secrecy regarding
security concerns
suspect scientists fired from
theoretical physicists and
bomber, nuclear-powered
Booster (the)
Borden, William Liscum
campaign against Oppenheimer
and Mike test
and Oppenheimer
and second nuclear weapons lab
as security risk
and Soviet bomb
and the Super
boys, the
at Los Alamos
new generation of
see also cyclotroneers
Bradbury, Norris
Berkeley faculty appointment
director, Los Alamos
and nuclear weapons design
and second lab
and test ban
and Super
Bradley, Omar
Brady, James
Branigan, William
Bransten, Louise Rosenberg (Map)
Bravo (test)
Breit, Gregory
Briggs, Lyman
and Uranium Committee
British spies
Brobeck, William
Browder, Earl
Brown, Harold
Brownell, Herbert
Bush, Vannevar
approval of Oppenheimer for lab director
and atomic bomb test
and bomb project
and control of atomic energy
memorandum on atomic energy (1944)
and NDRC
and Oppenheimer hearing
and Oppenheimer reinvestigation
and OSRD
and possibility of failure
and S-1 Project
security concerns
and Soviet bomb
standstill idea
and the Super
war effort
Byrnes, James
first full-scale
increasing number of
magnetic field
output of
race to produce bomb material
review of program
shutting down
success of
Calvert, Horace
Canada spy scandal
Cassidy, Mike
Cavendish Laboratory
cavity magnetron
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
centrifuge method
Chadwick, James
Chambers, Whittaker
Chevalier, Barbara Lansburgh
Chevalier, Haakon
book on Oppenheimer
death of
discussion group meeting at home of
identified as intermediary
names of contacts
and Oppenheimer hearing
Oppenheimer’s visit to
surveillance of
suspicions of
Chevalier incident
deception regarding
Frank Oppenheimer and
and Oppenheimer
Oppenheimer lied about
Christofilos, Nick
Christofilos effect
Clark, Tom
clean bomb
demonstration (proposed)
Clifford, Clark
Cockcroft, John
Cold War
Cole, Sterling
Columbia University
bomb project
gaseous diffusion project
Combs, Richard
Comintern Apparatus (COMRAP)
Committee for Weapons Development (Los Alamos)
Committee on Atomic Energy (Pentagon)
Committee on Atomic Energy Projects (Univ. of Calif.)
Committee on Postwar Policy (Tolman Committee)
Communist Infiltration of the Radiation Laboratory (CINRAD)
Communist Party (U.S.)/Communists
Berkeley scientists and
efforts to outlaw
Frank Oppenheimer’s membership in
in government
ideology in spying
Kitty Oppenheimer and
members recruited by Soviets
and motion picture industry
National Board
Oppenheimer’s association with
Weinberg’s membership in
Compton, Arthur Holly
and bomb project
Met Lab
and Oppenheimer’s security clearance
and postwar research
review panel
and superbomb
and use of atomic bomb
Compton, Karl
Conant, James
and atomic bomb
bomb project
Committee on Atomic Energy (Pentagon)
and control of atomic energy
and Fuchs spy scandal
and Oppenheimer hearing
and Oppenheimer reinvestigation
Oppenheimer’s letter to
and Oppenheimer’s security clearance
opposed radiological warfare
and security
and the Super
ultimatum to Lawrence
and use of atomic bomb
“Conference on the Super”
Consodine, William
Cooksey, Donald
fired Kamen
Corps of Engineers
Cotter, Frank
Cottrell, Frederick
Research Corporation
Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC)
critical mass
Crocker, William
Crocker Laboratory
Crouch, Paul and Sylvia
Currie, Lauchlin (Page)
Cutler, Robert
funding for
medical uses of
mesons observed on
possible military use of
transformed into weapon of war
cyclotroneers (“the boys”)
exposure to radiation
at Oak Ridge
returning to Rad Lab
see also boys (the)
“Cylinder, the”
“Daddy Pocketbook”
Dallet, Joe
Davis, Nuell Pharr
Davis, Russell
de Hoffmann, Frederic
de Silva, Peer
Dean, Gordon
briefing Eisenhower
cancelled Mark II (MTA)
information requested on
and Oppenheimer’s security clearance
and second lab
and the Super
and Weinberg case
Defense Department (Pentagon)
disarmament panel
disarmament talks
disintegration hypothesis
Dixon-Yates deal
Dogpatch (Oak Ridge)
Donkin, McKay
Donner Laboratory
Doolittle, James
Doyle, Bernadette
DuBridge, Lee
Dudley, John
Dulles, John Foster
and test-ban proposal
Echo (test)
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight
and case against Oppenheimer
and nuclear tests
and Oppenheimer hearing
plan to share civilian atomic power (Atoms for Peace)
and proposed moratorium on tests
and test ban
electromagnetic separation
electromagnetic separation plant
see also neptunium
see also plutonium
Eltenton, Dorothea (“Dolly”)
Eltenton, George
and espionage
Oppenheimer and
Eninman Island
against Manhattan Project
Oppenheimer suspected of
proceedings against Americans involved in
Rad Lab
scientists and
talent spotters
espionage ring in Canada
Evans, Ward
from clean bomb
debate over
Family Committee (Los Alamos)
Fat Man
Federal Bureau of Investigation, (FBI)
COMRAP investigation
dead files
and espionage
following Chevalier
investigation of Frank Oppenheimer
proceedings against scientists suspected of helping Soviets
Soviet interest in
and spies in Manhattan Project
turf war with army
and verdict in Oppenheimer hearing
wiretap on Oppenheimer
see also Oppenheimer, FBI and
Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians (FAECT)
call for action against
Federation of Atomic Scientists
Feldman, David
Fermi, Enrico
atomic pile
FBI questioned about Oppenheimer
first nuclear reactor
on GAC
hydrogen bomb
at Los Alamos
moral qualms about H-bomb
and radiological weapons
and the Super
Teller’s friendship with
at University of Chicago
and use of atomic bomb
Feynman, Richard
Fidler, Harold
Finletter, Thomas
Fisk, James
test-ban talks
discovery of
harvesting energy of, for weapons
moratorium on publication about
fission bomb/weapons
Soviet interest in
unorthodox approaches to
fission trigger
fissionable material
Fitin, Pavel
Flanigan, Al
Folkoff, Issac “Pops” (Uncle)
Forrestal, James
Foster, John
Fox, David
Franck, James
Frankel, Stanley
Friedman, Max
and spy hearings
Fuchs, Klaus (Rest)
confessed to espionage
information given to Russians
and the Super
G-2 (military intelligence)
Counter-Intelligence Group
Intelligence Section
Gaither, Rowan
Gamow, George
Garrison, Lloyd
and Oppenheimer hearing
gaseous diffusion
gaseous diffusion plants
General Advisory Committee (GAC)
and future of Livermore
Manley resigned from
Oppenheimer on
opposition to the Super
and second lab
and Soviet bomb
and the Super
superbomb report
and tests
and weapons chronology
weapons research
“Geneva system”
Geneva test-ban talks
breakdown in
George (test)
preparations for
success of
discovery of nuclear fission in
experiments with heavy water
World War II
Gold, Harry (Gus)
Gorski, Anatoli (Vadim)
government (U.S.)
Communists in
funding from
and scientific research
Gray, Gordon
Green, Harold
Greenewalt, Crawford (“Greenie”)
Griggs, David
Groves, Leslie
and army/University of California relationship
and atomic energy control
and bomb test
and Calutrons
and Canada spy scandal
and case against Oppenheimer
commitment to Oppenheimer
and completion of atomic bomb
and control of atom bomb
and control of atomic energy
counterintelligence campaign
death of
and failure of Calutrons
and HUAC hearings
and implosion bomb
interrogation of Oppenheimer
and Los Alamos spy
and Oppenheimer hearing
and Oppenheimer’s clearance
and Oppenheimer’s identification of contacts
ordered Kamen fired
and postwar atomic bombs
and postwar research
refusing to cooperate with Hoover
and report on technical history of Manhattan Project
and Soviet espionage
support for Oppenheimer
and use of atomic bomb
verdict on new Calutrons
withholding truth about espionage conspiracy
gun-type bomb
H-bomb/hydrogen bomb
authorization of
campaign to sabotage
charge that Oppenheimer delayed
different designs for
effects of
ethical/moral issue
feasibility of
national policy and
official statements on
Oppenheimer’s denunciation of
progress on
Russians got information on
separate laboratory dedicated to
Teller’s proposal for
see also Alarm Clock
“H-bomb Chronology”
Hamilton, Joseph
Hanford (reactors)
plutonium production
Harrison, George
Harvard University
Hawkins, David
Hayward, John “Chick”
Hearst, William Randolph
Hickenlooper, Bourke
Higinbotham, Willie
Hiss, Alger
Hitler, Adolf
Holloway, Marshall
Hoover, J. Edgar
Borden’s letter to
espionage proceedings
and Fuchs spy scandal
Groves and
and loyalty hearings
and Manhattan Project
and Oppenheimer case
and Oppenheimer hearing
and Oppenheimer’s security clearance/file
Oppenheimer’s letter to
reinvestigation of Oppenheimer
suspicion of scientists
wiretaps on Oppenheimer
Hopkins, Harry
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Hurley, Robert
Hussein, Saddam
hydride bomb
Ickes, Harold
implosion bomb
implosion crisis
implosion theory
inspection system
agreement on
Russians and
Institute for Advanced Study
intercontinental-range ballistic missile (ICBM)
Interim Committee
“Introvert, the”
Ivanov, Pyotr
Jackson, Henry
atomic raids against
Jewett, Frank
Johnson, Edwin
Johnson, Louis
Johnson, Lyall
security at Hanford
Johnson, Lyndon
Joint Chiefs of Staff
and Super
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
Anderson chairman of
and case against Oppenheimer
and clean bomb
meeting on Super
FBI files
and Fuchs spy scandal
interview with Teller (1950)
and loss of documents
and MTA
and nuclear weapons
and removal of Oppenheimer from GAC
and second lab
and Soviet bomb
and the Super
Joint Orientation Conference
Joliot-Curie, Frédéric
Joliot-Curie, Irène
Juniper (test)
Justice Department
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute
Kamen, Martin
case against
HUAC hearings
libel suit
at Oak Ridge
Kasparov, Gregori (Dar)
Kenilworth Court incident
Kennan, George
Kennedy, John
Kennedy, Joseph
Kheifets, Gregori (Kharon)
Khrushchev, Nikita
and test ban
Killian, James
King, Robert
Kistiakowsky, George
Knowland, William
Konopinski, Emil
Koon (test)
Korean War
Kurchatov, Igor
Kvasnikov, Leonid
LA-551 “Prima Facie Proof of the Feasibility of the Super”
LA-575 “Report of Conference on the Super”
LA-643 “On the Development of Thermonuclear Bombs”
LA-1225 “On Heterocatalytic Detonations I”
Lansdale, John
and case against Oppenheimer
counterintelligence campaign
and HUAC hearings
informing FBI of Frank Oppenheimer’s involvement
interrogating Oppenheimer
and Oppenheimer hearing
and suspicion of Oppenheimer
visit to Los Alamos
LaPlante, Bryan
Latimer, Wendell
and Oppenheimer hearing
Lawrence, Carl
Lawrence, Ernest Orlando
advice to keep out of politics
and army contracts
and atomic bomb test
bomb project
cable from Oppenheimer (1945)
civilian atomic power reactors
and control of atom
death of
and disarmament panels
and East Coast Rad Lab
effect of Oppenheimer hearing on
electromagnetic separation
fear of radiation
health problems
hired Frank Oppenheimer
and Hiroshima bombing
honorary membership in Soviet Academy of Sciences
and inspection system
invited Kurchatov to Rad Lab
and Kamen firing
letter of recommendation for Frank Oppenheimer
at Livermore