Shut up! Imani told it. That was all a mistake—a misunderstanding. And besides, J’are was in his feral state then. He’s in his thinking mind now so nothing’s going to happen.
“Come this way,” the reception bot said, interrupting Imani’s inner argument with herself. It whizzed down another long arching corridor of feathery fronds and Imani hastened to follow it with J’are right behind her. They came to a stop in front of a dark red doorway with a curving top and a silver knob directly in the middle of the door.
“This is your treatment room,” the bot intoned.
It opened the door with a click, revealing a dim cave of a room lit by flickering candlelight. A waft of some exotic spice and soft strains of relaxing music issued from within.
“I will send your massage therapist at once,” the bot told Imani.
“Oh, well actually, my, uh, bodyslave here is trained in the arts of massage,” Imani told it. “So if we could just have access to the room and any massage oils or products or whatever, we’ll be fine.”
“As you wish.” The bot nodded its head. “Many Mistresses prefer to let their own bodyslave give their treatments. You will find all necessary items within. If you find you are lacking anything, please return to the counter and I will supply it.”
Then it gave a final nod and whirred away, back to its post behind the reception counter.
J’are caught Imani’s eye and nodded at the open room.
“Well, I guess we’d better go in.”
Heart thumping, she nodded.
“I…I guess we should.” Turning, she stepped into the dimly lit room and took a deep breath of the spicy air. She really shouldn’t be doing this but really, what harm could it do? After all, this was just a massage, right? A massage to help her feel less tense before court—that would be nice. She could—
“All right, Mistress,” J’are rumbled, shutting the door behind her. “If you’d please lay face down on the table and get comfortable?”
“J’are, you don’t have to call me Mistress in here,” she protested. But the big Nightwalker shook his head.
“While I’m massaging you, I’d prefer to keep things professional. I think that will make things…easier for both of us.”
“Oh, of course.” Imani nodded. “That’s fine—thank you.”
“My pleasure, Mistress. Would you like help onto the table?” he asked.
Imani shook her head.
“No, that’s okay.”
She walked over and sat on the padded surface. It looked like a pretty standard massage table, she thought. Well—except for the two shallow wells right below the headpiece, just at chest level.
“Um, what are these?” She pointed them out to J’are.
“Those are breast cups,” he explained. “They’re so you can lie down flat on the table.”
“Oh, okay. That’s nice.” Imani liked the idea of a massage table designed especially for women. Because of her big breasts, every other time she’d gone to get a massage, she’d had to lay on a specially made pillow that didn’t really do a very good job of supporting her.
“The cups adjust,” J’are told her. “Depending on the size of your breasts and if you need special treatment for sensitive areas.” He showed her a little button at the head of the table. “Just press that until the cups are the right size for you.”
Imani wondered what he meant by “special treatment” but wasn’t sure if she ought to ask. Lowering herself face down onto the padded massage table, she inserted her breasts into the cups—or tried to, anyway. They were too small.
Frowning, Imani touched the little button and watched as the cup’s irises opened, expanding to fit her. As she watched, they got wider and wider until she was certain they could easily accommodate her large breasts. She was just about to let up on it when the bottom of the cups opened as well.
Imani looked at the now-open cups uncertainly but J’are didn’t seem surprised.
“I see you’ve opted for the special treatment, Mistress,” he murmured.
Please lie still so I can ease your tension.”
Special treatment?
Imani bit her lip, but did as he said, getting situated so that her breasts were fully in the cups and her face was in the padded face rest. The breast cups were padded too, she found, and supported her breasts very comfortably. Well, except for the fact that her nipples were hanging down into the open air. Of course, they were still covered by the tiny dime-sized triangles of white fabric but honestly, the suit she had on was so small and skimpy she might as well be naked.
A fact which was brought home to her when she felt J’are’s big, warm hands begin to work on her.
He started by simply rubbing his palms up and down her body, from the heels of her feet all the way up to the back of her neck and back again. This gave her such a soothing feeling that Imani began to relax and lose some of her nervousness. He was using some kind of lightly scented lotion which smelled like fresh flowers. Nothing too heavy, though—the scent was barely there and extremely refreshing.
After running his hands up and down her back and arms and thighs and ass several times, J’are began the actual massage at her neck and shoulders. Imani moaned with delight as he found the knots of tension she’d been carrying ever since she’d taken this difficult and dangerous assignment and kneaded them out with his powerful thumbs.
“Oh, J’are,” she sighed as he rubbed her. “You weren’t kidding—you really are good at this!”
“I’m glad that my Mistress is pleased,” he murmured formally. “You’re certainly very tense. It’s good you’re allowing me to ease some of your pain.”
“You can ease my pain anytime,” Imani assured him. “This feels amazing.”
“Thank you,” the big Nightwalker rumbled. “You’re very kind, Mistress.”
Imani sighed in appreciation as he worked his way down her body, kneading and stroking and caressing, finding the lines of tension and working them away with his powerful hands. She didn’t even flinch when he got to her ass and began