relieve stress, and help with insomnia

Southern Church: a Baptist version of Church of England, begun in the southern provinces of Toriana, tolerated by traditionalists

sparkglass: a substance made of various minerals such as mica, galena, and silica that have been ground to a fine dust and mixed with exterior paint in order to create sparkle

spellcraft: the methods and materials used by magic practitioners to cast spells

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