I watch her glance around, making sure nobody is nearby, but luckily for us, it isn’t crawling with students at this time of night.
She quickly gets into the passenger seat then leans over and places her stuff in the backseat.
“I want to kiss you,” she says with a grin. “But I don’t know who may be watching. Just know I want to.”
A chuckle escapes my lips as I smile. I reach over and place my hand on her thigh and give it a squeeze. “I want to kiss you, too.”
“Thanks for picking me up.”
“Of course,” I say, driving out of the parking lot and making my way off campus. “Do you need me to go to your apartment? Do you want to come to my house?”
“I guess we can go to my apartment. We can talk there, and it’s closer.”
“Okay, just tell me where to go. Is your car on campus?”
“My friend Ayanna dropped it off at my place. Her boyfriend followed her then took her to work.”
“And we don’t have to worry about Lorenzo being there?” I ask, giving her a quick glance.
“Uh. No,” she says with a laugh. “I’ve already talked to him.”
Just as she said, it doesn’t take long before we get to her apartment. It’s the bottom floor of a two-story, red brick building. The four apartments visible each have their own small patio or balcony. The lawn is well manicured with perfect hedges in front of the downstairs apartments. Based on the quick look I got from the parking lot, this complex consists of several buildings, and resembles some of the living quarters on campus.
“You like living here?” I ask as we walk to her door.
She shrugs. “Sure. It’s quiet. I’m glad I got this end and not one of the buildings in the center. There’s a pool in the middle and I can imagine it gets loud in the summer.”
Nova unlocks her door, pushes it open, and flips on a light. She hesitates in the doorway before moving in and allowing me to enter. She glances back at me and forces a grin, but I can tell she’s nervous.
“Um, it’s not much. Especially compared to your house.”
Once I’m inside, she closes and locks the door, then throws her stuff on the kitchen counter. I inspect the room, noticing she has only what she needs and not much more.
“I’m slowly fixing it up. Just a college kid, ya know?” she says, throwing me a wink. “You can sit down. Want a drink?”
“I’m good,” I say with a shake of my head.
She follows me to her couch, turns the TV on, but puts the volume down. She turns sideways, sitting cross legged as she looks at me. “I’m not really sure where to start.”
I scoot closer, reaching out and grabbing her hand, sandwiching it in between mine. “From the beginning. I’m not in a rush.”
She blows out a breath. “I came here to Gaspar to get away from an ex-boyfriend. He became obsessive and controlling, and it turned into stalking and him trying to break into mine and my sister’s house. He left me threatening letters, and it just got so bad that I felt like I had no choice but to leave.
“The cops weren’t able to track him down, but have been on the lookout. However, on Halloween weekend, a couple of my friends tagged me in pictures on Instagram, and he saw them. He knows where I am now. That’s why Lorenzo said what he said. My friend Ayanna has stayed here the past couple nights but wasn’t able to stay with me tonight. He was offering to come in her place to make sure I was safe. I don’t think my ex knows where I live, but he knows where I’m going to school, and I wouldn’t put it past him to be able to find me there and follow me home.”
“Oh, Nova. I’m sorry.”
She attempts to smile. “It’s not your fault.”
“I know, but nobody should have to worry about their safety like this.”
She chews on her lip, glancing down at our hands. “I think I need him to find me.”
“If he finds me, I can call the cops and have him arrested. If he’s never caught, I’ll always live having to look over my shoulder.”
My lips draw down at the corners. “I get it, but you don’t know how stable he is. I don’t want you putting yourself in danger.”
“I know. I’m just tired of this. I don’t want to have to worry anymore. I need a plan.”
“We’ll come up with something,” I assure her, pulling her into me. “But what if you come stay with me for a few days?”
She steps back quickly, staring at me with surprise. “What? Are you serious?”
“I don’t want you having to depend on Lorenzo or anyone else to make you feel safe. You’ll be safe with me.”
“But…what if someone finds out?”
“Nobody will find out. Both my brothers have two vehicles. I’ll borrow one of them and you can use that to drive to school so you don’t have to have yours parked here. My neighbors are old and won’t care who’s coming in and out of my house.”
Her eyes begin to light up as a smile stretches across her face. “Are you absolutely sure? You want an extended sleepover? What if you get tired of me?”
“I highly doubt I will,” I say with a chuckle.
“Okay. If you’re sure. Yeah, let’s do it.”
She climbs into my lap, straddling me while her fingers rake through my hair. Nova leans down and kisses me slowly. After a couple of soft pecks, I let my tongue dance across her lips, opening her mouth for me. She releases a sensual moan and grinds into me.
“I’ve missed this,” she says, her words ghosting over my lips.
I stroke her tongue with mine. “I’ve missed you.” After spanking her ass, I say, “Now, get your stuff and let’s go. I have things I want to do to you and it’s a school