Los Alamos lab

and loyalty oath controversy at Berkeley


Nobel prize

Oppenheimer and

and Oppenheimer hearing

and Oppenheimer reinvestigation


personal characteristics

picture tube for color television

portrait and bust of

postwar research

Rad Lab

and radiological warfare

recommendation for Oppenheimer

relationship with brother

scientific standing of

and second lab

security issues

and Soviet bomb

Soviet interest in

and success of tests

and the Super

and test ban

and test-ban talks

tritium-producing reactors

ulcerative colitis

and use of atomic bomb

and war effort

Wheeler award

Lawrence, John

medical physics clinic

Lawrence, Molly Blumer

LeBaron, Robert

Lehmann, Lloyd

Lewis, Gilbert

Lewis, W. K.

Lewis, Warren

Lewis Committee

Libby, Willard

Lilienthal, David


exoneration of

and Fuchs spy scandal

at GAC meeting on Super

information requested on

and Oppenheimer

on Oppenheimer

and Oppenheimer’s clearance

and Oppenheimer’s reinvestigation

and radiological warfare

and Soviet bomb

and the Super

Limited Test-ban Treaty (1963)


linear implosion

Little Boy

“Little Edward”

Livermore laboratory

and clean bomb

first H-bomb test

Lawrence at

miniature warhead (W-47)

problems at

rivalry with Los Alamos

shifting focus from weapons work

site for second lab

Steering Committee

super bombs

and test ban

Livingston, Stanley

Lofgren, Edward

Lomanitz, Giovanni Rossi


feared “framed” for his politics

and Oppenheimer hearing

Oppenheimer meeting with

and spy hearings

surveillance of

Long, Earl

Long-Range Detection Program

Loomis, Alfred

Loomis fund

Loomis Institute for Scientific Research

Los Alamos laboratory

administration of

AEC and

army contracts

clean bombs

Communists at

contract for Atlas warhead

cyclotroneers at

enriched uranium shipped to

H-bomb program

and inspection system

new weapons

Oppenheimer director of

Physics Division

postwar administration of

rivalry with Livermore

scientific autonomy for

and second nuclear weapons lab

spies at

and the Super

“Super Handbook”

Teller leaving

Teller’s return to

and test ban

Theoretical Division

Weapons Division

weapons program/research

“Los Alamos University”

Lovett, Robert

loyalty hearings

loyalty oath

see also Berkeley, loyalty oath controversy at

Luce, Henry

McCarthy, Joseph

McCloy, John

McCone, John

McCormack, James

McMahon, Brien

death of

and Fuchs spy scandal


inevitability of war with Russians

Joint Committee meeting on Super

and MTA

and second nuclear weapons lab

and Soviet bomb

and the Super

McMahon Act

McMillan, Edwin

and atomic bomb test

East Coast Rad Lab

at Los Alamos

phase stability


war work

Manhattan Engineer District (MED)

Manhattan Project

Lawrence and

Oppenheimer’s grad students with

personnel security records

production facilities

security and counterintelligence

Soviet agents/spies in

technical history of

wartime clearances

Manley, John

resigned from GAC

Mansfield, Ken

Mark, Carson

Mark I (MTA)

Mark II (MTA)

Marks, Herbert

Marshall, George

mass spectograph

Russian interest in

Materials Testing Accelerator (MTA)

M.A.U.D. committee

M.A.U.D. report

May, Alan Nunn

May, Kenneth

May-Johnson bill

Mayer, Maria Göppert

opacity calculations


Metallurgical Laboratory (Met Lab)

secrets of, passed to Moscow

Mike (test)

Mikhailov, Pavel (Molière)

Military Liaison Committee (MLC)

Military Policy Committee

Miller, James Walter (Vague)

Millikin, Eugene

Mills, Mark

missile defense

missile defense shield (proposed)


radar lab

Mitchell, William

Molotov, Vyacheslav

Morgan, Thomas

Morse, Jack

motion picture industry

Communist infiltration of

Mulliken, Robert

Murray, James

Murray, Philip

Murray, Thomas E.

and clean bomb

and FBI investigation of Oppenheimer

on Mike

and second lab

and superbomb

and test-ban proposal

and verdict in Oppenheimer hearing

Murphy, Charles


National Academy of Sciences

National Defense Research Committee (NDRC)

National Research Council

National Security Council (NSC)

Nelson, Eldred

Nelson, Steve (Stefan Mesarosh)

death of

investigation of

spy charges against

surveillance of


neutron bomb


Nevada Test Site

Neylan, John Francis

and loyalty oath

oversight committee for Los Alamos

resignation from regents

Nichols, Kenneth

and case against Oppenheimer

and hydrogen bomb

and Oppenheimer hearing

and the Super

Nichols, Louis

Nier, Alfred

Nixon, Richard


and American Communists

Nobel prize

Norstad, Lauris

nuclear arms race

nuclear arsenals

nuclear energy

nuclear explosions

nuclear freeze movement

nuclear power plants

nuclear standstill

nuclear weapons

morality of use of

openness about

second lab for


see also Livermore

nuclear weapons policy

nuclear weapons program

Oak Ridge, Tennessee

chemical processing plant

cyclotroneers at

gaseous diffusion plant

U-235 production

Office of Defense Mobilization

Science Advisory Committee

Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD)

Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

Office of War Information (OWI)

Oliphant, Marc

Olive (test)

opacity calculations

Operation Argus

“Operation Candor”

Operation Castle

Operation Crossroads

Operation Greenhouse

Operation Hardtack

Operation Ivy

Operation Redwing

Oppenheimer, Frank

and atomic bomb test

banished from Rad Lab

and Chevalier incident



FBI investigation of

helping with Calutrons

HUAC hearings

at Los Alamos

in Oppenheimer testimony

politics of

relationship with Oppenheimer

security clearance

wiretaps and mail cover on

Oppenheimer, Jacquenette Quann (“Jackie”)

Oppenheimer, Kathryn Puening (“Kitty”)

Oppenheimer, Robert

and AEC

alleged Communist Party membership

alleged delayed H-bomb

alleged involvement in spy plot

attacks on

and bomb project

Borden’s campaign against

cable to Lawrence on Trinity test

and Chevalier incident/investigation

and control of atomic energy

death of

director, Los Alamos


FBI and

FBI file

friends of

and Fuchs spy scandal

on GAC

GAC meeting on Super

HUAC hearings

investigation of

Joint Committee hearings

knowledge of Soviet approaches to scientists

and Lawrence


loyalty questioned

new charges against

personal characteristics

political activism

postwar disaffection

postwar plans

and postwar research

reaction to success of atomic bomb

recruiting physics students

recipient of Enrico Fermi medal

reinvestigation of

relationship with brother

and second lab

security clearance

security clearance stripped

security file

as security risk

seminar on bomb physics (1942)

and Soviet bomb

and Soviet nuclear threat

and Soviet recruitment efforts

and Strauss

and the Super

surveillance of

under suspicion

and use of atomic bomb

values of

and verdict of hearing

Oppenheimer hearing

repercussions of

transcript of


Osborn, Frederick

Pan American Scientific Conference (1960)

“Panel on Long-Range Objectives (1948)”

Panofsky, Wolfgang (“Pief”)

Parsons, William “Deke”

particle accelerators

Pash, Boris

Oppenheimer and

and Project Alsos

Patterson, Robert

Pearl Harbor, attack on

Pearson, Drew

Peierls, Rudolf


and disarmament

Joint Research and Development Board

and radiological warfare

and second lab

and standstill idea

Teller’s briefing on H-bomb

Persian Gulf War (1991)

Pervukhin, Mikhail

Peters, Bernard

phase stability (cyclotrons)

Phelps Dodge Corporation

Phillips, Melba



letter to Roosevelt







Pieper, N. J. L. “Nat”

Pike, Sumner

Pinon (test)

Pinsky, Paul

Pitzer, Kenneth

and Oppenheimer hearing


critical mass


production of


Russian interest in

shipped to Los Alamos

spontaneous fission possibility

in superbomb

plutonium bomb

Polaris missile

see also W-47

President’s Science Advisory Committee (PSAC)


Investigations Division

Project Alpine

Project Alsos

Project Lexington

Project Vista

Project Whitney

Rabi, Isidor

on GAC

and Oppenheimer hearing

opposition to Bevatron

plans for missile shield

proposed deal for Oppenheimer

and second lab

and the Super




biological effects of

created in atomic bomb

see also fallout; opacity calculations

radiation implosion

Radiation Laboratory (Rad Lab)

alumni recalled for war effort

army contracts/projects at

basic research

on black list

bomb project at



Communists with connections to

cooling of political passion at

cyclotroneers returning to

East Coast (MIT)

FAECT local at

file on employees of questionable loyalty

Frank Oppenheimer at

funding for

Lawrence director of

Lewis Committee tour of

Livermore outgrew

location of

and loyalty oath

mass spectograph

and medical research

military project at


official history of

Oppenheimer and

plutonium production


problems for, in FBI proceedings

radioactivity, concern with

Russian knowledge of

security issues

in Soviet espionage

Soviet physicists touring

spy hearings

suspect scientists fired from

transition from army to AEC

uranium experiments

uranium metal (stockpile)

Veksler invited to visit

war work at

workforce reduction

radiation sickness

Radin, Max

Radin, Paul


induced (artificial)

radiological warfare (rad war)


medical uses of


Ramsey, Norman

Reagan, Ronald

Report to Our Colleagues

Reynolds, Wallace

Rickover, Hyman

Robb, Roger

Rockefeller Foundation

Rolander, Arthur

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

physicists’ letter to

Rosen, Arthur

Rowe, Hartley

Ruben, Sam

Russell, Louis

Ruth (test)

Rutherford, Lord

S-1 Committee

S-1 Project

“Sausage, the”

Schneiderman, William

Scientific Panel (Interim Committee)

Seaborg, Glenn

on GAC

radiochemistry lab at Berkeley

and the Super

Second World War

effect on Berkeley

scientists and



atomic secrets


bomb project

Manhattan Project

Oppenheimer’s politics and

Rad Lab

S-1 Project


Segré, Emilio

Semenov, Nicholai

Serber, Charlotte

Serber, Robert

and atomic bomb test

at GAC meeting on Super

leaves Berkeley

at Los Alamos

loyalty hearing

and MTA

and new lab

postwar work

and the Super

Sewell, Duane

Site X

Site Y

Sloan, David

Smith, Cyril

Smyth, Henry DeWolf

electromagnetic separation (Isotron)

technical history of Manhattan Project (Smyth Report)

and Oppenheimer hearing

and the Super

Solvay Congress

Somervell, Brehon

Souers, Sidney

Soviet Academy of Sciences

Soviet Union

arms race

atomic bomb

bomb tests

consulates used for spying

and control of atomic energy


German invasion of

information passed to

and inspection plan

learning of bomb project

nuclear capabilities

nuclear testing

proposal regarding renunciation of Super

proposal to share atomic energy information with

recruiting Americans

Sputnik launch

State Defense Committee

and superbomb


thermonuclear warheads

Spanish Loyalists

Special Committee on the Los Alamos Project (Univ. of Calif.)

Special Study Group in Air Force Intelligence

Spiers, Ron


Bay Area


Los Alamos

in nuclear weapons program

Oppenheimer in plot (alleged)

targets for

see also espionage

Sproul, Robert Gordon

and army contract(s)

army-navy E award

and contracts with AEC

and loyalty oath

and Oppenheimer reinvestigation

recruiting Oppenheimer


spy hearings

staged bomb (H-bomb)

Stalin, Joseph

Starbird, Alfred

Stassen, Harold

State Department

Communists in

Panel of Consultants on Disarmament

and test-ban proposal

Stettinius, Edward

Stevenson, Adlai

Stimson, Henry

approach to Russia

Stone, Robert

Stone and Webster (co.)

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)/“Star Wars”

Strauss, Lewis

AEC chairman


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