
“Seriously. It’s like sneaking into my grandmother’s room to lose my virginity. It sounds naughty on paper but when you actually get there? Ew.”

Jaden’s shoulders began to shake. The fantasy Duncan had so carefully woven was cracked, but not completely broken.

Duncan glared at her. “Fine. You don’t want Jaden’s fantasy? How about one of your own?”

Jaden’s mouth dropped open. “Wait. Fantasy?” He blinked, his expression turning fierce. Suddenly he looked much more like the hundred year old vampire he truly was. “Duncan.”

Uh-oh. “Oops.”

Duncan growled, mist swirled, and suddenly they were back in Duncan’s office, only this time it was the dead of night. Jaden was spread out on the leather couch, his cock deep in Duncan’s mouth. The two men were beautiful in the dappled moonlight, one so fair, the other so dark.

“Oh shit.” Jaden’s head fell back, his hips lifting in time to Duncan’s descending mouth.

Moira smiled. Here was her fantasy, watching her two men love one another, knowing that at the end they would Claim Jaden. Duncan would make him his just as he’d Claimed her. Jaden would be theirs. He’d have no way out of it, nowhere he could hide from it.

It was perfect.

She grabbed the chair Jaden had been sitting in earlier and dragged it to the sofa so that she could watch, possibly even participate. She too needed to finish her Claim on Jaden, but for now she was content to watch. When Duncan was done, it would be her turn to Claim her vampire.

She could hardly wait.

“Duncan. Stop. Don’t do this.” Jaden’s hands reached down and tugged on Duncan’s hair, trying to pull him off his cock. It was probably the hardest thing he’d ever done, trying to get those perfect lips to let him go, but he had to. Duncan was making a huge mistake, one he’d regret for the rest of his life.

Duncan’s teeth bit into him just enough to let Jaden know the Sidhe had no intention of letting him go. Silver gray eyes glittered at him from under a fall of golden bangs, the determination in them so fierce Jaden’s hands fell away. Duncan had decided to take Jaden and unless Jaden was willing to hurt him there was nothing he could do about it.

Like I really want to stop him. No, Duncan. I hate blowjobs. Feel free to stop any time now. Jaden snorted.

“What’s so funny?”

His eyes darted to Moira and went wide. She sat there and watched them, naked yet far from vulnerable. He opened his mouth to answer when Duncan swirled his tongue around the head of his cock. “Oh hell.” He groaned. Fuck, the Sidhe knew what he was doing.

Jaden blinked and growled down at the Sidhe. Duncan knew exactly what he was doing. “Son of a bitch.”

Moira smirked at him. “Just figured it out, did you?”

He scowled at her, or at least he tried to. It was difficult to be pissed when your cock was being devoured by an expert.

Oh. Oh. His eyes damn near crossed. He had to have Duncan explain that swirly tongue thing. That fucking rocked. He couldn’t wait to return the favor.

Moira stood up and walked toward him, her nipples begging for his attention. “You know what? I want in.” She bent down and bit at his lower lip. “Are you going to let me play, too?”

He felt more than saw Duncan’s nod of approval and reached for the other half of his heart. “C’mere.” Jaden pulled her down to her knees and took one of her ripe nipples into his mouth, sucking on her with all the hunger in him. He cupped her pussy, delighted to feel the wet fire under his fingertips. He stroked across her clit, enchanted by her moans. His free hand went down to Duncan’s head, ran through the silky golden strands before cupping the back. He wanted to feel Duncan’s rhythm, be part of what was happening rather than the oral sacrifice all laid out and ready to be devoured.

They said they wanted him. They said they needed him. Well, fuck if they weren’t going to get him. Nobility be damned, he ached.

He wanted to sink into them both, make them a part of him. He needed in ways he never had before. The knowledge that the two people he cared most about were desperate to have him was an aphrodisiac even more potent than his bite.

Vampires may not have the Sidhe Claim, Vow, Binding thing, but they had their own form of mating that was nearly as potent, almost as strong. He would take these two, make them his, declare them his bondmates for all the world to see. No one would ever take them from him or they would face his wrath.

Moira was watching him, her eyes glazed with want, her hips rocking into his hand. He switched his attention to the other nipple, enjoying the gasp she granted him. He didn’t know which one of them he wanted to fuck first.

No. Scratch that. He’d always known. Visions of being sandwiched between the two of them drifted through his mind. He would be buried in Moira’s sweet heat, Duncan behind him, riding them both. He’d lay his bond on Moira first, making her his before he bonded Duncan to him.

They’d taken the initiative, shown him he was wanted. Now he’d show them how much he wanted them.

He turned his attention back to Duncan, pulling his lips from Moira’s breast. He ignored her whimper. “Gonna fuck Moira, Duncan. Make her mine. Then I’m going to take you.”

Duncan’s head paused for just a moment before his mouth lifted off of Jaden’s cock. “Who says I won’t take you?”

Jaden shivered. It was the response he’d hoped for. While he truly loved fucking women, he also loved being taken by a man. And Duncan had “top” written all over him.

Still, he wasn’t going to just give up his ass. He had to make the Sidhe work for it. “You think I can’t pin you down and fuck you silly?”

Duncan smiled and swiped his tongue along the head of Jaden’s cock. Jaden’s fingers froze around Moira’s clit. “I know you, Jaden.” Another long, wet swipe had his IQ dropping by about ten points. “I know everything about you.” Duncan cradled Jaden’s balls in the palm of his hand. “I’ve lived in your mind for a century, and I know how you like your sex.”

Jaden whimpered. Duncan knew? Shit. Jaden hadn’t exactly been indiscreet, but he was far from virginal. Duncan’s hand tightened around his balls as if he could read the vampire’s mind. Oh, wait. He can read my mind. “All those other men meant nothing to me?” He grinned warily, knowing his mating, and his balls, were on the line here.

“If they had started to mean something to you they wouldn’t have lived very long.” Duncan’s teeth nipped him. “I don’t share.”

Another set of teeth nipped his nipple and he yelped, staring at Moira in shock. “In case you were wondering, neither do I.” The Irish was peeking out of Moira’s accent, letting him know just how deeply affected she was.

He looked back and forth between them, his two loves. They wore identical grins on their faces, the piratical look of a Sidhe who has claimed something as his, or her, own. One last little niggling doubt needed to be voiced before he gave himself completely. “Are you sure?”

The two exchanged a look. Moira rolled her eyes, Duncan gave a disgusted snort. “Yes, you idiot.” Duncan sat up and grabbed Jaden’s hips. He started trying to roll him off the sofa. “I know what you need. Stop fighting me.”

He stopped fighting, letting Duncan position them the way he wanted them. Moira wound up on the edge of the sofa, her legs spread wide, her pussy ripe and inviting. Duncan got on his knees behind Jaden, a white tube in his hands. Where he’d gotten it from Jaden didn’t know. He wasn’t even sure where they really were. Were they fucking on the front steps of Duncan’s house, or had Duncan somehow gotten them inside? Knowing how strong Duncan was, right now he could have sexually transmitted road rash and not even realize it.

Duncan brushed his hair away from the side of his neck. He inched forward until his front was pressed

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