123. Цитата Джефа Буке приведена по ссылке:
124. P. Medstrand, L. N. van de Lagemaat, C. A. Dunn, et al. 2005. Impact of transposable elements on the evolution of mammalian gene regulation. Cytogenet Genome Res 110(1–4):342–352;
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J. P. Moles, A. Tesniere, and J. J. Guilhou. 2005. A new endogenous retroviral sequence is expressed in skin of patients with psoriasis. Br J Dermatol 153(1):83–89.
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Salvador E. Luria, Virus Growth and Variation, B. Lacey and I. Isaacs, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1959).
127. Луис Виллареаль, из личного разговора. Подробней о его работе читайте:
L. P. Villarreal. 2004. Can viruses make us human? Proc Am Phil So 148(3):296–323;
L. P. Villarreal, Viruses and the Evolution of Life (Washington, DC: ASM Press, 2005);
L. P. Villareal. 1997. On viruses, sex, and motherhood. JVirol 71(2):859–865.
128. Charles Siebert, “Unintelligent Design,” Discover, март 2006; M. Syvanen. 1984. The evolutionary implications of mobile genetic elements. Annu Rev Genet 18:271–293;
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M. G. Kidwell and D. R. Lisch. 2001. Perspective: transposable elements, parasitic DNA, and genome evolution. Evolution Int J Org Evolution 55(1):1–24;
J. Brosius. 2005. Echoes from the past – are we still in an RNP world? Cytogenet Genome Res 110(1–4):8–24;
C. Biemont and C. Vieira. 2005. What transposable elements tell us about genome organization and evolution: the case of Drosophila. Cytogenet Genome Res 110(1–4):25–34;
P. Medstrand, L. N. van de Lagemaat, C. A. Dunn, et al. 2005. Impact of transposable elements on the evolution of mammalian gene regulation. Cytogenet Genome Res 110(1–4):342–352.
Глава 7: Метильное безумие: в поисках идеального фенотипа129. Книга на данную тему:
F. M. Berg, Underage& Overweight: The Childhood Obesity Crisis: What Every Family Needs to Know (Long Island City, NY: Hatherleigh Press, 2005).
Про маркетинг фастфуда для детей, подростков и взрослых:
E. Schlosser and C. Wilson, Chew on This: TheUnhappy Truth about Fast Food (Boston: Houghton Mi- in Company, 2006).
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D. S. Freedman, W. H. Dietz, S. R. Srinivasan, and G. S. Berenson. 1999. The relation of overweight to cardiovascular risk factors among children and adolescents: the Bogalusa Heart Study. Pediatrics 103(6 Pt 1):1175–1182;
S. J. Olshansky, D. J. Passaro, R. C. Hershow, et al. 2005. A potential decline in life expectancy in the United States in the 21st century. N Engl J Med 352(11):1138–1145;
Philip Cohen, “You Are What Your Mother Ate, Suggests Study,” New Scientist, 4 августа 2003
В своей статье «New Scientist» ссылается на следующую работу:
R. A. Waterland and R. L. Jirtle. 2003. Transposable elements: targets for early nutritional effects on epigenetic gene regulation. Mol Cell Biol 23(15):5293–5300; Alison Motluk, “Life Sentence,” New Scientist, October 30, 2004.
130. Rowan Hooper, “Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance Challenged,” New Scientist, 27 мая 2006;
Rowan Hooper, “Men Inherit Hidden Cost of Dad’s Vices,” New Scientist, 6 января 2006;
E. Jablonka and M. J. Lamb, Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005);
R. A. Waterland and R. L. Jirtle. 2003. Transposable elements: targets for early nutritional effects on epigenetic gene regulation. Mol Cell Biol 23(15):5293–5300;
Gaia Vince, “Pregnant Smokers Increase Grandkids’ Asthma Risk,” New Scientist, 11 апреля 2005;
Q. Li, S. Guo-Ross, D. V. Lewis, et al. 2004. Dietary prenatal choline supplementation alters postnatal hippocampal structure and function. J Neurophysiol 91(4):1545–1555;
Shaoni Bhattacharya, “Nutrient During Pregnancy Super- Charges’ Brain,” New Scientist, 12 марта 2004;
Leslie A. Pray, “Dieting for the Genome Generation,” The Scientist, 17 января 2005; Anne Underwood and Jerry Adler, “Diet and Genes,” Newsweek, 24 января 2005.
131. Цитата Рэнди Джиртл приведена в пресс-релизе Медицинского центра Университета Дьюка, доступном по ссылке:
Статья целиком:
R. A. Waterland and R. L. Jirtle. 2003. Transposable elements: targets for early nutritional effects on epigenetic gene regulation. Mol Cell Biol23(15):5293–5300;
Leslie A. Pray, “Epigenetics: Genome, Meet Your Environment: As the Evidence Accumulates for Epigenetics, Researchers Reacquire a Taste for Lamarkism,” The Scientist, 5 июля 2004;
I. C. Weaver, N. Cervoni, F. A. Champagne, et al. 2004. Epigenetic programming by maternal behavior. Nat Neurosci 7(8):847–854;
E. W. Fish, D. Shahrokh, R. Bagot, et al. 2004. Epigenetic programming of stress responses through variations in maternal care. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1036:167–180;
A. D. Riggs and Z. Xiong. 2004. Methylation and epigenetic fidelity Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101(1): 4–5.
132. C. R. Camargo, E. Colares, and A. M. Castrucci. 2006. Seasonal pelage color change: news based on a South American rodent. An Acad Bras Cienc 78(1):77–86.
133. J. L. Brooks. 1965. Predation and relative helmet size in cyclomorphic Daphnia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 53(1):119–126;
J. Pijanowska and M. Kloc. 2004. Daphnia response to predation threat involves heat-shock proteins and the actin and tubulin cytoskeleton. Genesis 38(2):81–86.
134. M. Enserink. 2004. Entomology: an insect’s extreme makeover. Science 306(5703):1881.
135. R. Richard Shine and S. J. Downes. 1999. Can pregnant lizards adjust their offspring phenotypes to environmental conditions? Oecologia 119(1):1–8.
136. P. D. Gluckman and M. Hanson, The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development, and Disease (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
137. Shaoni Bhattacharya, “Fattening Up Skinny Toddlers Risks Heart Health,” New Scientist, 27 октября 2005;
C. N. Halesand D. J. Barker. 2001. The thrifty phenotype hypothesis. Br Med Bull 60:5–20.
138. W. Y. Kwong, A. E. Wild, P. Roberts, et al. 2000. Maternal undernutrition during the preimplantation period of rat development causes blastocyst abnormalities and programming of postnatal hypertension. Development 127(19):4195–4202.
Полезный обзор на эту тему:
V. M. VehaskariandL. L.Woods. 2005. Prenatal programming of hypertension: lessons from experimental models. JAmSocNephrol 16(9):2545–2556.
139. Rowan Hooper, “Men Inherit Hidden Cost of Dad’s Vices,” New Scientist, 6 января 2006;
M. E. Pembrey, L. O. Bygren, G.