a non-fraternization policy Austin seems to believe I need to check out.” I hold my mug in front of my mouth to hide my smile.

Barbara looks up at me with a surprised look on her face and then looks at Austin. “I will send it right over to you. It seems I don’t have the right copy, since I don’t remember that particular policy. Austin, if you’ve amended the handbook, perhaps you should send it to me so I can make sure those changes are noted and emailed to everyone,” she suggests while she finishes making two cups of coffee, handing Austin one of cups she prepared.

I look at Austin to see that his mouth is closed and he is swallowing, since he hasn’t said anything else. “We just finalized it last week. I’ll send it over,” he says and walks away, leaving me and Barbara by ourselves.

I look at her and see her smiling as she raises her cup to her lips. “I hope you know that I won’t be staying here long,” I inform her. “I’ve already informed Penelope to look for a suitable replacement for me here, as well as another position for me somewhere else.” I watch her sip her coffee and ask, “Does he always take half a sugar and no milk in coffee?”

She looks at me with a surprised look. “I’m very observant.” I smile at her and head to my desk. I turn on my computer, noticing that some of my Post-its have been moved.

I get up, heading into Austin’s office. The door isn’t closed, so I walk in. I check and see if he’s on the phone before I ask him, “Do we have a cleaning crew come in here?”

He looks up from his paper, and his eyes slowly eye me from toe to head. “Excuse me?” he asks.

“My Post-its have been moved.” His Adam’s apple moves like he’s swallowing. “I’m assuming someone was cleaning and moved them. So, my question is, do we have a cleaning crew?”

He leans back in his chair. “How do you know they’ve been moved? What do you do? Memorize them before you leave?” He laughs, but it comes out shaky.

“I don’t have to memorize them. I post them alphabetically, which is why I know they’ve been moved.”

His face turns a nice shade of white. Yup, asshat moved my shit. But instead he says, “Must be the cleaning crew.”

I glare at him for a second. “If you could please let them know that I’ll be cleaning my own desk from now on. Or you know what, I’ll see if I can find their number and get in touch with them my—” I don’t have time to finish before he pipes in.

“No”—he shakes his head—“I’ll call Hector now and mention it.” I nod yes at him. “Now, if that’s all, I have a busy schedule and discussing your filing system isn’t on it.”

I turn around and head out the door, but right before I’m out of the door, he informs me, “I’m having a business lunch in my office with a friend. If you could make sure we both have lunch ready for noon. It will also be a private lunch. She eats light. So, a salad for her is good. I’ll have my usual,” he says.

My back is still facing him, so he doesn’t see me close my eyes slowly and open my mouth in shock. It takes me a second to turn around, putting a mask on my face. “Considering I’ve been here for twenty-four hours, I don’t know what your usual is. If you want me to order your lunch for you and your booty call”—I let out a little forced laugh—“oh sorry, your ‘private lunch,’ I’m going to need to know exactly what you want for lunch. Send me the details via email.” I turn and walk out of the room, not giving him a chance to reply.

I open my email and start a message Penelope.

To: Penelope Barns

From: Lauren Harrison


If you don’t want to be responsible for my children being raised by Jake and his side slut, you will make sure I’m out of this job by Friday. Or better yet, tomorrow. Because I may kill him.




I hit send and then continue going through the emails. I forward the necessary ones and start making notes on what has to be done with the ones that I can handle. Within three minutes, there is a reply from Penelope.

To: Lauren Harrison

From: Penelope Barns


I’m working on it, but it doesn't help that Barbara is blowing up my phone to get you in there permanently. She’s isn’t caving. PLEASE DON’T KILL HIM, HE’S MY BIGGEST CLIENT.


Your friend Penelope, who is so fucking sorry and knows she owes you big time.

Ugh. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

To: Penelope Barns

From: Lauren Harrison


I don’t know how you are going to repay me for this. There isn’t enough wine in all of Italy to call this even.

I won’t kill him, but I may poison him slowly.


Your friend Lauren, who is already plotting how she will be getting you back one day.

I quickly reply and then take out my phone to text Kaleigh.

I’ve thought about it, he has a pencil dick and doesn’t manscape.

She replies right away.

Fuck me, what did he do in ten minutes?

Besides the fact he fucked with my Post-its, he asked me to order lunch for him and his fuck buddy.

Whoa, he touched your Post-its!

Really? That is all you got from the text? Did you not read he wants me to order lunch for him and his date?

I’m sorry, that was rude of him. You should make him pay. I mean, the last time I touched your Post-its, you switched my almond milk for cow’s and I drank the whole thing.

I giggle to myself at the reminder. It

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