smiled at us and left the room. We started to follow her outslowly, still chuckling to ourselves, when she screamed. “Stay away from me!”she called out. “I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it.”

The threeof us ran out of the room, I was first, but in my rush to see what was going onI tripped over somebody's foot and landed hard on the floor. Slightly winded Irolled onto my back to apologize to the person I had fallen over, only to seesaid person falling on top of me. The man was wearing a firefighter uniform, adark blue polo shirt and trousers. “Will, Adam, Zombie!” Amelia screamed.

Thezombie’s face was now very close to mine, I could hear the click clack of histeeth as his jaw moved up and down trying to bite me.

“Ahhhh,” I called out, in my mind I was so scared I couldn’tform a word.

 Thezombie’s right eye was hanging from the socket and it was dragging its way upand down my cheek. I felt so sick, I tried to get from underneath him.

 “Gee,try not to wriggle about so much, I'm trying to shoot the dude,” Adam calledout.

“Kinda hard not to move, when a zombie is trying to eat MYFACE!!” I shouted back.

“Ameliacome and hold this door closed,” Will called out. He had closed the door thezombie had come out of incase there were more. All this had happened in secondsbut to me it felt like hours.

Adam wasstill jumping from foot to foot trying to get a good aim at the zombie and myarms were aching really bad, I was losing strength.

Out of thecorner of my eye I could see Will walking quickly but calmly towards me, Iinstinctively closed my eyes. I heard a sickening thud as Will’s baseball batconnected with the side of the zombie’s head. The zombie rolled off me, itwasn't dead though, I could still hear it growling and moaning at us. My armsdropped to my chest grateful to be free of the struggle. The blood spatter onmy face felt cold and sticky rather than warm and I was thankful that I hadclosed my mouth tightly when I closed my eyes. I could hear Will breathing hardas he repeatedly hit the zombie in the head until it stopped moving. I stillhad not opened my eyes or moved from the spot where I had fallen and each timethe bat connected with its head I felt a splatter of blood hit my face andneck.

“Here yougo, dude. Clean yourself up.”

I jumped atthe sound of Adam’s voice right next to me as I had not heard him walk up tome. He had handed me a damp towel and I wiped my face, ears and hands.

“Thanks,” Isaid to him gratefully, I covered my face with the towel and sighed. The towelsmelled damp and musky but it was a hundred times better than zombie blood andgore. I just wanted to get home to my wife and kids and for the tenth timetoday I contemplated just leaving and trying my luck at getting back to them onmy own. But then I thought of Nia and all of the other prisoners back atDeacon's and I knew I had to try and help them. Distance wise, I was closer tothe warehouse than I was to my home. I would give them until the next day andthen I was leaving. Enough was enough, I had been without my family for toolong.

“George?You ok man? Did it bite you?” Will asked. He held his gun tightly, it was notaimed at me but he had it ready just in case.

I shook myhead no and attempted to get up. My arms and legs were so shaky I was havingproblems getting to my feet.

Will heldout a hand and pulled me up, then studied me. “You ok?” he said a look ofgenuine concern crossed his features.

“Yeah justa bit shaky that's all.” I nodded my head, and moved to the kitchen counter tolean on.

Ameliawalked over to me with a small smile on her face and handed me a nutrition bar.“You look like shit George … eat this it will help to steady you.”

As I atethe bar, Adam and Will checked out the other room. Amelia was holding my gunready in case anything else managed to get by the two men and come running atus. I think it was just to make her feel safe. Adam came back through the doorfirst and looked a little whiter than when he first went in, in fact he almosthad a green tint to him.

Will cameout immediately after. “Adam help me move that body out this room, will youplease? Then we will find some way of blocking off the door. George, could yousee if there are any large rubbish bags in the kitchen cupboards? We need tobag up the bodies and move them outside,” Will asked.

“Bodies??”I asked as I looked through the cupboards. I saw the black rubbish bags underthe sink and pulled them out. Will explained to Amelia and I that in the roomwas another body but there was not much left of it. Most of it had been eaten,presumably by the guy who just tried to eat me. He said we should get rid ofthe bodies before they decayed any further. I ripped a few bags off and handedone each to Will and Adam and kept one for myself. Will and I went into theroom and dragged the badly eaten body into my bag there was so little left ofit that it fit in the bag by bending its legs behind it. I could not tell ifthe body had been male or female as the majority of it flesh was gone and therewere no clothes on or near the body. This room was being used as a small gymarea. There were two running machines, a cross trainer and two weight benches.The body was in the middle of the floor but there was blood and other bodilyfluids everywhere, the smell was overpowering.

Willstarted to drag the body in the bag out through the door and towards

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