were already running off to plan their sandy castle destruction in the greasy place.

I smirked; now Roarke knew my pain. I'd been putting up with Arach's endless slaughter of the English language ever since we'd met.

Roarke just shook his head at his son then started regaling us with tales of his adventures on Santorini. That he managed to get into trouble on a tiny island didn't surprise me; it's a Cat-Sidhe trait compounded by Roarke's reckless curiosity. Plus, I suspected that half of his stories were tall tales. I suspected this because Anna grimaced her way through them.

During a particularly interesting story involving hummus and hat seller, Rian came up to me to pester me about something. At first, I ignored him—something I never do—but he kept pulling on my sleeve and continuing the monotonous litany of children everywhere; Mother, mother, mother. Finally, I lifted my hand to shove him away. Right before I hit my son, I froze and turned to stare at him in horror.

“Mother?” Rian asked with wary confusion.

I swallowed my shock and pasted on a grin. “Yes, honey?”

“Can Brevyn and I take Hunter flying?”

Brevyn had recently borrowed Arach's magic; his dragon magic. Brev had shocked us all by turning into a miniature version of Arach's crimson dragon while we were in the God Realm. He had yet to release the magic in exchange for another so he still had the ability to shift. Rian already had the ability and was overjoyed that his brother could do the same things he did. Both boys were loving it; going flying nearly every day. Sometimes, they'd take Hunter with them, clutching his shoulders—one to either side—to carry him along beneath them.

“It's fine with me but ask Queen Anna first,” I said breathlessly.

“Okay!” Rian ran off.

I watched him go and noticed Brevyn standing at the bottom of the dais steps, waiting for Rian. His solemn stare found mine and the resigned sorrow in it made me shiver. With a startled gasp, I started to get up to ask Brevyn about the look, but he only shook his head and ran off with his brother.

“A Thaisce?” Arach laid a hand on my shoulder. “Are you all right?”

I turned to face my husband and smiled brightly. “Just fine.”

“Good.” Arach grinned back. “You were right.”

“About what?”

“Greece,” Arach said with a frown. “They loved it. I'm glad you didn't listen to me.”

“I think I may have to write that down and note the date,” I teased. “The day Arach admitted that I was right and I shouldn't listen to him.”

“That is not what I said.” He chuckled. “I knew I shouldn't have praised you. I give you an inch and you take what's mine.”

“I take a mile,” I corrected him as I shook my head. “You give me an inch, and I take a mile.”

“Ah, yes, because of measurements.” He pondered this.

“Besides, I already have everything of yours that I want.”

Arach smirked. “Do you now?”

I nodded as I leaned forward and laid my hand over his heart.

Arach sighed deeply. “I was hoping you would lay that hand a bit lower.”

“Naughty dragon!” I smacked him playfully.

“All I am is yours, A Thaisce,” he whispered as he pulled me closer. “But if there's anything else you desire, all you have to do is ask, and I shall give it to you.”

“I know,” I said smugly and then laughed at his annoyed expression. “Because I've seen you in action, honey, and nothing stops my dragon from getting what he wants, especially if he wants to give it to me.”

Arach rumbled happily in his throat. “Nice recovery.”

“I'll be even nicer if you take me upstairs,” I whispered in his ear. “Maybe I'll even let my hand wander lower.”

Arach made a growling groan as he surged to his feet, taking me with him. In seconds, I was in his arms, and he was rushing through the hall heading straight for the central stairs that would take us to our bedroom. Our fire faeries respectfully moved out of the way, long used to their monarchs' odd behavior.

Chapter Two

Within seconds of locking our bedroom door, Arach had me naked beneath him on the bed. I ran my fingers through his blood-red hair as he nuzzled his face between my thighs. Then he shifted his stare up to watch me as he split me with his tongue; a long, languorous lick. I made a delighted gasp, and the encouraged Dragon King lowered his head to focus fully on his task.

I laid back against a pile of pillows and enjoyed the view as well as my husband's talented tongue. Arach's Dragon-Sidhe blood allowed him to lengthen that appendage whenever he wished; a partial shift that he now made good use of. Hard, slick heat filled me, thrusting in imitation of a different body part. Combined with the sucking and shifting of his mouth, it nearly sent me into an orgasm.

But something held me back.

A low moan trembled over my lips as I ran my hand lovingly over Arach's broad shoulders, admiring the dips of his muscles. In a second, that love turned into possession, and I clutched at him tight enough to draw blood. Instead of being upset by this, Arach rumbled in pleasure and lifted his head to nip at my thigh. As he lapped up the tiny trickle of my blood, I lifted my fingers to my lips and sucked at his.

Arach's recent memories exploded inside my mind. Him watching me as I smiled at Roarke and Anna. The feel of my hand in his. The way the sunlight caught the starlight strands in my hair. I felt his love like a flow of lava; slow to come but steady and searing when it arrives and utterly immovable after its settled. That kind of love is forever; nothing could end it. Although, it could shake a bit now and then...

“Vervain!” Arach snarled as he lifted himself above me suddenly. “What in all the realms happened with Rian?”


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