as another wave rippled through me.

“Shift.” It was an Alpha tone. I had heard him use it on others before, and it sounded only mildly gruffer than his normal voice, but now in this form, I felt an undeniable need to submit.

My body began contorting, and violently, I was thrown from one set of bones and muscles to another. The pain was pinpointed to a mere moment, but it felt like I was shattering into dust on the ground.

I groaned, and when I heard the animalistic noise that came out, I whimpered. My eyes opened, and I saw that I was lying in the same position, but Theo was now in front of me, kneeling before me, stroking my head softly. I couldn’t speak. That was the most alarming thing. I kept trying to form words, but they came out as terrible, sad, whines.

“Shh, you’re okay,” Theo said, touching the side of my face with his hand. “You’re alright, little one. Just relax. I’m here. It’s over.”

I slithered around on the ground before I tried to stand up on four legs. It felt foreign to me, but I moved naturally into the correct position. My limbs were still weak, and they shook under me. I felt over onto Theo, who ran his hand down my back. My feet kicked out from underneath me, but it only propelled me further into his body.

“Margo, you’re doing great. Just relax. Breathe. Let your body adjust.” His hand continued to stroke from the top of my head down my back and up again. I huffed and released my body. “Do you want me to shift too?” he offered.

I quickly started whimpering and whining in protest, wiggling in his hold to get away from him.

“Okay, okay, I won’t. It’s alright. It’s okay. We’re okay. I’m not going anywhere.”

He continued to lay with me in the grass, petting me, and holding me. After I completely relaxed in his arms, he gave me another command to shift back to help me.

His shirt was shed from his body and wrapped around me instantly as I traded forms. I tried to push myself up from the ground, but Theo’s arms pulled me up into his chest before I could attempt it. My eyes remained closed until I was laid gently on our bed.

Theo grabbed the covers and replaced his shirt for the soft cotton. He brushed my hair from my face, and it was that moment my eyes opened.

It was the first moment after shifting that I had made eye contact with him, and immediately something moved inside me. All the molecules in my body somehow solidified themselves to him, and I was no longer just part of myself; I was now one half of this man. I don’t know how to explain it in any other way than I understood why he did what he did. In that quiet moment, I knew why he turned me.

I reached out softly and placed my hand on his hand. The soft smile on his face grew.

“I understand,” I whispered, trying to fight the sleep that was trying to overcome me.

“You do?” There was uncertainty in his voice as his hand hovered over my cheek.

“I understand now.” And I did. More than I knew was possible.

At that moment, it wasn’t about human or werewolf. It wasn’t about my choice or his. It wasn’t about any of the little things that were suddenly changed in my world.

It was about him and me.

And I knew I would do absolutely everything in my power for a future between the two of us to exist. I would do anything to keep him safe. I would do anything to protect him. Half of my heart, half of me, existed in him, and I knew the same existed in me.

I understood.


 I slept next to Theo for a few hours and thought it was short, it was the best sleep I’d gotten in weeks. When I woke up, it was dark outside, and Theo was asleep with his head slumped back, propped up by his neck uncomfortably.

I nudged him and caressed his cheek as he sleepily opened his eyes. He smiled tiredly and leaned his face further into my hand. With his eyes closed, he looked younger. He opened his eyes as my hand moved up and down his cheek, gently brushing against his skin.

His eyes trailed from my face down to my waist and back up to stare at my lower lip that I was biting. He lifted his hand and pulled my lip from my teeth, and it lingered there for a moment. My body was getting hotter like there was a fire burning in the pit of my belly, and the flames were licking out.

I leaned my head down and pressed my lips to his. He grabbed the back of my hair; the little tug he gave sent a shiver down my spine. I pulled myself closer to him, hungrily kissing the lips I hadn’t touched for so long.

He let out a small grunt from the back of his throat when my lips left his and moved to his cheek, to his chin, to his neck.

“Margo,” he murmured with gentle remonstrance. My left hand popped the first button apart of the shirt he had put on and touched the skin underneath. He had a small smattering of hair on his chest that my fingers drifted through. His hand slowly rose and pressed my shoulder away. I sat up and looked at him in confusion.

“We shouldn’t do this right now.” He smiled sadly and rubbed his thumb against my collar bone.

“Why not?” I asked, plucking his hand from my chest and moving it to my lips.

“You’ve just been turned. Your emotions are going to be heightened, and your…sex drive is going to be a lot greater.” His voice dipped when I opened my mouth and sucked the tip of his index finger. He looked flustered, which

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