“Okay, what did you do to her?” Crispin asked, having justpoked his head into the hallway, watching her carry a bowl ofcereal up to her room. “She doesn’t even eat with us anymore.”Quite frankly, he missed his little dormouse.
“Nothing,” Kell grumbled.
“Well, maybe that’s the problem.” Keegan smirked, instantlygrimacing with regret at the murderous daggers in Kell’seyes.
“Shut up,” Dorian said, shaking his head at him. “Will younever learn?”
“Apparently not.” He cringed. “Sorry, Kell.”
“Well, don’t just sit there, go get her,” Crispin insisted,refusing to acknowledge Keegan’s idiotic commentary. “This placesucks without her. In fact, it’s so dreary that I don’t think I canstand it much longer. You’re all getting to be quite the drag,especially you, Kell. To be honest, you’re sucking the life outme.”
“Look who’s talking,” Dorian piped in.
“Why don’t you go get her, if you want her so damn much?” Kellmuttered from his chair.
Looking at himwith disgust, Crispin warred within himself. He’d sworn never toget involved in Becky’s relationship with Kell after that debaclewith Jax. Yet for some reason, Kell was proving to be just as crueland unworthy of such a sweet and soft little girl. “What did yousay to her? Damn you!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“The hell you don’t!” Crispin shouted. “You said or didsomething that night. I saw the two of you, making out by thepicnic table.”
“You son of a bitch!” Dorian frowned. “Did you hurther?”
“Back off, if you know what’s good for you!” Kellwarned.
“He must have, cruel bastard. Ever since then, she’s beenavoiding all of us,” Crispin continued. “She hasn’t even so much aslooked at you, Kell.” He shook his head, confused and angry all atthe same time. “Here I thought, the two of you were as thick asthieves.”
“One more word…” Kell threatened, reaching the end of his rope.He knew exactly what he’d done and, yes, this was all his fault.Yes, he had hurt her and he was sorry as all heck, but there was noway he would tell them that. He’d only make himself look like ajealous idiot, even though that was exactly what he was.
“How can you stand to live with yourself?” Crispin continued,undeterred. “The poor little thing looked up to you.”
“Yeah, you were like her hero or something,” Dorian added to analready tense situation.
Lookingdisbelievingly at the three obviously enamoured Goths, Keegan, forthe life of him, could not hold back his unfortunate opinion.“Geez, all three of you are way too invested in that insignificantpiece of fluff.” Judging from the looks of disdain coming fromaround the already tense room, Keegan realized, too late, that hecouldn’t have chosen a worse thing to say. Next thing he knew, Kellcame flying across the room at him, followed by both Dorian andCrispin.
Hearing theruckus from downstairs, Becky nearly spilt her cereal. Had atornado had hit the house? “What in the world?” Putting the bowldown on the side table, she ran for the stairs. Were they killingeach other? She winced at the sound of punches and shouts comingfrom the television room.
“What’s happening here?” she cried, staring baffled at thescene she encountered. All four Goths, going at it like fightingfish in a bowl. From all the black it was hard to distinguish onefrom the other. “Stop this! Stop fighting!”
Foolishlylacking fear for herself, she jumped in and started tugging at anarm here, a leg there. Somehow she found herself on Dorian’s back,pulling at his shoulders. Reactively, he reached over his shoulderand was about to flip her over when his steely grasp met with thesoftness of her small body. “No, Becky,” he gasped, immediatelyreleasing her.
Stunned, shestumbled back and fell on her butt. “Ouch!”
“Baby, you all right?” Dorian asked, crawling out of the heapof tangled arms and legs to see to her.
“Why are you fighting?” she shouted at him, humiliated and inshock.
At the sound ofthe alarm in her voice, Kell and Crispin snapped out of their rageto look at her. Keegan, on the other hand, was simply relieved tohave them off him.
“Becky?” Kell gasped in horror.
“Did you hit her?” Crispin shouted accusingly at Dorian. “Godhelp you if you did.”
“I did not hit her! But I might have hurt her by accident,”Dorian responded indignantly, smoothing his hand down her back.“Did I hurt you, sweet baby?”
“No…” she sobbed, swatting him away. “What’s wrong with you?Why were you fighting?” she repeated, desperately looking aroundthe room for an answer.
“Isn’t it obvious, Becky?” Keegan grumbled, slowly getting upoff the floor, holding his hand up to his fat lip. “They all wantyou… but only one can have you.” He flinched away from Kell butforged on. “Heck, even I think I might want you.”
“I’m about ready to tear your fucking head—”
“But that’s not my fault!” Becky shouted, effectively cuttingKell off. “I didn’t even do anything wrong!” she cried out indefeat, looking from Dorian to Crispin, and finally Kell. She wasso distraught that she started to shake. What a nightmare! Keegannailed it. No matter how much she avoided them, ultimately she wasstill the source of all this strife.
“Crispin, you were right all along. I have no business livinghere.” She would ruin what they had, simply because she was agirl.
“Becky, please don’t say that,” Crispin said with a frown.“That was before I got to know you.”
“It’s true, though, this is all my fault,” she shouted, hervoice cracking with emotion. “I’ve come in between you. I’ve ruinedyour friendships. I thought we could be a family, but I was wrong.I am naive and stupid. Just like you said, Kelley. You don’t wantme here. None of you do. Even I don’t want me hereanymore.”
Standing to hisfull height, Kelley could no longer stand watching her fall apart,especially when he realized it was all his doing. It dawned on himright there and then that staying away from her was not the answer.What she needed was a champion, a friend, and, yes, a lover. Notthe judgemental jealous jackass that he’d become. At the sight ofher