against Jaden’s back, his erection nudging Jaden’s buttocks. “You’re going to ride Moira and I’m going to ride you.”

Moira pinched his ass hard, reminding him that even though her legs were spread she was far from vulnerable. “Make me feel good, Jaden.”

Jaden lunged forward, burying himself in her sweet heat. Oh, gods above, she was incredible, tight and hot and wet for him. He licked his lips, eager for another taste of his sweet leprechaun. His. He could say that now and allow himself to feel the joy that raced through him, no longer shadowed by guilt. “Moira.” He thrust slowly, savoring the feel of her, one hand curled around her hip and the other curled around her neck. He brought her up until their chests met, devoured her mouth while he fucked her with lazy strokes.

Her thighs were twitching, her hands clenching on his biceps. She’d come soon. He wanted to feel that, needed to know he’d been the one to bring her to orgasm. He lifted his mouth from hers and stared down into her beautiful face. Dark green sparks began to dance around them. “Moira?”

“Close.” She was breathless, her nipples diamond hard. Her body writhed under him, demanding that he give her what she needed.

“Play with yourself, sweetheart. Come on my cock.” He tightened his hold on her neck, kept her face right where he could see it. He didn’t want her looking down. He needed to watch as ecstasy etched itself onto her features.

Her fingers brushed his cock before they began circling her clit. Her breathless moan shook him, her contracting pussy nearly distracting him from the squelching sounds behind him.

Duncan was preparing himself.

He couldn’t think about that now, not with Moira under him, surrounding him, her eyes dazed with desire. She was so close it scented the air around her, rich and tantalizing. He could taste it on his tongue. His eyes changed, his teeth descending in answer to her orgasm.

The time had come to truly make her his, his bondmate, his little leprechaun. This time he wouldn’t hesitate. It would be complete; the light bond he’d deepened in the alleyway would become the soul-deep bond it should be. He tilted her head to the side and struck just as she came, forcing her orgasm even deeper. He fed from her, her sex and her blood, filled himself until the only empty spots left within him were made for Duncan to fill.


He lapped at the wound on her neck, closing the tiny pinpricks.

Her hand tangled in his hair and pulled. “More.

Jaden threw his head back and laughed, happier than he could ever remember being. “Yes, ma’am.”

She scowled up at him and tightened the muscles of her pussy. “I’m not done with you yet, Bunnicula.”

He snorted a laugh. “Aw, you remembered.” The first time they’d met she’d done her best to protect Ruby, but she’d been unable to withstand his mental pull. Ruby had stopped him from taking Moira by calling him Bunnicula, shocking him into releasing his hold on Moira.

Her lips twitched. “Yes.” She leaned forward until they were nose to nose, and he let her. “Now fuck me.”

His answering grin was predatory. “My pleasure.”

“Hold that thought.” A slick finger gently penetrated his ass, making him gasp. “I wouldn’t want you to forget about me.”

Jaden gulped. Duncan’s finger felt incredible, slick and hard and— “Oh shit.” He trembled. Duncan had found his prostate. “You’re kinda hard to forget.”

Duncan nipped his earlobe and twisted his finger, sending a shudder of delight down Jaden’s spine. “Right there, amoureaux?”

Jaden blinked away sudden tears. He had a hard time believing that Duncan was calling him that. He licked his lips and moaned, pushing back against that invading finger. “More.”

“I think he likes that.” Moira leaned forward and kissed his lips softly. “Don’t you, a ghra?

He looked down into her eyes. They shimmered with unshed tears. “Don’t cry, Moira. We won’t do this if you don’t want it.” Fuck his determination never to let them go. If it gave Moira a moment’s grief he’d walk away in an instant despite the bond he’d just formed with her.

Her smile lit the room. “Idiot.” She tightened around him just as Duncan carefully inserted another finger. He felt Duncan stretch him, loosening Jaden for his cock. Jaden had to bite his lip to keep from fucking into Moira and tumbling headlong into orgasm. “Don’t think for a second you’re getting away from either one of us.”

“We are a tribond, Jaden.” Duncan fucked him with those two fingers, brushing his prostate with every stroke. “We belong together, all three of us.”

A what? A tribond? They’d mentioned that before, but he’d never heard of such a thing.

Then again, he’d never heard of Sidhe before he’d met Duncan, and they’d turned out to be real enough.

“You and me and Duncan.” Moira shifted, bringing him further inside her. She removed his hand from her neck and lay back, exposing herself, laying herself bare before him. “You know you want this.” Her hands drifted up to her breasts and pinched her nipples. Her hips undulated against him, her clit scraping across his pubic hairs. She arched her back and moaned.

Jaden shuddered. He’d never seen anything so beautiful as Moira in the throes of passion.

Duncan’s fingers twisted again, rubbed his prostate with desperate urgency. Jaden swallowed. “Fuck. Do that again.” He didn’t know which was better, the pull of Moira’s pussy or the fingers invading his ass.

“I’ll do one better,” Duncan whispered in his ear. “Feel this, and know how much I need you.” Duncan’s fingers left his ass, only to be replaced by the flared head of his cock. “Ready for me?”

Born ready. He laughed. “Are you kidding me?”

Duncan’s warm chuckle tickled his ear. “All right, amoureaux.

He pushed out and the head of Duncan’s cock moved past the first ring of muscles. The sting of the invasion was nothing compared to the knowledge that finally every naughty thought he’d ever had about the Sidhe lord taking him were finally coming true.

He rocked to Duncan’s motion, taking him in deeper, his cock slipping in and out of Moira’s scorching hot body. Duncan’s hands clenched on Jaden’s waist, pulling him and pushing him to his rhythm, using Jaden to fuck them both.

Jaden was in goddamn fucking heaven. “If this is a dream don’t ever wake me up.”

Moira grinned. “I’ll prove this isn’t a dream. You can sleep in the wet spot.”

Duncan laughed. “I agree. Vampire in the middle.”

Jaden allowed his own smile to break free, let them see the joy flowing through him. “I thought I already was.”

Duncan began to pepper his neck with butterfly kisses. “I need you.”

Fuck. Those damn tears were back. So much for his macho vampire image. “Take me.”

“Bend forward. Fuck Moira for me, Jaden. Let me feel your passion.”

Good idea. Fucking Moira like that would push him back into Duncan. In essence, he would be fucking them. He bent forward and leaned on his elbows, his nose inches away from Moira’s. “Hi, sweetheart.”

Her legs wrapped around his waist. “Hello.”

He began to fuck her, slow at first, dragging out the pleasure for all three of them. Duncan’s hands remained at his waist, guiding him, petting him. Duncan’s low, encouraging murmurs let him know how much pleasure the Sidhe lord took in their mating. Silver lights danced now among the green, swirling around them in a dazzling display.

Hell. They really were Claiming him. Both of them. He could feel their power dancing along his skin, sinking into his blood and bone, the sensation both familiar and more intense than he remembered. He understood now that what he’d felt in the shower, their ghostly Claiming of him, had been real, his fate sealed the moment they all came. But it would remain weak until all three of them came together. Jaden sighed, the feel of his lovers moving around him driving him out of his mind. “Close.”

Moira nodded, her eyes squeezed shut, her legs dragging on him faster and faster. He held off, waited for Duncan to join them, and now his cock throbbed with the urge to pour himself into Moira.

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