froze. Right; my recent memories—which Arach would be experiencing through my blood—would show him not only my interaction with Rian but also what I had felt during it. What I had wanted to do to our son.

“Arach,” I whispered in horror. “I... I don't know what—”

“You wanted to strike Rian?” Arach roared as he lifted me by my upper arms. “Hit him? What's wrong with you, Vervain?”

I roared back. The sound was earth-shaking and full of more than my dragon. My lion, my wolf, and even my jaguar—my nahual—joined my dragoness. All of us merged to dominate our mate. We'd had enough of this male dragon bullshit. This male dragon shit. I laughed at the thought, and Arach gaped at me. While he was in shock, I shoved him onto his back and mounted him, taking that beautiful shaft into my body. He was mine—this was mine—and I wouldn't let him deny me.

I started a steady and strong grind as I stared him down. Arach groaned beneath me, his hands lifting to massage my breasts as if they acted on their own. He started to speak, but I grabbed his jaw and pushed his mouth shut as I increased my pace. Arach's eyes started to glow as they widened, and I thought he might fight me. But he didn't. Instead, he lifted his hips and drove himself even deeper.

A satisfied purr vibrated out of my throat, and I leaned down to nuzzle my cheek adoringly against my mate's. His arms came up around me, pulling me closer, and I covered his mouth with mine. I took control of the kiss as well, shoving my tongue past his lips and tangling it with his. Arach started making savage sounds, his body tensing beneath me and his hands clutching at my hips. I braced my palms on his chest and held him down as I slammed myself onto him rapidly.

Within my mind, starlight exploded and I felt the tingling touch of the Nine Great Magics. They were so near, trailing their teasing power over my skin. I could grab onto one of them and change the world. Before I could contemplate that further, the Void reached out to me, offering up its creation magic. I could shape the dark matter of the universe and form a new race from it. I didn't need Faerie's help to create life; I was the Trinity Star. I could do anything.

I lifted off Arach and left him hard and aching as I straddled his face. He stared up at me with wide, burning eyes as I pushed myself down on him and grabbed a handful of his hair.

“You didn't finish,” I growled and ground myself over his face. “You don't get to tease me, Dragon. Finish what you started. Use that tongue to make me come.”

Arach's eyes closed as he shivered and opened his mouth. His tongue slid up into me as he massaged me with his lips. I moaned rapturously and shifted my grip, bracketing his forehead with my hands and holding him steady as I undulated against him. Naughty, sucking sounds filled my ears and pleasure rolled through me as I used my husband's face as if he were just a toy for my entertainment.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw him working his shaft furiously. “Stop touching yourself!” I demanded. “When I'm done coming on your face, I want you to fuck me.”

Arach opened his eyes and narrowed them at me furiously, but he moved his hand from his shaft to my ass. With that one act of submission, I cried out and arched backward with the strength of my release. Magic set my skin to glowing and as ecstasy shot through me, so did starlight. Blinding, beautiful starlight. Starlight with a seed of glittering amethyst within its heart.

I surged down into that heart as the seed grew and darkness took me.

Chapter Three

“A Thaisce?” Arach's voice brought me back to consciousness. “By the flame,” he whispered in relief when I opened my eyes. “You scared me.”

“What happened?” I looked over my naked body and then at his; blood streaked his shoulders. “Did I hurt you?”

“It's nothing.” He stroked the hair back from my face. “Are you hurt? You... you didn't seem like yourself.”

“I wasn't,” I murmured as I sat up. “Arach, I think we have a problem.”

Arach's throat worked convulsively, his eyes wincing at the edges. “You almost struck Rian and then you wouldn't speak to me about it, Vervain. You... when we were together...” He looked away from me. “I can't even say it.”

“Dominated you?” I pushed at his chest playfully. “Is that what you're trying to say?”

“It wasn't you.”

“You seemed to like it,” I purred as I moved closer to him.

“Vervain!” Arach grabbed my arms and shook me.

I blinked and gaped at him. “Holy hand grenades!” I lurched back. “I'm losing my damn mind.”

“There must be an explanation,” Arach reassured me. “We'll figure this out.”

“Arach, I nearly shoved Rian away from me! Who knows what I'll do next. I can't be trusted around our children. You can't leave me alone with them!” I grabbed his arm. Hysteria rose in my chest and shivered through my body. “I need to leave!” I jumped up and rushed to the armoire. “Fuck! I can't go to the God Realm either; I could hurt Lesya or Vero.” I yanked on my clothes as Arach came up quietly behind me. “I'll have to go to Hawaii. Maybe I could hide in a volcano.”

“A Thaisce, you don't have to leave,” Arach said gently as he laid his hands on my shoulders.

I flinched away from him. “I can't even be trusted around you, Arach. Something is wrong, and I...” I saw it again; the dark amethyst seed within the starlight. “I think it's my star,” I whispered.

“Your star?” Arach's eyes went wide. “Why do you think that?”

“Because I saw it.” I turned to face him, shoulders falling. “There's something dark inside it, and I

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