into his mouth, brushed his hands off, and jogged into the other room. I turned around on my stool and watched him answer the phone, smiling warmly when the voice on the other end answered him.

He sat on the corner of his desk, rubbing his hand over the stubble on his chin. He looked up and caught me watching him through the doorway; he smiled gently and looked down as if he were embarrassed.

It wasn’t until I shifted that I felt the attraction to Theo like he described. Now every inch of him attracted me, like a siren song luring me to his ocean.

He took the phone away from his ear, pressed it to his chest, and motioned for me to come into the room.

“Do you know a woman named Saskia?” he asked as I was walking toward him. I shook my head, no, and my eyebrows were tugging together in confusion. He nodded and lifted the phone to his ear again. “No, she doesn’t know either.”

I sat and listened to the rest of his call, wondering who Saskia was and why Theo looked so concerned. Hung up and ran his hand through his hair.

“Who’s Saskia?” I bombarded him curiously.

“I don’t really know.” He slumped against the desk, brushing his leg against mine. “The Alpha from the Audacia Pack just called me. Felix, he’s Joella’s mate, he said something about a woman named Saskia who was on the edge of their territory asking for refuge, but she wouldn’t say what she needed refuge from. Apparently, the pack next to them heard the same when she tried to pass through their territory.”

“Maybe she’s just scared,” I offered. I felt bad for the woman; this world wasn’t always an easy one to live in for a woman.

“Possibly, but I have to look into it. If there’s something in her pack that made her run, then I need to figure out what it is.”

“Well, can’t you do that tomorrow?” My hand drifted up to his leg, where it touched mine. Childishly, I walked two fingers up his pants, drifting over his lap. He shuttered and blinked his eyes slowly.

“What did you have in mind, little one?” His voice was husky, he already knew what I was suggesting, but he wanted to hear me say it.

“I thought maybe this time we could try it in that giant shower of yours.” Theo grabbed my wrist and dragged me behind him excitedly, pulling me up the stairs and into the bathroom.

I giggled while pulling his shirt off my body. He struggled to get his pants off around his ankles.

We stumbled into the shower, slipping into each other.


Theo’s mother called in the evening, wondering what our plans were for the rest of the week. She insisted on spending time with her family after all the chaos, making it known that she would be crushed if we couldn’t come. The next day we woke up in the late morning and headed over to the packhouse.

“Oh my gosh,” Sloane gasped. I stopped walking towards her and glanced at Theo beside me. He huffed a laugh and looked at his mother, confused. “You two have mated.”

My face erupted in a dark blush, and I wanted nothing more than to crawl under the table.

“Aye, there you go, man,” Reese hooted, strolling into the room with a cold beer, cracking the tab.

“Reese shut your mouth right now and apologize,” Sloane scolded, narrowing her eyes.

Reese looked down in fake remorse. “So sorry,” he said placatingly, winking at me, bumping his fist to Theo’s shoulder as he walked past. Theo ignored him and greeted his mother with a hug and kiss on her cheek. Sloane pushed him away after a moment and rushed to hug me.

“So, any grandbabies in our future?” she squealed. I shook my head. I knew wolves couldn’t get pregnant unless they were in heat. She slumped and nodded understandingly.

“It’ll happen in time, mom,” Theo assured her.

“You really want a bunch of little Theo’s running around here, sis?” Reese asked, face scrunching up at the thought.

“Better than a bunch of little Reese’s.” I grinned widely.

“You know, I don’t like you as a wolf, you’re meaner this way.” Reese looked down, distraught, and took another gulp of his beer.

“I think you don’t like that she laid you out flat on your ass during training,” Eli noted from his spot on the doorframe. Theo told me he had already forgiven Eli for what happened during the battle, but I don’t think Eli was so sure.

“You probably don’t like that she calls you on your shit now either,” Gabriel grinned from behind Eli, shoving his shoulder, so he was forced to walk in.

“Well, I just adore Margo. So, I’m sorry, son, but it looks like you need to grow up a little and get over yourself,” Sloane said fiercely. Reese chuckled and finished off his drink.

“I’m just kidding,” he told Sloane. “See, I like Margo. We have this love-hate relationship.” He came and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, grinning wildly.

“It’s hard to tell where the hate ends, and the love begins, bro,” I teased back, shoving two fingers into the side of his stomach. He jumped back and put a hand on his side, protecting himself from me.

“Not that I don’t enjoy all of your company, but is there a reason we’re all here?” Gabriel asked. Sloane whipped her head to the side and glowered.

“I just wanted to have my family all together, is that so much to ask?” she said with a warning in her voice. Gabriel shook his head, not fighting her. “I feel like I never see you all anymore, what has been happening in your lives, come, tell me.”

We all reluctantly settled into the chairs and couches in Sloane’s living room. I glanced at Eli, who was looking at me, wondering what we were supposed to talk about.

“Alright, so let’s talk.” She grinned. “Theo and Margo are completely mated now; I could smell it the second they

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