It isn’t until I check the last couple of meeting and conference rooms that I start to give up hope. All that’s left is a couple of the study cubes. These rooms don’t require a reservation, but a lot of study groups don’t use them, because they’re a lot smaller than the study rooms. However, if you want a quiet space for you and maybe one other person, these are perfect.
The two rooms are up against the wall, and when approaching them, you can’t see inside. You have to walk all the way toward the back wall before you see the glass doors that slide open on your right.
I decide to empty the trash can that sits between the two rooms before going back downstairs. The first one’s empty, only a small round table and two chairs inside. When I take the lid off the trash, I spot movement in the last room.
I take a side step and peer in. It’s Elijah. His back is to me, his work spread out before him on the table. I take a few seconds to look around. Nobody is nearby. Hardly anybody comes this far because it’s only these two cubes. I can’t see downstairs from here, which means nobody from downstairs can see me.
I knock lightly on the door, and he angles his head over his shoulder to see who’s interrupting him. When he spots me, he straightens up and twirls his chair around. He gestures with two fingers for me to come in.
I open the door, but don’t step inside. “Hey. So, we probably need to talk for numerous reasons, but I just wanted to talk to you about what you may have heard out there.”
He tilts his head slightly. “What did I hear?”
“Lorenzo saying he’s staying at my place, but it’s not what you think.”
“I’d hope not. He’s been awfully touchy lately, and now he’s talking about sleeping at your apartment.”
“I know, but again, it’s not like that. You read my note, right? There’s nothing going on between us.”
He nods. “Yes, I know.”
“You do?”
“Yes. You said you were only friends, and I believe you. I have no doubt that he wants to be more, and you may need to talk to him about that if you don’t have any interest.”
“Of course I don’t have any interest. Elijah, I only want you.” His face changes, and I can tell he’s happy to hear that. “But you also have some explaining to do.”
He stands up and takes a step closer. “I know what you walked in on looked bad. And I hate to say I can explain because it sounds like the cliché thing people say when they’re caught in the wrong, but I do have an explanation.” He takes a breath. “Lorraine and I. Professor Drakulich, we have a past. Nothing serious, but you know.”
“You’ve slept together.”
He nods. “Yes. I told her prior to us sleeping together that I wasn’t interested in a relationship, but she seemed to think she could change my mind. We haven’t slept together in months. It was last school year, but she’s been trying to set something up for us. Anyway, I won’t go on, but she was in my class, once again trying her best to get things started again. I was about to step away from her when you walked in, and when you left, we sorted things out.”
“So, she’s not going to be trying to get in your pants anymore?”
He smiles. “No, I don’t think so.”
“She’s my professor, you know? It’s gonna be weird being in her class now.”
“I’m sorry,” he says, and actually looks pained for me.
“It’s okay. I just want to make sure you’re not, you know, with anybody else right now. Are you still seeing anybody?”
He shakes his head. “Nobody. Only you.”
Relief consumes me and I smile. “Good.”
“Now why is Lorenzo trying to sleep at your apartment?”
I look down the hall to make sure nobody’s around. “It’s a long story. Can we talk about it when I’m off? Annie’s probably gonna be looking for me soon.”
He gives me a nod. “Okay. But call me before you get off. Tell Lorenzo you don’t need him at your apartment tonight.”
“If you don’t feel safe, you come to me. I’ll take care of you.”
Emotion floods my body. I’m overcome with happiness, relief, adoration, and something else. Something strong. Something that scares me.
In order to keep from crying, I rush forward and throw my arms around his neck. I bury my face into his neck and breathe in his scent. His arms wrap around me and make me feel safe. He comforts me, stroking my hair and rubbing my back as I try to absorb what he’s offered.
“Thank you,” I say, sniffling.
He draws back, his hand cradling my face as he peers into my eyes. This moment between us is charged with emotions. Our eyes communicate things we can’t say out loud. Things we don’t want to admit to ourselves. This is real, and I can’t imagine not having him in my life.
“I’ll be here when you get off,” he says. “Then we’ll talk.”
“Okay,” I say with a nod and another sniffle.
He tugs me closer and plants his lips on mine in a soft and meaningful kiss. This kiss isn’t sex-driven. It’s not about lust and desire. It’s full of so much more and makes me feel things I can’t name.
True to my word, I’m sitting in my car in the library parking lot at ten o’clock, and a few minutes later, Nova exits the building. Her eyes scan the lot, looking for me. I don’t flash the lights, because I don’t want to bring attention to my car, but as she gets closer, she