That sounded good to Imani, though she hoped her suit wouldn’t shrink any more when they dived in again. If it got much smaller she would be wearing nothing but strings!
Gods, she was gorgeous in that tiny little suit! J’are’s shaft was as hard as a rock, making it difficult to walk. He was glad of the towel he’d wrapped around his waist and equally glad that Imani had wrapped one around herself so he could no longer see the tight points of her nipples poking through the thin white material of her suit or her plump pussy lips, her slit only hidden by that tiny white string.
His feral side growled that she should be his—that he should take her and bond her to him, so she couldn’t Claim another male. J’are had to remind himself again and again that she hadn’t really Claimed him—that she wasn’t really his.
But damn, how he wanted her!
He pushed the wanting away as they reached the top floor, where the private spa was located. This was an area he’d never been to before, since Mother Hownow hadn’t approved of it for some reason. Most Yonnite Mistresses, however, loved it from what he had heard.
The entrance to the spa was a long archway of curving, belfa branches. The feathery fronds, each as long as J’are’s arm and made of many tiny green and blue tendrils, made soft, musical chiming sounds as they swayed overhead.
“Oh, this is beautiful,” Imani murmured, looking around at the archway. “But where is the car service?”
“There’s a desk up ahead. I think we can get a car reservation there.” J’are pointed to the white marble counter at the end of the curving archway. Manning it was another bot—this one distinctly feminine in appearance. It had soothing blue-green eyes that matched the fronds overhead and a permanent smile was stamped on its silver lips.
“Greetings, Mistress,” the bot said, turning its glowing blue-green eyes on Imani. “How may I be of service to you today?”
“I’d like to reserve a hover car to take me to the Opulex legal building in about two hours,” Imani told the bot.
“Excellent. And do you have a membership here?” the bot inquired, cocking its head to one side mechanically.
“I…I’m afraid not.” Imani frowned. “Is that a problem?”
“I’m afraid only those with memberships can access our car service,” the bot said. “However, for a small fee I can give you a day-long membership. It comes with a free spa treatment and a relaxation chair in our pleasure grotto,” it added.
“How much?” Imani asked.
The bot named a price that made her frown but then she shrugged.
“Well, Commander Sylvan did tell me I was authorized to spend whatever was necessary,” she murmured to J’are. “And it’s certainly necessary to be sure I can get to court on time. All right, I’ll take the one-day membership deal,” she said, nodding at the bot.
“Very good, Mistress. If you could just show me your cred chip?”
“Oh, it’s locked up with my clothes!” Imani said.
“That’s all right,” J’are told her. “It should be on file since you used it to pay for our meal.”
“If your chip is on file, all I need is your name,” the bot said to her.
“Oh, it is.” Imani nodded. “Um, look under Mistress Imani Williams,” she told the bot, who accessed the chip information easily.
After the transaction was complete, the bot said, “And now, allow me to lead you to the treatment room for a soothing massage.”
“Oh, I don’t—” Imani started but then she stopped. “You know, actually, a massage might be nice. I always get so tense right before court.” She looked at J’are. “Do you mind if we don’t go swimming again right away?”
“Not at all.” He shook his head. “But if you think I’m letting anyone else massage you but me, you’re crazy.”
“What?” Her eyes got wide. “What do you mean?”
“Think about it,” J’are leaned down and murmured in her ear. “There have already been two attempts on your life. What makes you think they won’t try again? Once you’re alone in a room with some stranger—”
“Okay, I get it!” Imani whispered. “But, well…” She looked at him uncertainly. “You, uh, really want to massage me?”
“I want to protect you,” J’are emphasized. “And don’t worry,” he added, giving her a grin. “I’ve taken private lessons in several massage techniques, so I know what I’m doing.”
“You do?” Her eyes got even wider.
He nodded. “Mother Hownow sent me to the classes, hoping it would help me find a Mistress who wanted to bond with me.”
“I…I don’t know that I’m exactly, uh, dressed for a massage, though,” Imani pointed out.
“Don’t worry,” J’are growled softly. “You can leave your bathing suit on.”
Her saw her nibble her lush lower lip while she thought about it. At last, she nodded.
“All right. I…I guess that would be all right.”
Her words sounded uncertain, but there was nothing unsure about her scent. J’are could smell the heat on her—the unmistakable feminine fragrance of a female in need. She wanted him to touch her as much as he wanted it. But he would have to take things slowly and not overstep her boundaries.
J’are swore to himself that he could do that—that he could give her what she wanted—what they both wanted—without going too far. After all, it was still daylight outside and his feral side was locked up tight.
He swore to himself he would be certain it stayed that way.
Imani couldn’t believe she’d just agreed to let the big Nightwalker massage her. But now that she’d agreed, she found she didn’t want to take it back.
It’s not a big deal, she told herself. He has to protect me, like he said. And I can keep things professional.
You mean like you did last night when you gave him a bath and jerked him off? a little voice whispered in the back of her