“I’m twenty-one. I’m afraid if I don’t do all the things you’re supposed to do when you’re young, then I’ll never do them. What if Elijah and I settle down and then five years from now I resent doing that? I start regretting not getting shit-faced drunk with my friends and having these wild and crazy experiences. What if I blame him for not letting me be young?”
Gia sighs. “I understand where you’re coming from. But why do you have to lie to him about it? You’re not even going to Key West.”
“Yeah, but me and Meli are going out here. We’re still gonna party and drink.”
“Then why not say that?”
“Because then he’d still be able to come.”
“And what’s wrong with that?”
It takes me a few seconds before I’m ready to open up. “Because I love him, G. I love him more than I ever thought possible. I had one boyfriend in high school, and it was barely serious. Then there was Mario, and let’s just skip right past him because that was a trash ass experience. I’ve only slept with two guys. How can I be ready to settle down already?”
“Who’s saying Elijah’s gonna be the last guy you’re with?”
“I just know it.”
Gia smiles at me. “If you know Elijah’s the last man you’ll be with, then what’s the problem? Does he make you laugh?”
“Is he good in bed?”
“Oh yeah,” I say with a short laugh.
“Is he a good man who treats you right?”
“Yes, he’s perfect.”
Gia stares at me like I’m crazy. “What am I missing here?”
“You don’t think I’ll get older and regret not dating around more? Not partying?”
“Are you saying you’d be willing to break it off with Elijah right now and start dating and sleeping with other guys?”
I cringe. “No. I can’t imagine doing that.”
Gia throws her hands in the air before dropping them to her lap with a loud smack. “Then what the hell?”
“I don’t know if we’re going to be together forever, G.”
“You just said you know he’d be it for you!”
“If I move back to Gaspar!” I yell back.
Gia’s shoulders drop. “What?”
“I know everything will work out if I move back to Ohio. But I don’t know if I’m moving back, and if I’m not, why do I keep bringing him around here, making me fall even more in love with him? Why continue to tease us both when nothing will ever come of it? I know he won’t move here, and I would never ask him to do that. He has family there. He lives in the house his parents raised him and his brothers in. It would be torture to rip him away from everything he has there, including a successful career. But…” I take a breath and look into my sister’s watery eyes. “But you’re here, and you’re my family. And I don’t know what to do.”
It takes several seconds for Gia to find her words. We both just watch each other with tears in our eyes. “I…I don’t know what to say,” she begins. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to stay here because of me.”
I reach for her hands as we sit next to each other on my bed. “I love being here with you.”
She grins and pats my hand. “But you’re growing up. You’re an adult for Christ’s sake!” she says with a little laugh. “You should be able to decide how and where you live your life.”
“But don’t you need me here?”
Gia smiles again. “I’d love for you to be here. You’re my best friend in the whole world, but I don’t need you to be here, Nova. When I needed you, you came, no questions asked. But I’m okay now. I’m on my feet, I’m working and making money.” She lowers her voice and moves in closer. “And don’t tell Greg, but I’m pretty sure he’s about to ask me to marry him.”
My eyes bulge as I bring my hand over my mouth. “What?” I whisper scream. “How do you know?”
She giggles. “I heard him practicing a speech in the bathroom.”
I shake my head. “Oh, Greg.”
“Please don’t think you have to make a choice. It’s not me or him. You can live there and still have me. I’ll come visit. I dare you to try to stop me. And you can come back. It’s like a two-hour flight.”
“What about all that other stuff? Tell me I’m not crazy.”
“What? About settling down?” I nod. “Momma was only twenty when she married Dad, and Dad was only twenty-two. They were so in love it was sickening,” she says with a laugh. “They didn’t regret settling down so young. Sometimes you just know. And don’t you think finding the love of your life and being happy is better than drinking and partying? Wouldn’t you rather have a man you know you can trust, and who you love, than to be dating these dusty ass guys from bars who are only going to disappoint you?”
I laugh. “I guess you have a point.”
“Don’t think about things that have yet to happen. You may have a few good years with Elijah, and you may have a lifetime. You don’t know. Nobody knows what’s going to happen when they start a relationship, but you hope for the best and enjoy the time you have. Don’t lie to him because you’re afraid of loving him.”
“I still have to finish school.” She shoots me a weird look. “What?”
“Why can’t you finish online?”
I tilt my head; the thought never crossed my mind. “I probably could.”
“Yeah, you can’t need many more credits. You’ve been doubling up. So, finish online and then you don’t have to re-enroll over there.”
My heart swells at the thought. I could be back in Ohio soon. “I’m gonna look into this. But, are you sure?”
She grabs my shoulders and stares deeply into my eyes. “Nova, I love you so much. You’re the best sister and friend anyone could have. I’m gonna miss you like fucking