Our day in Harvard Square is on my top-ten list of best days ever. I love what you wrote . . . it was a day you wish was in a snow globe so you can have it forever. That might be the start of one of your new songs. Think about it.
My jean jacket meant everything to me but that it brought you into my life makes it mean even more.
How are you? How’s your heart? Mine is feeling better and better, thanks in huge part to you.
Big hug,
To-est Tara,
You don’t know that you and Chris are going to break up. You just don’t know. Yes, you saw him and Kathy with your own two eyes, but are you sure, absolutely positive, they weren’t just hanging out? Maybe Kathy wants to play hockey and so he was helping her with equipment? And if she was on skates and fell into him maybe it’s not that they kissed but that they kind of smacked faces. I guess this is my wishful thinking, Tara. Like what if you get the photos back from Medi Mart and Chris and Kath are just talking in them, or watching TV? I am just trying to find the hope here, Tara.
I know your heart so well, and I know it is hurting right now. I know you dyed your hair chestnut because of anxiety, and it looks beautiful, but my hope is that when the photos come back and this gets resolved you will feel like you again. Not saying you have to go back to being blond, but please give yourself the permission to, if you want.
I don’t want me and Diego to be a painful sight for you, Tara. We want you to be in our lives, so please find the space in all that’s going on to be a part of our world. We both care so much about you!
Stacey is still reeling from her breakup with Justin. I think. I haven’t spoken too much to her about it. You know how private she is. She is like a safe-deposit box. But I just keep sending positive vibes her way. I know you are, too.
I will go with you to Medi Mart, okay? We can see these photos together and make some rational decisions from there, okay? And I am proud of you, Tara. You have handled this so well so far. You can go the distance, I just know it.
Love you Muchly and Moreso,
I wasn’t sayin’ I’m not thrilled for you and Diego ’cuz I am, Stef, I am! Yes, yes, I would love to be a part of your world once mine is not bein’ pummeled by a friggin’ asteroid, k?
And FYI, I dyed my hair chestnut because I’m an ever-evolving actress, Stef. How can I honestly play brunettes if I’ve no idea how they feel, how they go about their days? You’ll recall I chopped my hair years ago for the role of Connie Wong, and while I did land Anne Frank I would almost be embarrassed tellin’ the people at my NYU audition that I wore a wig to garner that role. I don’t think the NYUs of the world look kindly on wig-wearin’ actors, ya know? Do you know what I mean?
Anyway . . . I am so thankful you are comin’ with me to Medi Mart. And not to be rude, but Stacey could at least reply to one of the ten notes I’ve given her. I get that she’s private, but come on. I still think she’s awesome, but seriously? Has she even told you who found her jean jacket? I thought she would dissolve without it, so whoever found it is awesome.
Hearts and Stars, my Best Friend,
Hey Tara—
So sorry I didn’t write back sooner. You were right when you told me back in September (of 1991 . . . which does seem like a million years ago, and how do you like my parentheses? Really getting the hang of them. I’m finally figuring out how to use them the right way. Guess who I learned that from?) that life in high school is a whole other ball game. I have so much homework it’s nuts, and then everything else in my life . . . it’s all so much.
I got a whiff of your new perfume the other day. Really nice. Different. What is it?
No, Joy and I didn’t elope over Christmas break. We actually did the opposite. We broke up. We are still really good friends, but her life is so insane with Les Misérables closing soon, she just needs to focus, which I understand completely.
And it turned out really good, opened up space for some new things in my life, which have made me really happy.
Anyway, tell Chris I say hi.
Best wishes,
OH MY GOD! Stop the PRESSES! Hold the PHONE! Rewind the VHS! Joy dumped YOU?! If I was someone who didn’t know what to say I would be friggin’ speechless right now, but fortunately for me I have words, lots of ’em, and I always know what to say! So here goes.
First of all, you and me (us very GOOD FRIENDS) are so incredibly similar. I’ve been hidin’ my true emotional state these days because of something so HUGE . . . Oh, Matt . . . it’s somethin’ I would love to share with you, but it would likely best be shared at Camel Lot (only place in this janky town where things can be shared and not overheard), so do consider making time in your busy schedule. (I shoulda warned you, second part of Freshman year gets intense, so get used to it—this is a signal of what high school is really like, okay?)
I know you, Matt. I would say I know you