Nick Ferrari. I saw the man that I could no longer contain myself around.

I went up to him, put my arms around him, and pulled him in for a kiss.

Nick, graceful as he was, knew immediately what this was leading toward. He literally swept me off my feet, generating a yip of pleasant surprise, and carried me upstairs to his bedroom. The two of us collapsed onto the large, king-sized white bed, and I felt like I’d fallen on a cloud of the heavens.

“Oh, Nick,” I said as his kisses went from my lips to my neck. I squirmed underneath his weight and wrapped my legs around him. I could feel his bulge pressing against my jeans, and I was so wet, I was half a second away from just getting my jeans low enough to let him get inside me.

He stood up to lift his hoodie and shirt off, and I nearly lost it when I saw that abdominal wall of his. It was no surprise to see a well-defined body, but I had never seen such…such visibility. And those devil horns…

I sat up and took my shirt off as well. But instead of going back down, I pushed him to the side and mounted him. His hands went to my breasts, massaging them underneath my bra, and I leaned forward, resting my hands on his chest as I felt him work me over. He reached around, unclasped my bra, and let my breasts fall free. He pulled me closer and suckled on them.

I could have just hovered there for hours with how good he made me feel, but I wanted to feel even better. And that started with making him feel good. I kissed him on the lips before making a trail down, from his neck to his clavicle to his nipples to his abs…

I unbuttoned his jeans. There was no dramatic pause, no moment of theatrics; I needed him naked, and I needed him naked now. I curled my fingers around that and his boxers and yanked down.

I murmured something of an excited but nervous laugh when I saw the girth of his cock before me. But there was no time to wonder what his size was or if he was too big or too thick. I put my tongue at the base of his shaft, ran it up, and then swallowed him whole.

“Oh my God, Izzy,” Nick murmured. “Oh, fuck.”

I looked up at him with the most seductive eyes that I could muster. It must have worked pretty well, because Nick’s eyes went wide, and his cock seemed to harden in me. I didn’t think he was anywhere near orgasm, but it was certainly a confidence booster to know I could evoke this kind of reaction from him.

I went to work moving up and down his shaft, fondling his balls, and running my free hand over his abs, scratching and pressing wherever I could. I may not have been getting any stimulation, but seeing Nick react the way that he did was more than enough to excite me further.

“I can’t fucking take it,” he said, but in the absence of further instruction, I just kept doing what I was doing. I figured his body would find a way to, ahem, release it if it couldn’t take it.

Finally, Nick grabbed my hair and pulled me up.

“I need to be inside you so bad,” he growled, whispering hot breath into my ear. “I need you, Izzy.”

I kissed him, hovered my lips right over his, and whispered back, “Then fucking take me, Nick.”

He flipped me on my back, had my jeans off in a matter of seconds, reached for a condom in his drawer, slid it on, and then pressed down on me. He consumed me with a kiss, but the focus of my body remained down below. I was so wet he didn’t need to do anything but just slide in—

“Oh my God,” I whimpered when he did just that.

He filled me and smothered me, kissing me and drawing my breath as his cock pushed deeper inside. Slowly, gently, rhythmically at first, he pushed into me, a slow pace that allowed my body to adjust to his size—not that that meant the pleasure decreased at all.

But then, like a sprinter hearing the sound of the gun, he massively increased the pace. The bed shuffled on its moorings and creaked. Our bodies shook as Nick thrust himself into me over and over.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” I kept saying, louder and louder every time.

Nick could have come from this very position if he wanted to—he was making me feel such bliss that I hadn’t felt in a long time. That I haven’t allowed myself to feel in such a long time.

And then the creeping feeling that filled my sex surged in me. I couldn’t fucking believe it—I had never experienced orgasm through penetration alone. But that was absolutely the feeling that was starting to rise in me. That tension, that knowledge it was so close, just right there…just a little, a little bit more…

“Oh, Nick!” I screamed as I wrapped my arms around him and started to shudder. “Fuck!”

Nick kept thrusting right through my orgasm, carrying me for a ride that lasted as long as I physically could. Once the sensation had washed through me a couple of times and I had settled down, I could barely move. Nick, thankfully, was on the verge of finishing too—I didn’t know how he’d had the endurance to wait until I had come, but it was certainly something I wasn’t going to forget for round two.

“Right there, right there…”

And then, his breathing, already fast, turned to damn near hyperventilating sounds. And then, with a loud gasp, he came. There was just something so powerful, so incredibly hot about how a man in

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