walked in.”

“We don’t need to talk about that,” I rushed out, fiddling awkwardly with my hands.

“What would you like to talk about then?” Reese said, eagerly waiting for me to speak.

“We could talk about how you hooked up with January Evers in the pantry during the last pack meeting,” Eli suggested, smiling wickedly.

Gabriel growled lowly. “That’s where you went?” Reese smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.

“I needed something to amuse me, that meeting went on forever and ever,” he droned, faking falling asleep to solidify his excuse.

“You’re the Beta of this pack, Reese. You need to start taking more responsibility for your actions.”

Reese rested his head on his fist in boredom, mimicking Gabriel’s never-ending speech with his other hand like a puppet. Gabriel stopped and smacked Reese’s hand.

“Boys,” Sloane called. “This is not the time for all your pack nonsense.”

“Nonsense?” Gabriel nearly growled. “Mother, you were Luna of this pack for nearly twenty-six years, and you think this is nonsense?”

“Don’t talk down to me Gabriel, I know how this pack works better than all of you combined. I’m tired of you speaking to everyone like you’re the only important one in the room. Rush would never want you to use your power this way.” Gabriel lowered his eyes at the mention of his father. “I just wanted one nice afternoon with my family.”

“And that’s what you’ll get,” Eli insisted, urging the rest of us with his pitying eyes.

“Of course,” Reese murmured. Theo and I nodded our heads.

“Alright, so tell me what has been going on with you all.”

“Well, I passed the written test to be a Pack Warrior,” Eli said softly, fighting the proud smile on his face.

“That’s amazing honey, I’m so proud of you,” Sloane gushed. Eli shrugged his narrow shoulders, and I wondered how he would ever pass the physical portion of the test. He wasn’t small by any standard, but he was lanky and still covered in his lean, boyish muscle. He wouldn’t stand a chance against the hulking Warriors who guarded Valkyrie pack land.

“I know I’ve still got a lot of work to do, but at least I’m making an effort,” he said to spite Reese. Reese rolled his eyes and scoffed.

“Enough about Reese,” Theo declared. “What’s been going on with you, Gabe, apart from Alpha business.” Gabriel looked deep in thought for a few moments, deciphering the parts of his life we wanted to hear.

“Well, um,” he stammered. The usual fluid confidence from his voice was lost. “I met a woman last week.” Sloane perked up and leaned towards him.

“A woman?” The bewilderment in her voice was almost rude.

“Yes, a woman, mother. She wasn’t my mate, but I don’t know. I’m twenty-eight. I’m beginning to think I’m never going to meet my mate.”

Theo was instantly offended, opening his arms in a display, shouting, “What am I, roadkill? I was twenty-nine when I met Margo.”

“You never thought you’d meet your mate either, Theo. In fact, weren’t you thinking of asking Albia-” he was cut short by Theo’s murderous gaze.

“Thinking of asking Albia what?” I voiced, looking between Theo and Gabriel.

“Nothing,” Theo assured me.

“He was thinking of asking her to step in,” Reese said in annoyance. He got up and grabbed another beer from the table.

“Step in? You mean like step in as your mate?”

“Margo, it was before I met you,” Theo said regretfully.

“We can talk about it later,” I whispered, lowering my head.

The room fell silent for a few awkward moments.

“So, what was this woman’s name?” Sloane said slowly in the silence.


On The Run

“Saskia?” Theo asked to clarify.

“Yes, Saskia,” Gabriel answered, his lip tugged upward as he looked down.

“I just got a call about a ‘Saskia,’ apparently she was looking for refuge in another pack. Wouldn’t say what she was running from.”

“Is she okay?” Gabriel asked quickly. Theo’s head tilted to the side peculiarly.

“Why don’t you tell me,” he challenged.

“She left here almost a week ago now, she was visiting here with some other women. They were traveling to different packs hoping to meet their mates, but Saskia was the only one that crossed our border. They were unharmed when they left,” he assured Theo, fighting back the dominance that wanted to take over.

I shrunk back on the loveseat. Eli glanced at me, pursing his lips. Somehow every gathering ended in a show of dominance one way or another.

“I’m sure Gabriel treated them with nothing but respect,” I said, suspiciously looking at Theo, wondering what he was trying to accuse his brother of.

“I don’t doubt that,” he said, not looking at me. “But it’s my job to figure out what happened to her. Felix said she was terrified and crying.”

“Well then something happened between here and the Audacia Pack,” Gabriel spat, his upper lip curling.

“Yeah, well, we’ll see,” Theo promised, standing up. “It was great seeing you all.”

Theo walked past his family and out of the room. I sat still, stunned, and slightly angry at Theo’s behavior. His family turned and looked at me for an explanation.

“Apparently, that was my cue to leave,” I said jokingly.

“He’s probably just stressed, dear,” Sloane told me lovingly. “You should have seen him when he was an Alpha, he was that uptight all the time. This is a much better job for him.”

I’m sure Margo also had some part to play in that,” Eli yipped from behind Sloane.

“We’ll see you soon, Margo. Take care of my son, won’t you?”

I nodded and hugged her close to me. I waved goodbye to Gabriel and Reese as I skittered past Eli, patting his shoulder as I left.

My shoes clicked against the linoleum floors, and there was no other sound to drown it out. I tried to remember the way back down to the foyer, but even Sloane’s wing in the packhouse was massive and winding.

I eventually found Theo standing in the ballroom, hands tucked in his pockets, staring out a large window.

“Are you okay?” I asked softly behind him.

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